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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1401825927' post='2467344'] Not going to read all of the replies but just going to offer my view. It depends on the college. I know that Berklee has an extremely high standard as does the Royal Academy in London. However, as a music college graduate I agree with most of what bilbo has said. In the 2 years since I graduated I have gained the skills to be proficient in playing to a high level, through studying books and with a tutor. When I left the degree (Which I got a 2:1 in), I was nowhere near the standard I should have been. Yet because of the students and tutors feedback we all thought we were pretty good. I think it was because; A) they let anyone of any standard in, even after rigorous auditions. The tutors just taught enough to pass a certain basic level. The guys who were on the course and have a career in music, were already at the high level before they attended. For example Ed Sheeran attended for all of 2 terms before getting snapped up. So, the degree is more of a security blanket incase music doesn't work out. However, no-one outside of music wants to employ someone with a music degree! Therefore if the idea of doing a music course is to network, why would you study anywhere outside of London, LA or NY, where the industry is. [/quote] I think it must depend on the college, but also maybe the course ? I auditioned for and was offered a place on the degree at BIMM in Bristol. That was a BA in contemporary music performance. I wanted a BMus because I planned to teach at further education level. I auditioned where I'm studying now and had to do the HND first to get aspects of my playing to a high enough level.
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1401816107' post='2467205'] This is what happens when we dislike achievement and 'winners' . . . . . Everyone has to be 'equal' so no one is allowed fail . . . . Decline of competitive sports in schools . . . . Unintended consequences, etc etc etc. [/quote] If that were the case why do they still have graded passes ? Surely it'd be fairer to just have a pass, and get rid of 2.2, 2.1 etc. I'm certainly not saying that some courses in some subjects aren't like the OP has suggested. My cousin did a degree at Bath Spa university, she's a primary school teacher. She used to have 7 hours per week contact time. I got 18 the year that's just ended, I was doing probably another 40 or so on top of that at home with essays and other assignments, and practicing. I just feel it's wrong to single out music degrees in general for criticism.
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1401816107' post='2467205'] This is what happens when we dislike achievement and 'winners' . . . . . Everyone has to be 'equal' so no one is allowed fail . . . . Decline of competitive sports in schools . . . . Unintended consequences, etc etc etc. I'd also suggest that much depends on why someone wishes to go to music school. If you want a job teaching then I suppose you need a piece of paper to prove your worth. If you wish to be a good player then perhaps the time would be better spent just practicing and practicing. You may not end up with apiece of paper but you might be able to blow away anyone else at an audition. The other aspect is contacts. I only know one person who went to uni to pursue a music performance career. At the end of the first year the labels come around to talent scout and a number of people get signed up and promptly leave uni, so they obviously don't think a piece of paper is worth that much - the musicians or the music business! Two years on and George Ezra seems to be doing pretty well - he's certainly enjoying himself a lot more than if he'd stayed at uni. [/quote] It's also discovering that you can do things that you didn't realise you could do, things that you wouldn't maybe have thought about doing.
  4. Maybe different institutions have different outlooks and values. Certainly where I study, the main thing is to push you both academically and with regard to your playing, so that you achieve what you are capable of, and so that you discover what you are capable of. The important thing is not just to pass, but to be employable within the music business.
  5. I'm a music student studying for a degree and don't agree with this. It was extremely hard work getting on the course in the first place, the audition was ridiculous. A HND can't be failed, merely pass or not yet achieved, but a not yet achieved isn't a pass. I had to pass my HND to gain entry to the degree, it was my one and only condition in the offer that I received. The course work work is extremely hard, and pushes you to discover abilities that you didn't know you had. I would advise anyone considering doing a music degree to do it. I am pretty certain that if you said this to any of my tutors they wouldn't agree either.
  6. I don't see the point, personally. If there's no benefit to doing something, then I personally see it as being a waste of precious time that could be spent doing something constructive.
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1401638511' post='2465425'] Reading the post it was the TSA officials who did the damage and not the baggage handlers. It was in a flight case and the guy reckons they took it out and dropped it. [/quote] The guy being John Patitucci.
  8. I'm at music college, but you're left to your own devices to get playing techniques down on your own particular instrument. Some students play 4 string basses some 5's. Tutors are pretty hot to point out ringing unmated strings too. Just start slowly with a metronome, maybe 8th notes on 1 string at a time then start alternating strings. It's a bit lazy I guess, but I use these too [url="http://www.gruvgear.com/fretwraps"]http://www.gruvgear.com/fretwraps[/url]
  9. Just practice. I can slap on a 6 string, it just takes practice that's all, make sure you're muting properly. This guy here's playing a 5 string, though I have seen him slap on a 7, but can't find that particular video at the moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZc4zMVzyec
  10. How can the idiots do such a thing, why search a respected musicians double bass ? [url="https://www.facebook.com/131251177024/photos/pcb.10152380949652025/10152380949357025/?type=1&theater"]https://www.facebook.com/131251177024/photos/pcb.10152380949652025/10152380949357025/?type=1&theater[/url]
  11. And here [url="http://www.myrealbook.com/free_jazz_charts.htn"]http://www.myrealbook.com/free_jazz_charts.htn[/url]
  12. Try here [url="http://www.realbooksite.com"]http://www.realbooksite.com[/url]
  13. [quote name='JuliusGroove' timestamp='1401287491' post='2462062'] That makes more sense now.. So if you were to write it as a chord on the stave. Would you write it R 4th 7th b9th? [/quote] Yeah write the notes you want played, maybe write the chord name above.
  14. I have 3 of these really rather excellent bass/guitar stands for sale. I'd prefer to sell all 3 together, it makes more sense with the postage. I'd like £25 for all 3, which includes shipping. 2 are like this [url="http://www.ultimatesupport.com/product/GS-100"]http://www.ultimates.../product/GS-100[/url] 1 is like this [url="http://www.ultimatesupport.com/product/GS-1000"]http://www.ultimates...product/GS-1000[/url] All are in excellent condition. Great for wider necked basses, I've used them with wide necked 6 string basses.
  15. The mode from the melodic minor is Dorian b9 or Phrygian major 6. It produces a minor chord you have the minor 3rd - F and minor 7 - C. Harmonised though it's usually written as Dsusb9, and has the 4th instead of the minor 3rd. It's not D7b9 because that would need the 3rd, which is a minor.
  16. Just practice the part until both have the same dynamics.
  17. Collection from Birmingham preferred.
  18. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1401224366' post='2461513'] There are a lot people frankly taking the piss on prices e.g. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/237776-darkglass-vintage-microtubes/"]http://basschat.co.u...age-microtubes/[/url] - £150 vs [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/darkglass_microtubes_vintage_bass_overd.htm#bewertung"]http://www.thomann.d...d.htm#bewertung[/url] - £170 new. [/quote] Agree to a point, but then you see this [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/221210827655?limghlpsr=true&hlpv=2&ops=true&viphx=1&hlpht=true&lpid=108&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=108"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/221210827655?limghlpsr=true&hlpv=2&ops=true&viphx=1&hlpht=true&lpid=108&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=108[/url] Prices of a lot of things have dropped quite a bit over the last 6 months or so. There was a guy selling a TC HOF on here a few weeks ago, it was only about £10 less than a new one, but he'd paid a whole lot more for it only 6 months previous, and didn't realise the price had dropped so much.
  19. That's so cool !
  20. ambient


    Yeah, it is a beautiful bass, it actually looks even better in real life, and sounds amazing too. On hold until Thursday.
  21. ambient


    [center]Major price reduction for 24 hours only, there's something else come up that I need the cash for.[/center] [center]No offers, no trades and please, no more time wasters.[/center] [center]Cash on collection preferred, shipping ok but you pay the postage, can deliver, but you pay the train fare.[/center] [center] [/center]
  22. ambient


    [center]Major price reduction for 24 hours only, there's something else come up that I need the cash for.[/center] [center]No offers, no trades and please, no more time wasters.[/center] [center]Cash on collection preferred, shipping ok but you pay the postage, can deliver, but you pay the train fare.[/center] [center] [/center]
  23. [quote name='Titus Bramble' timestamp='1395866001' post='2407466'] Since this thread has been quiet for a while I'll highjack it... Been having piano lessons since January so I'm still a beginner but I'd like to try a few things other than what I'm given by my teacher. Are there any websites etc which have a selection of sheet music to browse through? Is there a piano equivalent to ultimate guitar? [/quote] Just use google to search for songs of your choice and you'll find hundreds, google images is good, just print them off.
  24. ambient


  25. ambient


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