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Posts posted by tredders

  1. Taken from the Gadget Show website: -

    T-Mobile is the chosen US network for carrying Google’s new Nexus One smartphone, and today it has secured a second mobile coup – a limited edition version of the HTC Magic dressed up to look like a Fender electric guitar.

    The HTC myTouch 3G Fender Edition – which uses the Magic’s name in the US – was first spotted last year, but now guitar-loving phone lovers Stateside can get their hands on one for $180 on a two-year contract.

    And it’s not just on the surface that the Fender Edition pays homage to the classic guitar maker: an equally respected name has lent his considerable talents under the surface, Slowhand himself Eric Clapton.

    There’s a host of Clapton-esque content loaded up onto the phone, including some of his biggest hits like “Layla” and “Wonderful Tonight” along with a guitar-themed app centred around the music legend.

    You also get a Fender-styled case and docking station with built-in speakers. Now all we need is news that the Fender Edition is making its way to Slowhand’s home country here in the UK.

    Pics are here: - [url="http://fwd.five.tv/gadget-show/gadget-news/htc-magic-gets-fender-treatment"]http://fwd.five.tv/gadget-show/gadget-news...ender-treatment[/url]

  2. [quote name='Sean' post='701862' date='Jan 5 2010, 04:53 PM']Here's another live version of Suspicious Minds - this is the one that's on "Elvis Live". I love how high the bass is in the mix and how The Scheff goes from laying back a bit to just ripping away and then back again and then...


    The way it sort of changes gear at 2:40 gives me goose bumps. The high register phrases at 3.15 - 3.45 are just glorious :)[/quote]

    Fantastic version! I'm with you on the high parts, too - magic!

  3. Erm, I've got a pair of those 530SE's... they're fantastic. I did the usual progression of £50 in-ear phones, then £100 in-ear phones, then finally got the Shures at a decent price (much less than the £295 on that eBay link). They're great - excellent sound reproduction, and just seem to suit my ears. Funnily enough, I ended up giving away the cheaper phones I'd picked up on the way, so could have actually saved money by buying the Shures in the first place :)

  4. I'd heartily recommend anyone considering lessons to go and see Steve. I'd been playing on and off for 20 years, been in several bands, and was an 'OK' bass player. However, I was frustrated with certain aspects of my playing (specifically my fingering and speed), and knew I could be better. I spoke to Steve, and have been having lessons for the last couple of months, working specifically around what I wanted to achieve.

    As a result, my playing's improved to the extent that I can now comfortably play songs that I couldn't manage before. I'm also much more comfortable in a band / gig / jam environment, as I'm more confident with my own playing. As Steve says above, he's helping me develop as a player. I Just wish I'd done this 20 years ago!


  5. Just wondering if anyone on here was the bassist in the orchestra at the New Theatre in Oxford? Me and the Mrs took the nipper to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang today, and I learnt a whole new respect for people playing in the orchestra pit. Chappie played double bass throughout the entire show (switching between bowing and plucking mid-song), and an old natural maple necked P bass for one up tempo song.

    If you are on here and happen to read this, respect to you, Sir. At least one person in the audience appreciated your playing, especially the big open E and nice slides in the samba song :)

  6. Thanks for the comments chaps. I should have added that I've bought and sold 5 or 6 basses in the last 12 months on here, all without any problems at all, and all with good people.

    I guess I was more moaning about dealing with new members who maybe don't have the same mindset as the longer standing members on here.

    Anyway, I feel better for getting it off my chest now :)

  7. Hi all

    Sitting here, full of cold, feeling sorry for myself and feeling totally cheesed off with a couple of new members on Sales Corner. If you don't want to listen to me whining, please move on right now :)

    Ok then, I've had my AV 62 P bass on sales corner for a week or so. I had a few trade offers from long standing members, but really needed cash, so kept it up for sale.

    First experience: New member number 1 (no names, no pack drill) sends a PM saying "If you'll deliver to the Netherlands, I'll take it". Well, it just so happened that I had a meeting with one of my Dutch colleagues that week, and after I'd had a word with him, he agreed to carry the bass back to the Netherlands, as co-incidentally lived 20 minutes from the prospective buyer. Ideal, you'd have thought. Saves on P&P and also we both get the reassurance that the bass will reach the buyer in one piece. New buyer then asks if I'll do cash on delivery, and I tell him that it'll have to be payment up front (bank transfer), as it'll be a pain for me to get the bass back from the Netherlands if the buyer changes his mind. Buyer has apparently had "bad experiences" paying up front, but I offer several references from people I've dealt with here, my home and work addresses and phone numbers, and a reassurance that I'll offer a 100% refund if he's not totally happy. Couple of days pass (during which time I've had a couple of other enquiries on the bass, but have said that it's most likely sold), and the next reply asks if I'll do Paypal. I reply saying that I'd prefer Bank Transfer (as I'd previously stated) as it gives both of us more protection than Paypal, which can be reversed after the event. However, I tell the buyer that as a last resort I'll accept Paypal, but it'll have to be as a gift (so the buyer picks up the fees). Buyer replies "I've had bad experience with bank transfers, so want to pay with Paypal"... Ok then, add on the fees and we'll have a deal. Buyer then replies "well, I'll have to take a look at the fees and get back to you". That was a week ago and the last I heard. So much for "if you'll deliver to the Netherlands I'll take it"...

    Second experience: New member number 2 (again, mentioning no names) sends a PM saying "I'll take the bass - I saw your advert and joined up just to reply to you". So, we talk on the phone, he lives in London, I answer all of his questions, and he says that he'll drive up from London (I offered to meet half way) and will bring up cash this morning. Great. I text him this morning to say that the roads are clear, and ask what time he'll be arriving, and get no reply. I then call his mobile and get his voice mail. Eventually at 10:00 I receive a text saying "I've had a think about it, and can't afford it. Sorry about that. Merry Christmas". Sigh.

    That's it really. Absolutely no real point to this post, other than to make me feel better after getting this off my chest. I'll go back to my Lemsip and generally being a bit grumpy now.


  8. [quote name='tombboy' post='685719' date='Dec 15 2009, 09:09 PM']Beautiful looking bass and I would be seriously interested in a trade with my MM SR 30th if you are!! :rolleyes:
    Just one thing and I'm sure it's just my eyes... but the string spacing and positon in the first & third pictures looks way off! It appears that your saddles have been shoved right over!!! Please tell me it's just me. Look at the spacing between the A & D and the positions of the fret markers.[/quote]


    You're absolutely right - the bass was horrifically setup - saddles were all over the place, truss rod was too loose, and this is how it was shipped by Fender....

    A quick trip to Peter Allen and one of his £75 pro-setups and all was well. Amazing though how poorly some of these are shipped from the factory. The photos were pre-setup, incidentally.

    Thanks for the offer of the 'Ray - I think I'm ok for basses at the moment (already have a lovely 2004 'Ray). I really need some cash to pay off the credit card :)


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