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Jodie Bass

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  1. My pal Enda Scahill is worth checking out. A bit of an authority on all things banjo, he has just released some online courses, and also has various study books published too: https://www.soundslice.com/users/EndaScahill/
  2. Here you go, a wee early Christmas present for all bass players! Plenty of time to get the song under your fingers to amaze or irritate your nearest and dearest by the 25th 😆 https://jodiebremaneson.tumblr.com/post/637309431396417536/vince-guaraldi-trio-christmas-time-is Let me know how you get on with it, and please share and tag me if you're so inclined! Cheers all
  3. Thanks @StickyDBRmf I agree, what an album and writer! It's pretty much the only Christmas album I can have on permanent rotation and not get tired of! Same to you @KingPrawn No chords on hand, but I'll be sure to add them to the notation when transcribing!
  4. Hi Han, glad you like my arrangement. I never did get around to transcribing it, but your post is a much needed reminder! Coincidentally I'm working through how to arrange pieces for solo bass with some of my students at present, so this will tie in nicely with that! I'll get on it and keep you posted
  5. They do feel a bit more premium all round, and more importantly come with a choice of necks, finishes, woods and weights. Saying that, the Tributes are incredible for the price, and tonally pretty much the same in my experience!
  6. I had my L2000 Tribute neck reprofiled by a luthier (to a 90's P-bass shape I believe) and it was a great move! It was my touring workhorse for years until I finally tracked down a USA L2500. Great basses, so versatile.
  7. Thanks all! Will do my best to knock out a transcription at some point @spongebob
  8. Merry Xmas Basschatters! Thought I'd share a quick arrangement of "Christmas Time Is Here" by Vince Guaraldi Trio, taken from the incredible "A Charlie Brown Christmas" album. Always loved Guaraldi's contrast of sweet melodies against unusual harmonies so thought I'd have a go at transcribing a piece finally! Have a great Xmas when it comes, all!
  9. Been meaning to transcribe this up for a while, so your post was a good boot up the bum! Here's the verse groove which will hopefully get you started http://jodiebremaneson.tumblr.com/post/179996854396/waitresses-christmas-wrapping-bass
  10. No problem urb, thanks for checking it out
  11. Hi all, Thought I'd share my transcription of this killer track from Thundercat's "The Golden Age of Apocalypse"! Some performance notes included too [url="http://jodiebremaneson.tumblr.com/post/39688813230/thundercat-fleer-ultra-transcription-notation"]http://jodiebremanes...iption-notation[/url] Cheers! J
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