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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='steve' post='623731' date='Oct 12 2009, 08:50 AM']try A - - - - C B A Ab - - - C Bb Ab that's what I use and it's always sounded like it fits[/quote] Cheers... I think that was one thing I tried but I don't seem to get the feel right at all I'm just too fussy:lol:
  2. I'm surprised nobody has asked..... string spacing?
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='622286' date='Oct 10 2009, 09:55 AM']As I say, it's getting checked for size on Sunday; if bot taken then drop me a line. As to where, I'm about 10 mile North of Newcastle so not very close to Glassgee! [/quote] Not necessarily a problem. I'm quite fond of Francescas Italian eatery in Jesmond - any excuse :-)
  4. I'll definitely have it if it's still for sale subject to acceptable delivery arrangements (ok - not definitely then ). How far north of the tyne is north of the tyne? Alternatively, is posting a possibility?
  5. Mostly easy enough - but I've been stumped by the bit that plays over the lyrics "One day he'll get to you.. and teach you how to be". The chords are something like Am, Ab but I can't work out what he's playing. It's a slide, hammer on or something but I can't get it to sound the same. Anybody help?
  6. [quote name='bassatnight' post='621367' date='Oct 9 2009, 10:14 AM']The neck is lightning, very fast. More like a good Jazz neck quite slim with a comfortable C shape. Fretboard: Indian Rosewood Hardware: OW4 Soapbar, 3 band EQ, Hipshot style A bridge, Gotoh machine heads As for the controls to be honest I haven't played with them much but I have found a review of the bass and see techie info below: Common to all the Perception basses are two custom-made soap bar pickups, which are internally fully shielded and hum cancelling with concealed bar pole pieces. To more accurately produce the acoustic character of the instrument, the coils are parallel-wired to give a big open sound. Each of the pickups is managed by an input amplifier stage with its own internal gain preset with a variation of 0 to 10dB, and to prevent crosstalk the blend section is active. The Overwater three-band EQ circuit, originally developed by Chris May and Dennis Cornwell, has recently been upgraded and redesigned by John East of E-Pro. Bass frequency at 40Hz has a cut and boost of 18dB, +/-10dB mid at 1kHz, and for the treble +/-13dB at 4kHz and +/-16dB at 10kHz. There is a bright boost on the pull-up volume switch, which adds 6dB of 5kHz frequency. All of this is governed via three top-hat-shaped controls and a pickup balance, all with positive centre detents as well as the aforementioned pull-up volume control. A Hipshot Style A is the chosen bridge. This is a weighty affair with deep-milled slots to retain the five saddles, alleviating any sideways movement. Each of the saddles carry a roller at the point of strings contact, three grub screws for height adjustment, as well as the obligatory sprung intonation screw. The backplate is slotted to enable fast, effective string changes. On the rear is the flip-top compartment housing the single 9V PP3-type battery, as well as access to the electronics. The jack socket is mounted on the body's edge and is of the Switchcraft type that locks the plug in place — pushing a small button releases it. Handy if you're still using a lead, as it can't be yanked out.[/quote] Just to be pedantic - that's a Style B bridge you have there not a style A. The Perception was (is) made in all sorts of similar-but-different permutations. I'm not sure but is this perhaps one of the slightly older ones with Bartolini pickups? I don't think much else is different though.
  7. I've got the 5 string Perception and it's quite simply the best bass I've ever played. I'm also pleasantly surprised by what a top bloke Chris May at Overwater is if you have any questions and run into any bother. In a nutshell - get it bought - you'll be happy
  8. [quote name='largo' post='620249' date='Oct 8 2009, 08:54 AM']How come if someone is selling a bass on ebay/gumtree/etc and it's not worth the money, or isn't really as described then it's OK to comment ... But when it's a fellow BC'er selling on this forum we have to keep schtuum ? Honestly, I think it's fair game for someone to comment on a "For Sale" item if they think a bass is overpriced, not as spec'ed (i.e. vintage Fenders) or anything else. I welcome the comment. I might have thought about a particular bass and be relieved for a valued opinion. The whole idea of BC is to give vaue for money, and offer a medium of selling your gear to a target audience, i.e. other Bass Players. Just my tuppence worth !!!![/quote] Clearly because people get pissed off, which is a bad thing. I would expect in this day and age that people considering such a purchase would take the 30 seconds to see what Google thinks about the price. To be fair, just because a supplier is advertising something doesn't always mean that it's sitting in stock and you can actually buy it for that price. If the real street price of these turns out to be nearer 700 quid then fair play. If it isn't he ain't going to sell it.
  9. I'm sure the guy has read this thread by now and knows the wrath of BassChat is about to come down up on him. This place is safe to trade simply *because* we don't let 'em get away with it. I don't mean sending the boys round but I do mean that we will do what is needed to sort this out. I feel quite strongly about it! Let's hope he saves himself a lot of bother and fixes it himself. Soon - today!!
  10. Appologies - post removed. Good luck with the sale / bump / etc. Of course, this thread is a bit ruined now from a marketing point of view :-(
  11. [quote name='Gust0o' post='619848' date='Oct 7 2009, 06:39 PM']My legal understanding is limited, but are the deception offences not seperate to the theft offences for just this purpose? Whilst this isn't theft, this individual has obtained property by deception - with the appropriate causality (i.e. send the bass, I'm making the payment now) - so how is this not a legal matter? I think the police have it all wrong, in this instance. In any case, it doesn't sound as if they've had sufficient information to rule out a deception offence. I would pursue the legal route [i]instantly[/i], both with a means to exploring the possibility of this being a genuine deception offence; and of securing the return of the property alongside appropriate redress. Appropriate redress should include an element of recompense for stress and inconvenience. I helped a friend pursue a claim, which proved most satisfying. The repercussions go well beyond the simple recovery of the matter at hand - you're well into the realms of possibility for CCJs, and all other kinds of hang-ups. That would make it suitably hard to secure future employment; accomodation; credit. Sounds like silly-billy could do with reminding of that. If times are hard now, they can suddenly get a lot harder.[/quote] The bass was sent to him as part of a deal. He didn't steal it, he didn't deceive. ALL he did was not pay. Also how long has it been. He will claim that he always intended to pay, of course. It's definitely a simple civil matter. The small claims court process is supposed to be simple. Of course if (when!) he doesn't show and still doesn't pay then you are into the realms of Sheriff Officers (bailiffs to you southerners). I would confidently expect that this is the way it will go.
  12. [quote name='WarPig' post='619763' date='Oct 7 2009, 05:06 PM']Oh and on the verse it is just C and F, 16th notes, i cant figure out how to show you the timing on here [/quote] Thanks!! It occurs to me it was a bit of a stupid question
  13. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='619666' date='Oct 7 2009, 03:43 PM']I wasn't advocating any physical violence or criminal activity. Just a 'friendly' escorting to the nearest cashpoint to make the thieving git pay his dues! [/quote] Oh Ok... so not GBH just the even more serious crime of kidnap. That's fine then
  14. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='619618' date='Oct 7 2009, 02:50 PM']If you have an idea of where he lives, I'm up for accompanying you to 'pay him a visit'. I'm sure we could get crew together and march him down to the cashpoint.[/quote] Definitely not the answer.... you probably won't enjoy Her Majesty's nick Barlinnie at all
  15. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='619618' date='Oct 7 2009, 02:50 PM']If you have an idea of where he lives, I'm up for accompanying you to 'pay him a visit'. I'm sure we could get crew together and march him down to the cashpoint.[/quote] Definitely not the answer.... you probably won't enjoy Her Majesty's nick Barlinnie at all
  16. [quote name='bassbloke' post='619606' date='Oct 7 2009, 02:38 PM']I'd go straight for the County Court option. A CCJ against him is a right hassle - it'll scupper any chances of him starting his own business without a major arse ache. You need to send a letter first to prove to the court that you've tried avenues to resolve the situation amicably. So, rattle him off a letter giving him 2 weeks to return the bass or cough up, then file the papers. What you need to be clear about is if it does go to a hearing, where it will be held. Last thing you want is to be faced with the prospect of having to trek to Sctland over a £150 bass.[/quote] You will.... but someone can represent you. Ask me nicely :-D I'd hate this sh*t to happen to me!! (Sheriff Court not County Court - bloody English..... I'm from Hull originally BTW. Ha ha)
  17. The court fees in the Sheriff Court for claims under £200 is fifteen quid. It's got to be worth a punt. The summons might do the trick.
  18. I'm in Glasgow and - short of getting my head kicked in - if there's something useful I can do I'd be glad to help. Before you ask - I don't know the guy or his band. Queens Park is quite a posh area (mostly).
  19. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='614786' date='Oct 2 2009, 01:39 PM']Moog[/quote] Hey - I used to work for them. The bit that makes hydraulic valves not the interesting one unfortunately.
  20. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='617996' date='Oct 5 2009, 09:38 PM']Tabbed it for you. I'm not a [i]huge[/i] fan of tab, but I find this 100,000 times easier to read quickly: [code] Dm7 G7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Bm7 E7 A --17-- --16-- --16-- --14-- --14-- --13-- --14-- --15-- --15-- --14-- --14-- --12-- --12-- --11-- --17-- ------ --15-- ------ --14-- ------ -0/12- ------ --15-- ------ --13-- ------ --12-- ------[/code] Unfortunately there's no sensible (quickly readable) way of imparting fingerings, but I found your suggestions were exactly what I naturally fell into anyway. A nice little Autumn Leaves progression... until that A major![/quote] Oh.... you guys! :wub:
  21. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='617323' date='Oct 5 2009, 12:43 PM']Playing chords on BG can be very effective if approached in the right way. My good friend Colin Hodgkinson was one of the first players to try this in the late 60's with his trio Back Door (sax/ bass / drums). You can find him on youtube. Well worth watching ! If you try playing chords in the low or mid region of the instrument, it will always sound muddy, OK for a special effect but limited in reality. Octave double stops work fine anywhere and 5th double stops work in the the mid range and above. I tend to only use chords in the range above the 12th fret and I limit this to 3 note chords for clarity. Minor sevenths (no 5th) and major sevenths (again no 5th) work well. Try this easy little sequence of 3 note chords in C major modulating to A major: Dm7 D (3rd finger 17th fret on A string) F (1st finger 15th fret on D string) C (4th finger 17th fret on G string) G7 G (1st fing 15th fret on E string) F (2nd fing 15th fret on D str) B ( 3rd fing 16th fret on G str) Cmaj7 C (2nd fing 15th fret A string) E (1st fing 14th fret on D string) B (3rd fing 16th fret G string) Fmaj7 F (1st fing 13th fret E string) E (2nd fing 14th fret on D string) A (3rd fing 14th fret on G string ) Bm7 B (3rd fing 14th fret A string) D (1st fing 12th fret D str) A (4th fing 14th fret on G string) E7 E (ist fing 12th fret E string) D (2nd fing 12th fret on D string ) G sharp ( 3rd fing 13th fret G string) A major A (open string or 2nd fing 12th fret ) C sharp (1st fing 11th fret D string) A (4th fing 14th fret G string) Once you have mastered this, you have the basic shapes that you can use in any key. And there are many other options we can look at another time - let me know if you want me to do some more on this ! The Major[/quote] Thanks for taking the trouble to do that.... I'll go and fight with it
  22. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='617239' date='Oct 5 2009, 11:43 AM']I play root, 5th chords in one song. I should have asked this question years ago but what exactly is a 'double stop'? There's always one and it's usually me. Peter[/quote] What you are doing I think. Fretting two notes at the same time. .....actually it's usually me
  23. [quote name='purpleblob' post='617198' date='Oct 5 2009, 11:06 AM']Yes I'm afraid there appears to be two of us. I only discovered this after I'd already registered on the site. Not sure I can change my user id now without starting over again [/quote] You are forgiven.... congratulations on membership of an exclusive club
  24. [quote name='mcgraham' post='617152' date='Oct 5 2009, 10:07 AM']From what you've said it sounds like it may be a technique issue rather than a physical problem with the bass. Can you play guitar? I find that the crossover between the two is immensely helpful and helping me to progress and use new ideas (chords and otherwise). Mark[/quote] I think that is what I said What's a guitar? Yeh - it's pretty much why I am interested - I think it would help my playing.
  25. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='616996' date='Oct 4 2009, 11:11 PM']Am I confused or am I seeing two purple blobs?[/quote] WHAT!! This means war..... Maybe I wasn't clear. I know my chords and where to find them on the fretboard BUT I just can't get three fingers down in those places and it not make nasty noises. My action is girly-low and I'm playing up the end where the frets get close together. Just doesn't work. Grrrrr.....
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