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Everything posted by thepurpleblob

  1. [quote name='Oversoul' post='348012' date='Dec 7 2008, 06:17 PM']I'm sorry, you're not clear on that, are you saying you want to trade a SAD for one of the old TRB5P I basses from the early 90's?[/quote] TRB-5p is still made. Don't forget that's the very fancy through neck one.... They're heavy money.... [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Yamaha-TRB5PII~ID~2922.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Y...PII~ID~2922.asp[/url] The older ones are very well regarded and should still fetch some proper money I would think.
  2. do I hear a........... BUMP Just to upset the other guy selling the same thing. I also have a TRB -4ii (in blue) that I would be interested in trading for a 5. I'll probably do a separate post thread for that when I get a minute. Again, a TRB-5 or somesuch would be ideal.
  3. I've had a few. Two that spring to mind... * Played some very rough pub on the outskirts of Glasgow on the night of an "old firm" game (where Glasgow Celtic play Glasgow Rangers - go figure). I knew we where in trouble when I was in the door about 3 seconds and some drunk guy the size of an industrial unit came up to me and said, "what team do ya support..... and you'd better give me the right answer!!" * Played a working mens club with our rock covers band. Sort of place with loads of those "Next week Rosemary and Shane" posters on the wall. We started playing and everybody got up and started ballroom dancing... to Pinball Wizard IIRC. We did get paid but the boss man says "You where good lads, but not really our sort of thing". Really??
  4. [quote name='Toasted' post='345404' date='Dec 4 2008, 02:02 PM']So brilliant you flirt with selling yours every 2 weeks?[/quote] Never mind that.... just tell him to give it to me!!! That'll solve ALL the problems
  5. [quote name='BassKS' post='345181' date='Dec 4 2008, 10:40 AM']And you still want to sell it...[/quote] Perhaps he'd like to swap it for a lovely black four string???? I'd be right at the front of the queue
  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='344953' date='Dec 3 2008, 11:55 PM']ray 5's are brilliant, you wont look back [/quote] Only if there's someone out there who wants to swap me for a five string
  7. [quote name='martthebass' post='344752' date='Dec 3 2008, 08:57 PM']If you like wide and flat go Lakland. I didn't - so that's why I'm on the L2500. Of the 2 you mention the SR5 neck is a bit more comfortable (slightly thicker on the L2500 - but apparently new 2008/9 US models are a bit flatter?) initially but, light blue touch paper and retire, the L2500 is the better bass [/quote] Yes - I've been extremely impressed with the playability of my Tribute L2500. That's what ruined my life and made me think that 5s where a good idea. I'm basically not playing anything else at the moment. I've never played a Lakland but they look good in theory :-)
  8. [quote name='MB1' post='344732' date='Dec 3 2008, 08:44 PM']MB1. Hello Mr Blob! always worth quoting a cash price!...me thinks[/quote] I'm not interested in selling for cash. I'm more hoping - greedily if you will - that the "trade I can't refuse" comes along.
  9. [quote name='madzombieguy' post='343533' date='Dec 2 2008, 09:23 PM']As the title suggests, would anyone be willing to trade this lovely bass? [b] * CONSTRUCTION/SCALE: 6 Bolt-on / 35" * BODY: Basswood * NECK/FINGERBOARD: Maple/Rosewood * FRETS: 24 Jumbo * INLAYS: Dots * PICKUPS: Schecter Diamond Plus * ELECTRONICS: Vol/Blend w/ Active 2-Band EQ * BRIDGE: Diamond Bass * BINDING: None * TUNERS: Schecter * HARDWARE: Chrome[/b][/quote] Give us a clue Where abouts are you and what sort of thing are you looking for??
  10. [quote name='Bigwan' post='343918' date='Dec 3 2008, 11:31 AM']Ah. I thought the way you were talking you were wanting to join the 19mm club... I've come to realise it's the only spacing that works for me on a 5 string.[/quote] I honestly wouldn't mind - but such beasts seem *rare*. I'm a bit iffy with the neck on Warwicks, which seems to put paid to that in the "real world"!
  11. [quote name='Bigwan' post='343895' date='Dec 3 2008, 10:56 AM']"Reasonably wide string spacing" and "'Ray 5 or G&L L2500"? Not the basses for you if you want a wider string spacing mate. Speaking from experience.[/quote] I've got a Tribute L2500 and it's great! I think it's more complicated that just the spacing though. A lot of lower-end 5s, seem to have *very* narrow spacing. I really just mean not 5 strings jammed into a 4 string neck.
  12. I have a two year old 3EQ StingRay in black, with black pickguard and maple neck. Conditional is mostly excellent - there's a tiny ding on the lower edge. Photographs are a bit pointless - it just looks like a black/maple StingRay Usual hard case. I seem to have gone 5 string and I'm not using it much. I wonder if anybody has anything in a 5 that they might be interested in trading. I'm mostly thinking of a 5 string 'Ray or a G&L L2500 - something along those lines. Reasonably wide string spacing is a must. I am prepared to be persuaded though so try me (but definitely a 5). I'm in the Glasgow area and am prepared to travel a reasonable distance for the right deal - I went to Blackpool recently to do a trade (3 hours each way)!!! Not interested in posting unless you put my arm right up my back. I'm actually quite attached to the bass I have, so I reserve the right to be a bit fussy - don't take the hump if I say no Looks like this..... FORGOT TO MENTION... it has one of those XTender doo-dads on it too!!
  13. [quote name='Rusty Shackleford' post='343378' date='Dec 2 2008, 07:11 PM']Anybody purchase strings through a stringbuster.co.uk? if so had problems with them? Used them before no problem. Ordered a set of strings on sunday, internet went down came back on and the payment had gone through twice. Checked on my stringbuster account and there is no trace of the order even though money has left my bank. emailed them twice but to no avail. anybody been in the same boat of late?[/quote] Their website is sh*te... I've had several problems over the years, but their customer service has always been very good. A quick phone call sorts it.
  14. I had an old E34 5-series BMW (1989-1995) and hard cases fitted in the boot no problem. I now have the newer 5-series (not the latest, the one before) and they don't fit at all - which is annoying. My wife has one of those little Honda Jazz things. I can get my whole rig in that: 2x10, 4x10, head, box of stuff, two basses and still room for 4 people. It's actually a crazy good car even if the street-cred is a little lacking :-)
  15. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='342951' date='Dec 2 2008, 12:56 PM']I used to hate those band intro things. I'd just bang both hands hard on the strings a couple of times if asked. But if you must play something for decorum's sake, Oh Well by Fleetwood Mac is simple and groovy.[/quote] Ha... I had to seek that out on YouTube. I'd no idea that was by Fleetwood Mac. Learn something new...... etc.
  16. First gig in a while in a *very* small pub called Bar Bliss in Kirkintilloch on the outskirts of Glasgow. Lucky if you can squeeze 40 people in, but always a good night. This one's always a bit of a canter to the end as they have a no music after 11pm policy - local residents association or somesuch I assume. Slight downside was having had a migraine earlier in the day, so I was doped up to eye balls. My resolve started to crumble by the middle of the second set and I made some of my best stupid mistakes ever (e.g., getting the E and A strings confused!!)
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='341987' date='Dec 1 2008, 03:50 PM']Yeah right. Why do they do that though? I met mine when she was 18. A few days after we "got together" she told me she was actually 15. I [b]S[/b][b]H[/b][b]A[/b][b]T![/b] She kept the windup going until I was able to check with one of her mates. [/quote] It could have been nasty so easily. She looked about 25 when she was 14!! She hasn't changed a bit - I'm working up to my first Zimmer though!!
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='341967' date='Dec 1 2008, 03:25 PM']Bit like me then. I'm 42 on Friday (not sure how the feck that happened ) and my missus has just turned 30. Been together for 12 years now. Everyone pegs me for about 30ish (< pic taken 2 weeks ago) can't say the same for her though. Time for a newer model I think. [/quote] Ha... yeh. Me and 'er indoors have been "together" for about 12/13 years too but she loves to tell people that we have known each other since she was 14!! This is technically true, but not in the way she is implying Really
  19. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='341897' date='Dec 1 2008, 01:48 PM']Oi! I'm 23 actually... Not THAT young.. although admittedly I do look about 16 in that top pic [/quote] Hey... but I'm 44... I only look 41 though :-) I have cradle snatching previous though - my wife's just a youngster at 34
  20. [quote name='The Funk' post='341745' date='Dec 1 2008, 11:34 AM'] :wub: *smitten*[/quote] Yes, that's what I thought too - but at my age (and guessing that Ms. Sarah is a young thing) it would just be pervy
  21. [quote name='M4L666' post='341286' date='Nov 30 2008, 06:20 PM']Hi dudes. I have had my bass for over 3 years now and have never even changed the factory strings. I am wanting to service it as the strings are dead, the action is not great and I just want to get it all cleaned. Does anyone have any tips? I know how to do everything, but I am nervous about action/truss rod adjustments etc. and I don't really trust myself to do it properly. It [i]will[/i] be a learning experience, but also may f*ck up my bass big time...[/quote] Any bass player worth his (or her) salt should be able to do their own basic setup. There's LOTS of advice on this site and elsewhere on the web. The trussrod thing - be sure you need to adjust it (hold down at the first fret and as near to the last as you can and check the clearance at the 12th - there should *just* be some) at all first, then make no more than a quarter turn at a time then leave for hours to settle. Regarding cleaning, use a proper guitar cleaner - not Mr. Sheen
  22. [quote name='BassManKev' post='340965' date='Nov 30 2008, 10:58 AM']No trades of equal value please, as said im looking to downgrade. Il happily consider a bass of lower value as part trade.[/quote] Such as?
  23. I think it depends..... To be completely logical about it, the best bass I own is a Korean G&L Tribute, however the one that everybody comments on is my old 70s, beat-up black Precision. The Tribby is not particularly cheap in the world of Korean instruments, but shows what you can do with what I assume to be decent quality control and good quality hardware choices. I don't think anybody *needs* anything better than that. The law of diminishing returns cuts in long before even "ordinary" big-name USA build basses. However, none of that is going to stop people wanting instruments hand-crafted by (relatively) highly-paid artisans from the USA and Europe. Call it snobbery if you like but that's the way of the world. I know very well that Ford make some very good cars - but I drive a Beemer and not a Mondeo. It's my money (or it was)
  24. Ahem... don't feed the troll...
  25. That Slade song.... have to learn it... surprisingly nice bass line as it turns out BUT I can't get what's going on in the bridge bit (something like Dm F Dm Bb..). Has anybody figured out the high up bass bit there? Any pointers appreciated - if I'm going to do it, I might as well get it right
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