I was watching this link on Youtube where the bassist for the Australian Pink Floyd Show, Colin Wilson, describes his bass rig
I was intrigued by his use of a Boss GT-10 guitar multi effects unit - his reasoning being that back in the days of Floyd there were no dedicated Bass effects, so guitar effects had to be used. Having heard them live I can say the bass sound is awesome, so its not detrimental to his tone.
What do you think about the use of digital guitar effects (particularly the Boss GT-10 and its ilk) to enhance your bass tone? Is that a good idea if you are trying for a 'vintage' rock sound? has Colin got a point?
I know Boss relaunched the GT-10 as the GT-10B for bassists - I wonder just how different they are. I assume the main difference with be amp modelling, but the effects?
I like the idea of just one box for everything (hey purists - don't shoot!), and I rather love the Floyd sound, so would a nice guitar multi effects, say like the Boss GT-100 or the newly announced ME-80 work?