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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='440830' date='Mar 21 2009, 07:52 AM']Ego a-go-go but great player. Is that an Ibanez she's using there?[/quote] An SRX700 if Ibanez's web site is to be believed.
  2. [quote name='beerdragon' post='440732' date='Mar 20 2009, 11:06 PM']Have you got a link?[/quote] It's on [url="http://www.bassplayer.tv/"]http://www.bassplayer.tv/[/url] then Artists Features > Carol Kay It's a grotty Flash site so a direct link isn't possible.
  3. I imagine many of you will have watched this, but there is an interesting interview with Carol Kay on Bass Player TV. What struck me was how little I understood of what she was talking about. She was alluding to chord sequences based around what I assume to be the circle of fifths but I hadn't a clue where the chords where coming from or how they where related. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, it might mean something to you smart-arsed jazzers out there and then you can explain it to me :-)
  4. [quote name='ARGH' post='440090' date='Mar 20 2009, 10:42 AM']Well he must be able to groove and play AND be flash if hes done over 6000 gigs![/quote] I've done that many gigs and I'm rubbish..... well, perhaps it just feels like that many gigs
  5. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='440044' date='Mar 20 2009, 09:55 AM']On another note, I enjoyed watching Tina Weymouth's bass technique. Left hand thumb over the top, right hand using the thumb on the E string and fingers for the others. It just goes to show that "bad" technique is no hindrance to success. S.P.[/quote] Wot??? How else are you supposed to play the thing??
  6. [quote name='The Funk' post='439221' date='Mar 19 2009, 01:39 PM']I didn't know Richie Koetzen was in Mr Big. Billy Sheehan's cool. There's no point pretending otherwise. Even with that ponytail.[/quote] There *is* something a bit sad about guys over 40 with a pony tail. Mind you, I'm as bald as a baldy thing so I'm not sure I'm allowed an opinion.
  7. [quote name='Jase' post='439169' date='Mar 19 2009, 01:03 PM']Maybe so, but it's one you can hum to [/quote] Fair point.... just to be sexist as well as generalist, the song somehow gets much more tolerable here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC4sxJhW3tk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC4sxJhW3tk[/url]
  8. [quote name='cetera' post='439160' date='Mar 19 2009, 12:56 PM']Don't forget they had a #1 with 'To Be With You' so hardly [b]not[/b] translating to the general public of the UK... Most of their albums contain numerous memorable melodies/vocal lines & grooves/riffs.... which you would know if you'd listened to their other work... [/quote] Quick trip to YouTube..... So that's who did that.... bloody awful soft rock IMHO. Gets coat blah blah... (Seriously, that was a number 1??)
  9. He clearly knows his stuff.... it's hardly a song you can hum along to though, is it? It's another one of those "muso" bands that just doesn't seem to translate to the UK at all.
  10. [quote name='dlloyd' post='438998' date='Mar 19 2009, 10:26 AM']I remember Vanden guitars being reviewed in Guitarist magazine in the late 80s/early 90s. Very high quality, hand made instruments... usually in the Gibson-style arch top jazz or semi mould. Gorgeous looking things. Do you have any photos of it? Value wise, I would imagine it would be similar to other top UK luthier-made instruments, although it's not necessarily as recognisable a name as some who concentrate on bass guitars. I doubt the provenance will add too much to the value.[/quote] They're up in the wilds of Scotland somewhere... AFAIK, they're famous for Mandolins so I expect a bass will be quite rare. I'm guessing this is an acoustic instrument?
  11. [quote name='tobesvw' post='438614' date='Mar 18 2009, 08:07 PM']Hi all, This is a pretty shameless one off ask for help - I'm not a musician (although I do love music!) and haven't got the first clue about bass playing etc, but I am hoping that someone can help me. Recently a neighbour of mine sadly died, and his widow has asked me if I'd help her try and sell some of his music gear (he was in a jazz band). He's got a garage full of stuff which I don't have the first idea about. The first thing I've got is a Yamaha SLB-100 silent bass. I don't really know how much it's worth or the best place (apart from ebay) to sell this type of thing, I'm guessing it's quite a specialist piece of equipment. The guy from Yamaha reckons it might be about £900 or so but I have no idea whether this is realistic or not. Any help/advice regarding how much this would be worth or the best place to sell would be greatly appreciated. The second item that I will be helping to sell is a Vanden bass guitar which was made for Dave Pegg of Fairport Convention. Again, I have no idea how much something like that would be worth and whether it would be a collector's item type of thing or something someone would just want to buy to play. Any initial help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks[/quote] The SLB-100 is a proper thing There's a video somewhere of Sting playing one IIRC. They are heading for a couple of grand new but the audience for such a thing will be small. I've seen them go nowehere on Ebay a few times. I would think £900 is a fair price that might actually sell. The Vanden thing is another matter - this would have been a custom job and probably very expensive. Why not give Vanden a call (http://www.vanden.co.uk/) and see what they think about it. Small outfits like this are often interested and helpful.
  12. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='438642' date='Mar 18 2009, 08:37 PM']Some bloke called Leo I think. Nice bass you have. We might even have a possible trade going on, since I've got a Status Eclipse Ltd, 5 string, fretted, with pickup blend and one vol. It's not getting much use here and the value is pretty much the same as your precision I think. Link to pics in my sig. Andy[/quote] I was on the verge of doing a deal for a G&L with another damn southerner subject to actually getting there. Mmmm.... might have to put you both in a room and slug it out Those chrome pickups are very kitch but other than that looks interesting. What is the string spacing at the bridge and do you have any photos of all of it (the pointy end too).
  13. From a technique point of view, that'll be like starting from scratch. I hope your frustration tolerance is up for it BTW.... I have often wondered about the whole lefty thing. Both your left and right hands are doing complex activities so why is any easier to play a left hand bass if you are left handed?
  14. "The shipper assumes all risk related to the collection of the payment, including non-payment, insufficient funds, and forgery." That would be quite enough to put me off.
  15. Just to throw my hat in the ring... Moffat is less that an hour away from me and I'll try and make it down. If anybody wants me to cart along any of my somewhat dull collection I'm perfectly happy to (see footnote thingy). Also if anybody needs a lift from the Lanarkshire area you need but ask.
  16. [quote name='Buzz' post='437233' date='Mar 17 2009, 01:33 PM']According to wiki P and a quick google, it's a Veillette-Citron Standard 4 String; A joint luthier effort, they've both (Veillette and Citron) have gone their seperate ways so the basses arn't available as such.[/quote] By strange coincidence there's one for sale as we speak on evil bay (USA version).
  17. dig that classic 80s tone
  18. [quote name='dlloyd' post='436132' date='Mar 16 2009, 02:34 PM']What about a bubinga Fender? There's no particular reason why you couldn't get a bubinga body made for a Fender and keep all other things equal.[/quote] Oh good grief..... I wish I hadn't said anything. Ok.... so your local shop has an ash and bubinga P-bass sat next to each other on the shelf do they. In the same colour too I suppose. I'm going now
  19. [quote name='Tinman' post='436127' date='Mar 16 2009, 02:31 PM'][attachment=22141:boelite4full.jpg] This is rather gorgeous to me, more so due to the fact that it's mine Buckeye Burl is just beautiful[/quote] Paint it black.... that'll fix all those marks in the wood
  20. [quote name='paul h' post='436080' date='Mar 16 2009, 01:52 PM']I know nothing about exotic woods being a bit of an ash and maple man myself. I am actually a bit surprised by the people who think wood doesn't make a difference! I would imagine most luthiers feel it makes a substantial difference. So how do you equate the non importance of wood to bridges for instance? Most people seem to agree that a bridge with more mass will, to a certain degree, improve tone and sustain. So how can woods of different densities not affect tone? Puzzled.[/quote] I think the counter-argument is that although this is true it is mostly irrelevant "pub talk". Unless you are having a bass built from scratch the instrument is a sum of its parts and in most cases you don't have a choice. So you wouldn't choose an Ash Fender over a Bubinga Warwick (for example) just because of the wood - probably.
  21. [quote name='Marcus' post='436062' date='Mar 16 2009, 01:33 PM']ive done just that on many an occasion at overwater. . . . . the differences even a face wood can make is not subtle.[/quote] "almost" never.... I always leave myself a get-out
  22. Ohhh.... I was just looking at the pictures in your other thread thinking that's a nice looking bass. And now this..... Trades or p/x possible are is it just for the money?
  23. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='435764' date='Mar 16 2009, 07:58 AM']this argument is so old and done to death.[/quote] It's just a pointless discussion. *Everything* makes a difference to the tone - you almost never have the luxury of doing an A-B (never mind C,D,E....) comparison between two basses with different wood but everything else the same. Same old story - try it. Did you like it? Good
  24. Careful... you almost smiled in that last picture It's nice to see that I'm not the only person with that trendy hair style!!!
  25. I've had a few of those moments. Started on a Yamaha BB605, then got a TRB4 which was a revelation, then got a StingRay which was a revelation, then got a G&L (Tribute) 2500 which was another revelation. There's been quite a lot of junk that I hated in there too, though. As everybody has and will tell you, get out there and try everything you can!
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