As I'm in the US every other month, I recently discovered the Musician's Friend website, and more specifically, their "Stupid deal of the Day".
First day I subscribed, the daily deal was a brand new Sterling Ray 34, reduced from $899 to $450 for one day only. I ordered, it was delivered a couple of days later (with a nice Ray gig bag), and I was surprised how well setup it was straight out of the box. The roasted neck is especially nice. I own a "real" Stingray at home, but this will definitely help with my US noodlings. I was actually surprised how similar the Ray34 is compared to the Stingray, and it made me realise that after 35 years of playing, this was my very first brand new bass!
Not sure how useful this website info is to anyone outside of the US, but might provide a bargain or two for anyone stateside.