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Everything posted by Bassic

  1. It was great so much talent in all departments Sky + deep purple live in Melbourne which was on at the same time. Bit of a departure from motown but well worth a watch. Great musicians an fair play Ritchie Blackmore is awesome.
  2. Fair play Ferry's drummer ain't holding back!! star of the band ha One of the better acts so far imo
  3. Wow that lovely All you need now is a glass cabinet to put it in ha ha
  4. I found myself in the same situation a few weeks ago and despite a healthy dose of jack daniels ( it was my birthday ) i still managed to decline Discretion being the better part of valour as they say it was only going end in tears despite being relatively competent
  5. i worked though his blues book an thought it great too. Having a better understanding of shuffle rhythms and those classic turnarounds etc has been a great help. Its amazing were those 1 4 5 patterns turn up in everyday songs. Some classic standards in there too. Well worth the few quid if your into that genre of music
  6. Lakland Joe Osbourne is all any man or women ever needs apart from maybe a Jaydee or a alembic or status or maybe a 62 jazz or............ and on it goes
  7. Being a student of Mr Caulfield I shall be up for that assuming the date is ok
  8. bizarrely i have dusted off some level 42 an listening to that. Love him or hate him MK can certainly play and sing over it too !!
  9. I have the 25w version and its great. Nice basic controls, headphoes and aux input to play music through ideal for practicing with. Not sure how they compare agianst the others with regard price etc.
  10. i practice with a orange crush 25w Got input for iPod etc headphones jack nice and simple controls sounds great Nice colour too May want to look in amps section for advice on valves etc
  11. Nate Watts bassline to Stevie Wonders Masterblaster Loads of technical stuff going on in that song not to mention plenty of quick runs well for me anyway
  12. Just bought a Lakland Joe Osbourn from Pete Great guitar at a great price and real pleasure to deal with. Buy from him with complete confidence
  13. Hello Pete I have pmd you Cheers
  14. Yes the mighty villains ha ha another tough ahead no doubt Thanks for all the pointers and website info i shall use it all problem is my enthusiasm for some these funky disco lines far outweighs my ability
  15. Thanks for your offer and advice ambient I have the music chart and the song etc I have broken it up into sections which has helped it's just some of the trickier runs well tricky for me anyway will take a bit more practice I think to stop me from getting lost when I am playing along with the music I am a relative novice at this type of music so I can't expect to play it like Nate watts overnight There are no shortcuts it's just a case of practising until I can play it in my sleep sometime in the next millennium ha ha Thanks again
  16. Thanks guys that's some great advice I have found the study bass site, excellent it breaks it down into understandable chunks I'll keep plugging away as they say Rome was not built in a day !!
  17. I am sure I probably know the answer to this already but I thought I would ask anyway as I am relatively new to this bass playing I am learning Stevie Wonders master blaster an do ok until I play along with the song and then it all goes out the window so to speak I am guessing I just dont have the song embedded in my brain well enough to keep up and play the runs etc I am ok as long as I can hear the bass line but when I can't I struggle its a case off just keep practicing i suppose Thoughts
  18. Nothing like a few easy songs to get back into playing with either ha ha Great tunes from two great bass players have fun with them
  19. Started on Master blaster. A great bouncy Nate Watts bass line
  20. Discovered Aja after watching classic albums on the beeb Those Steely Dan chaps are a bit handy Chic organisation
  21. thats great many thanks
  22. Nadine by Chuck Berry Once I did that I could play nearly all his songs. Pretty simple stuff but great 12 bar patterns to learn
  23. Cheers for that. I will search about. I am sure I will stumble into somewhere
  24. Off to Bournemouth this weekend for a jolly boys outing. Anybody playing in or around the town on sat night ? Would be great to see some live music
  25. Never mind strickly come dancing starts next week followed by jungle a couple of months later yipee
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