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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. I've never tried a Status
  2. [quote name='fede162162' post='407528' date='Feb 12 2009, 12:48 PM']there are tu races: the wooten fellows and the jaco fellows, I'm definitively among the first group[/quote] I find both unlistenable :-( Does this make me a bad person?
  3. Nope.... nothing I've heard him play is to my liking at all. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='407312' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:20 AM']A simple question. Musically he really does it for me, a whole range of his stuff that I find subtle, musically tight, and appropriate. It grabs my soul. Then again I love jazz. I get a feeling that even among bassists I'm in the minority. Yes I know some of you think he's clever, moved the goalposts etc but that's not the question. Musically does his stuff 'move you'? Satisfy my curiosity Yay or Nay? Peter[/quote]
  4. While we're at it I understand he played on Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Relax" too.... In fact I think Trevor Horn just got the Blockheads to do the whole thing.
  5. [quote name='William James Easton' post='398877' date='Feb 3 2009, 01:14 PM']as stated before i have read interviews with tony levin in bassist (UK) and bass player (usa) that feature a large portion of the interview on the use of the stick.[/quote] Well that says something about Levin not the stick, surely? If he was playing a descant recorder he'd still be on the front of Bass Guitar magazine
  6. Did anybody say it was a bass? As far as I can tell, it has more in common with playing the piano.
  7. [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' post='396674' date='Feb 1 2009, 11:08 AM']Hahaha I know I'd love the chance to get one! Bump[/quote] Mine's the "blue burst" one too - the best colour. Just to make you really jealous.
  8. [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' post='396664' date='Feb 1 2009, 10:55 AM']Haha no offence my friend! Dont suppose you'd let the G&L go for it? Come on people offers please![/quote] Not a snowball's chance in hell Very strongly recommended by the way if you find one.
  9. Fine! Be like that then Good luck with the sale anyhoo!!
  10. I have a clean Yamaha TRB4ii in blue (not the usual scabby orange) that I don't really use.... interesting? Much undervalued bass. They were proper money when new, I haven't a clue what it's worth now really. Where are you BTW?
  11. [quote name='phil' post='395680' date='Jan 30 2009, 07:45 PM']Hi to all. (my first post) I was looking for some advice for selling a bass, so i came here =]. Basically i was looking at selling one of two basses, and im torn between which one and how much I would sell it for and where abouts, is ebay any good for selling basses??? Im stuck between selling either my Warwick thumb bolt on neck, or my spector euro, both 4 strings and have both been owned only by myself for 4 years. And neither bass has had any modificatoins no replacement pick ups, i think both basses have EMG pick ups so they sounded really nice. Each bass is in perfect working condition, both have some light marks on the back of the body from gigging. erh not sure what else to say about them..... I was looking at selling one of them and buying a fender aerodyne, as I had tried one not so long ago and really like the sound and feel of the bass. Any advice at all would be great, thanks for reading my post =][/quote] You never know on this site. You might get a swap for a suitable Fender for one of them.
  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='395279' date='Jan 30 2009, 11:45 AM']Lovely pompoms and a great Gurner too [/quote] I thought she had really nice breasts but each to their own
  13. I would have to give an honourable mention to Yolanda Charles of Robbie Williams fame (if you like that sort of thing)... [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=q92r3-khXOg"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=q92r3-khXOg[/url] Mentioned before but a +1 for Melissa Auf der Maur, mostly 'cos I'm into that ginger thing :-)
  14. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='392323' date='Jan 27 2009, 12:07 AM']I might be a fat old bald geezer but can still identify with 14 year old boys....[/quote] SOCIAL SERVICES PLEASE!!!!!
  15. [quote name='L-mac' post='391064' date='Jan 25 2009, 05:11 PM']I am about to start a couple of months "gardening leave" between jobs, and hoping to arrange lessons to improve my sloppy techinique while I have the time to practice. Any thoughts on how I go about choosing a teacher, things to watch out for etc? I dont want to waste a load of the time I have trying to find the "right" teacher. Not looking for recommendations of specific teachers so much as guidance on how to choose. cheers in advance Liam[/quote] Step One: *You* have to have a very clear idea of what you want/expect to learn. It then makes it easy to get on the phone and say "I'm interested in this stuff".
  16. Runaway discounting is a double-edged sword. It's great for the customer until low margins become unsustainable for the manufacturers and retailers and then shops close and brands disappear.
  17. [quote name='noelk27' post='391374' date='Jan 26 2009, 01:04 AM']If what I was told by a sales assistant at Reverb on Saturday is true, then it would appear that the Reverb chain is being sold, and a number of the stores are set to close. This may explain why the prices of certain ranges have been slashed - the ones where the stock is wholly owned by the chain - although the suggestion that certain items are being sold "without warranty" did strike me as being curious from a legal standpoint.[/quote] there's no legal requirement to provide a warranty.... you still have the rights the "sale of goods" act gives you regardless.
  18. [quote name='beerdragon' post='390952' date='Jan 25 2009, 02:16 PM']Dennis Greaves was in the Truth. this one tune they did last night. [/quote] In that case I must have met the man. I don't remember much about him one way or another. I'd never heard of NBZ at the time (one of them Laaaandaaan bands) and still can't think of any of their songs. I think Te Truth were a last minute replacement for a band called "Roman Holiday". Remember even less about them
  19. I'm trying to piece this together in my head.... back in '83 (when I was doing Ents stuff at Newcastle University) I booked a band called "The Truth". Where they associated in some way?? I only remember them at all because we had The Toy Dolls on as support (Nelly the Elephant et al) and the Dolls blew them into the dust which was a bit embarrassing... for me mostly.
  20. To be blunt.... have you the cash to do this? Do you have the cash in the bank to run the business, buy stock and eat for six months if NOBODY walks in the door in that time? If you don't then don't do it!! That's the reality of starting your own business. You can put what you like in your business plan but if you are starting up stone-cold with no reputation or established customer base it will be very hard going to start with. I know because I did it some years ago (a car audio store - same sort of thing)
  21. A small OT moment... A lot of people have mentioned practising "standards". That's a term that has always made me rather uneasy. One man's standards are another man's deeply obscure tunes! I once went to an audition "cold" - "oh you'll know the songs - they're standards". Guess how many I had heard before? That's right - none. They were horrified. Bad night
  22. [quote name='The Funk' post='384283' date='Jan 18 2009, 07:45 PM']What I said above was basically the reverse: when you don't know what key it is or what chord it is, how you might work that out. I used to play with people who couldn't even tell me what chord they were playing or what key their tune or idea was in - and I had a crap ear. Nightmare![/quote] I know what you mean I don't have a particularly good ear but I do quite like to know what key I am in and what, hopefully, the chords are. I always maintain that if you're stuck and it matters paying a couple of quid for the sheet music to get the chords and the harmony line can get you 80% of the way to getting the bass line. Maybe I know more that I think I do
  23. Ahh... ok. I can usually get the basic chord every time (hey, I've only been playing 7 years ). It all starts to get very shaky with 7th chords though - I'll take a stab but I'm rarely confident. Beyond that - well I'm worried!! I know, practice practice practice. Just one thing... I kinda thought that if you have worked out the key and you know what chord it is, you should know what mode it is. However, thinking some, that's the whole point of this isn't it - not that simple
  24. [quote name='The Funk' post='384134' date='Jan 18 2009, 04:43 PM']Well, say you're born with a crap ear - like me - and you want to work out which notes you can play in a tune. Say you can hear the root note of the chord you're on. Great, you know it's an A. And then you can hear that there's a perfect 5th, so an E. Then you can hear that it's a minor 3rd, not a major 3rd - great, it's a minor chord. Then you take a guess and try a minor 7th - great, the G doesn't clash. You have a minor 7 chord. What are the other 3 notes? Well, if it's the Dorian mode, then you'll have a major 2nd/9th, Perfect 4th/11th and a major 6th/13th. If it's Aeolian, you'll have a major 2nd/9th, Perfect 4th/11th and a minor 6th/13th. If it's Phrygian, you'll have a minor 2nd/9th, Perfect 4th/11th and a minor 6th/13th. So you know that the 4th will be D. Unless the chord sounds Phrygian, the 2nd will be B. And then if the 6th sounds Dorian it'll be Fsharp and if not it'll be F. Once you've figured out which chord it is, eg. Dorian, and the root of the next chord is D, then you know you can play all the notes of D Mixolydian. All of the above applies only if the chords and changes are all strictly modal (and not using Melodic Minor, Harmonic Minor or Wholetone/Diminished harmony). If there are any substitutions, you'd need to work that out too. If you were born with a great ear, lucky you. Otherwise, knowing these little bits of theory can speed things up and help you through.[/quote] Ok... and this is probably stupid me. You know the notes to expect if you know what mode it is. I see that. But how do you know which mode it is?
  25. Mmmm.... I (technically) understand modes and have seen places where a mode is employed - e.g., there's lots of Dorian in funk music and if you want to see a whole Mixolydian run just look at opening of "(come up and see me) make me smile". However, in more general playing I don't see/understand the application. A lot of people in these threads have said that tey "use" the modes all the time and have even given examples of what modes they would use when. I think the important bit they miss is what they actually *do* with them? Extending from that, what did you actually learn - practice wise - to internalise this stuff. There's potential for just playing all the different modal scales in every key for the rest of your life, surely?
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