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Everything posted by BassInMyFace

  1. bump after long break. Crazy price drop, i fancy a change!!
  2. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1492122569' post='3278196'] I've been feeling the pangs of Sandberg GAS lately. This is lovely - if only I had the space and/or cash. GLWTS! [/quote] open to offers..........u know u want to!!
  3. bump for price drop down to £925
  4. CRAZY price drop to £925 £900 £850 £800 £650 NOW £550 FORGOT ABOUT THIS LISTING, PRICE DROP TO GET RID. THIS IS A HELL OF A LOT OF BASS FOR THE MONEY!! Right up here for sale is my custom made Sandberg Basic TM. No idea why they call this model the "basic", it's anything but and a serious marketing fail by the Sandberg folks! Had this custom built for me around 10 years ago at PMT Birmingham when they first started stocking Sandbergs. Its a Basic TM model, so has a fat humbucker musiman-style bridge pickup and a jazz style neck pickup (both by Delano). The result is a very versatile modern sounding hybrid between a MM Sterling and Fender Jazz. I say Sterling rather than Stingray because it has a more slender, refined feel than a Stingray which is why I've always preferred the Sterling. But yes there is a really great variety of tones here and the body and hefty bridge design give it a real depth. I have used it in countless different outfits and styles and it can cope with just about anything, due in no small part to......... the custom fitted 3 band EQ. All the Basic models I have seen since have a 2 band but I specified 3 and it is an incredibly powerful unit. The tops can be boosted to incredibly brittle heights and the sub is crazy. The real killer is the mid control though, roll it off to maximise a huge slap tone, boost it up and give yourself a Jaco noodle session. Really, really impressive. The Neck is very slim and fast and with those 6 neck screws the whole thing feels solid as a rock, Im pretty sure you could chuck this down the stairs and it would be fine, very very good German craftsmanship. The blueburst striped finish is really stunning as well. It gives a boutique-y feel without being too showy. I used to remove the pickguard to show off the finish but like both looks tbh. Have included a few pics of the back where you can really see the striped grain showing through. Other features are a coil tap switch for the bridge pup, giving you a straight Jazz configuration or twin coiled humbucker fun. Also pull/push active passive selector. I bought this as jack of all trades bass to cover many working styles as I moved into semi pro playing. I feel it was the perfect "upgrade" bass because its so versatile, solidly build and pretty! I've had a look and have found the 2 band version on GuitarGuiatr for £1600 http://www.guitargui...61208304886008. I truly believe this 3band version is rare and miles ahead in terms of versatility so this is a definite bargain. Should also mention that it was bought with a lifetime guarantee from PMT Birmingham (which I imagine would be honoured at other branches?). I have had the Jack socket replaced a few years ago and there was zero charge. Its in really great condition, I cant see any knocks or bumps of note although it has been regularly gigged throughout its life. Strung with DR Hi-beams I believe. Comes with deluxe Sandberg padded gig bag. Consider trades only for high quality Fender Jazz, I'm looking at cash on collection or Paypal. Would consider postage within UK if necessary but do a lot of touring so could meet/deliver if lucky. I play purely upright now so need to fund my next purchase!!
  5. You know that very metallic fizzy twang of a new set of strings that settles in after a couple of weeks of play? Any idea how to speed up that process? I have left a string change too late and I definitely want to use the new set (rounds vs flat on my fretless suits the style of gig im about to play) but that zingy-ness is waaaaay too prominent. Gig is on Sunday and Ive changed them today, Thursday. Any ideas???
  6. hmmm, doesnt sound good to me. I have been gigging my NXT constantly for 3+ years, it's my full time instrument and have never had output issues like you describe. I would say its output level is definitely comparable to a passive instrument (which it is after all) but not remarkabley low. I have had issues from time to time with the bridge shifting away from optimal position, perhaps this has caused the pickups to get reduced signal? Look at the bass face-on and if the bridge is perfectly central it may have been knocked and therefore the feet arent flush onto pickup pads. Worth a try
  7. I 100% understand this general "slump" feeling from time to time. Interested in hearing what other people come up with as inspiration. For me, I end up focusing on a new techniques like arco or looping or percussion based stuff which is like a short burst of "wow isn't this cool!" but then realising it's regular old plonking that will always be the most practical/useful and getting disheartened all over again. Hoping people have more musical based strategies for reinvigoration!?
  8. had this problem a few times, look at the bass directly front on and the bridge unit should be exactly in the middle of the cavity in the body. if there isnt an equal gap either side of the bridge then you have pushed it over during string change. I have done this a few times just from knocks in the van too. Bridge is just a bit of wood like an acoustic upright and its feet sit on 2 pickup transducers (just like an underwood). If the bridge is shifted left or right then the opposing side wont be fully on the pickup area and therefore sound thin or nasal. also whilst you're adjusting make sure the bridge is standing upright at right angles from body (with a very slight biad towards the headstock i think). either way, when the tension is off just wiggle the bridge to make sure its feet are flat on the floor of the body. this will ensure 100% of vibrations are passed onto the pickups. hope this helps!
  9. What's the frame thing?
  10. good discussion, thanks guys. in reply to fatbacks point, i think i see it in the opposite way. i feel gigging can be damaging as its very easy to switch off and play on autopilot. i find myself wondeirng if what i do is even playing music sometimes rather than just an extended excercise in musle memory! i suppose this comes with gigging very regulalry with one band but even with previous outfits i find myself just going through the ropes one more time....... i love having a bit of time to spend doing soemthing new that is scary and difficult but when push comes to shove, the next gig is paying the bills and noone wants to see a beginner struggling their way through a new style or technique. i suppose this is my point, you need to find the balance when your proficient enough to do a a short simple bow passage or a funky slap here and there etc etc. im surprised by some earlier comments though. i do appreciate the potential of "jack of all trades" syndrome but if we all slump into a rut of being comfortable wheres the fun/innovation/challenge?? im pretty sure, as bass players, we have a reputation to keep up in terms of being the most "open-eared" member of the band. we need to listen to everyone in order to play our parts the best. i think that means we should be open to new challenges and constantly pushing ourselves forwards. how easy is it to be a roots and fifths bass player for example??! when it comes to writing new stuff and you have a few new tricks in your arsenal then you can make a big difference rather than being the guy at the back plonking away. quite apart from anything else, any learning can never be a bad thing. new techniques or new musical styles etc broaden your horizons and will 100% improve your day to day stock in trade playing i reckon. a bit of flamenco might influence what scale you use in a certain part of a song, a bit of slap may expand your rythmic palate, a bowed section could smash a bit of emotion into a slow section. a bit of tapping will..........make everyone unplug your amp most likley. seriously, who thinks tapping sounds good??! im just saying i think its a good idea to sacrifice a bit of ego and do soemthing you're rubbish at for a while and see where it takes you!
  11. does anyone have any pearls of wisedom in terms of maintaing a healthy balance between learnig new skills/techniques/chops etc whilst maintaining a professional career in bass playing? i hate treading water and am always looking for new challenges but when you're a relative beginner in a technique outside your normal "field" eg bowing when you're a pizz player (or vice versa) or even slap bass versus fingerstyle etc, how do you guys "bring this to the table" so to speak with your band mates or jam partners? practise is an obvious answer but who has the time to fully "master" a new technique before they actually want to start using it? does anyone share this frustration and have you found a way to blag your way through a new style before you're properly ready??!!
  12. thanks four your help. I'll give it a try. I do think the bridge needs to be moved around from time to time. maybe they get knocked during transport or just settle into a bad position. as you say tho, don't really understand how the pickup system works.
  13. hmmmm, I live just round the corner from Moseley violins, small world! maybe I'll go and drop in. when this issue has happened before, a quick adjustment of the bridge has usually sorted it. not this time unfortunately.
  14. anyone had their nxt or wav develop a quacky tone? been touring mine for around a year and just lately, especially the g and d have started to sound odd. similar to when you mismatch the a pickup impedance to an amp andthe output is thin, almost like the "q" is wide open. this is new and have always been able to rely on the tone. anyone have any similar experiences? or solutions?
  15. who is next? im a few days away from passing these on so would be about time to get details
  16. in answer to my own question and for any others who find this thread, have quite enjoyed this guys videos. his delivery is hilariously deadpan but feels like there's a lot of content. [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/driveadoublebass?feature=watch"]http://www.youtube.com/user/driveadoublebass?feature=watch[/url]
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