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Everything posted by mbellishment

  1. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1358264035' post='1935898'] Well? [/quote] I refuse to bite my friend
  2. "Do you not think our songs would sound better if you played a 4 string bass?"
  3. I actually work at Stonehills, which is about 5 minutes from where I live. Excuse my ignorance, but what actually happens? I've never been to a bass bash so am completely oblivious as to what goes on? Do you have to bring gear or can you just wander about? Haha sorry, would love to get involved in things that are bass related, just not sure what these things are?
  4. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1357165525' post='1918647'] In the past years I've become better at timing and writing bass lines, and getting a good tone... But worse at playing fast technical stuff because I've focused on the former... So am I a better or worse player overall? [/quote] Well you're obviously a much better bassist now man!
  5. I would say I was a much better bass player 8/9 years ago than I am today, so there must be some way of measuring skill/ability etc? Geddy Lee is a great player but his voice = nails down a blackboard IMO! Peace x
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1357158366' post='1918447'] Define 'best'.... [/quote] Most elevator-like elevator music...
  7. I'd never heard of the guy until today. Is he famous for making the worlds best elevator music?
  8. [quote name='jude_b' timestamp='1357156745' post='1918400'] I don't want to be held responsible for any side effects you might experience. [/quote] Found it cheers
  9. [quote name='jude_b' timestamp='1357155924' post='1918375'] I will forever be indebted to this thread for introducing me to Jeff Berlin's cover of Imagine. Wonderful. [/quote] Can you link me up please? Did a google and youtube search but to no avail
  10. You definately need another Stingray mate! I LOVE mine! There's a lovely one for sale here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193955-musicman-stingray-5-xmas-special-price/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193955-musicman-stingray-5-xmas-special-price/page__fromsearch__1[/url] Please buy it so I don't have to
  11. haha
  12. Can't believe yous got my first thread on BC locked up like lads! Was quite proud of that thread
  13. Bongo... 5 string obviously
  14. I can't remember what my original question/point was because of all this virtual cockswinging!
  15. Once again gentlemen, thank you. I appreciate the warm welcome
  16. Spent a few years gigging a Warwick Corvette Rockbass while I saved for something better. Went to London one weekend with the ex... had a mint time... saw Phantom of the Opera one night and Cardiacs the next... and just before we left, I went into The Bass Cellar on Denmark Street and bought a US swamp ash black Warwick $$. Proper impulse thing... no way I could afford it! Got it home a few hours after purchasing it, plugged it in and felt like I was in bass heaven! Don't know if it was just buying that guitar off the back of an amazing weekend or something... but that moment was one of the best moments ever! Glad you're loving your Kingbass mate... not my thing, but I've seen Level 42 twice and yeah, it's a tone-machine! Happy new year to you all
  17. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1356990457' post='1916217'] not giving a stuff about anything [/quote] [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1356990457' post='1916217'] being absolutely certain that your image said exactly that. [/quote] No offence, and forgive me if I've misread your statement... but isn't that just a complete contradiction of itself?
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1356978437' post='1916044'] ...because it's less of an issue on the session scene, where most of the non-hobbyists reside. [/quote] Completely off topic, but I think you're the guy who sold me my amp head several years ago
  19. I spent the first 5 years of my musical voyage with a Fender Jazz bass and nothing else, and that suited me fine. Then I developed a serious case of GAS... acquired a collection of about 20 basses (mostly cheap crap off ebay) and then whittled it down once again to 1 bass I love. I still have a 6 string in the cupboard I never play, a 5 string acoustic I jam ideas around with, a fretless I wish I could find an opportunity to play more... but I just gave most of them away to friends who were eager to learn how to play. I gig primarily with a 5 string MM Stingray now and didn't feel the need for more than that... until I saw a lovely Warwick $$ which I also love, and now and then, it gets dragged along to gigs... and I currently have my eye on another MM... just as a back up you understand? If you have one bass and are happy... stay that way... because GAS is as addictive as smoking!
  20. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1356915020' post='1915206'] I don't play for a living but if I did, I would hope people booked me for my style and my sound in which case giving me, for instance, a RIckenbacker to play, would possibly not work. I would certainly find it hard playing a bass I hated, through an amp I hated, on music I didn't have any affinity with, with a sound I hated, in an expressionless manner to fit the requirements of an artist night after night. I once read in an interview with Tony Levin that he had been asked not to play fills in a certain part of a P Floyd numbers - however this is different from the sort of control freakery described elsewhere in this thread - the guy has his own sound and is hired/paid for that. What is described elsewhere is musicianship devoid of creativity, artistry or expression - is far better reproduced by machine rather than human being? [/quote] +1 Poetry!
  21. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1356465388' post='1910395'] I probably won't end up pulling the trigger on one, but keep being tempted by the idea [/quote] If this doesn't sell it to you, nothing will! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ8ml7eENuI[/media]
  22. Seriously uncool! I just think they're hideous!
  23. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1354986940' post='1892696'] My 115 Deep cab arrived today [/quote] Ah man, I bet that can shift some air!
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1356892368' post='1914834'] Oh if we are taking this into 'job' world, then yes, if you get told to play a certain bass, then do it. Same with any job. That can also takes the fun out of music and can ruin the whole ' hobby' side of things (I know a few people who felt like this even in their late 20s!). But, if you are set for a career in music that can happen. [/quote] Yeah, I think there's been some confussion... I certainly wouldn't be b!tching and moaning if I was getting paid for it... I'm talking about playing the local Head of Steam or whatever with a bunch of nobodies for the fun of being in a band! I'm also not talking about turning up with a neon yellow Warlock, with neck LEDs and Adam Bomb style pyrotechnics protruding from the headstock, while wearing my Ronald McDonald costume... I'm talking about a honey burst Stingray, which from a distance, to an untrained eye, under venue lighting, might as well be a tobacco burst Fender!
  25. Thanks guys
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