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Posts posted by birdy

  1. [quote name='small_lump_of_green_putty' post='524198' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:41 PM']so how does Avella compare to Sadowsky, Celinder, and the Real Thing?[/quote]

    What do you mean by the real thing?

    I really like Sadowsky and Celinder basses and have owned a fair few. My observations are that the Sad's usually sound fantastic in the mix but not so good in isolation whereas the Celinder is the opposite yet it still sounds good in the mix. The Alleva has a vintage fender vibe going on and sounds and feels fantastic. I would hesitate to say it's better than the other models but the sound I am getting is closer to my ideal sound.

    I sold a wonderful 4 string 65 Jazz and bought the Alleva with the cash for the extra string and modern build quality and playability etc.
    The Alleva sounds organic yet very alive and is quite versatile especially with the EBS preamp that I use. When EBS_Freak came round we cranked up the bass and treble on the AC preamp and boosted the EBS compressor and got a fantastic slap sound that almost sung. Even ghost notes sounded musical. Well they did when Russ played them :-)

    I have had the bass 3 weeks now and I am still really digging it. I know Flanker feels the same way about his P bass. I played his P briefly and it was wonderful, certainly in the same league as the Celinder P that I owned that I believed to be the best P I had ever played.

    If you prefer Sadowsky or Celinder then I wouldn't argue with you. Same goes for Roscoe and other top end basses they are all fantastic tools.

    I think I could take the Alleva on any gig and it would cover it.


  2. [quote name='Platypus' post='524178' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:24 PM']Steve, I'd been thinking about a Coppolo for a few months and it was when I got to play yours and Flankers basses at the Bass Merchant that I decided to get one.


    I too had been thinking about one in the back of my mind for a long long time. I am running mine into the EBS classic preamp and the Berg IP112/EX112 stack and it's the best sound (for me) that I have ever had. It's perfect for what I do and what I want but like anything it's horses for courses!!!

    We should have a UK convention soon! I bet there wouldn't be many of us there :-)


  3. [quote name='Platypus' post='523061' date='Jun 24 2009, 10:31 PM']Incoming - probably next week sometime.....[/quote]

    Wow - looks like a beauty!! You won't be disappointed if mine and Flankers are anything to go by :-)


  4. Thats a beauty and a great price.

    May be worth PMing TimmyC as he was asking about Nordy's fairly recently.

    Also, if that fails maybe give Mark at bassdirect a call and see if he will sell it on a commission basis for you as he is the UK dealer. That's how I shifted one of mine.


  5. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='521788' date='Jun 23 2009, 03:35 PM']Twill be filling my GB V hole in my fence if all goes to plan!! Mwahahahah!


    Let's hope it does go to a good home!!! It's a cracker!


  6. [quote name='neepheid' post='516276' date='Jun 17 2009, 11:34 AM']Cocktail sticks are made of stronger wood than matches and are better for this particular fix.[/quote]

    +1 - Also what strap locks are you using? I was using Schaller's and they always seemed to come lose but I switched to Dunlop's which use a larger screw and they seem more secure. I am tempting fate here aren't I :)


  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='515327' date='Jun 16 2009, 02:35 PM']Not convinced.

    There's a sticky on this subject here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=337"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=337[/url] which includes a link to that video.

    I think BOD's explanation is much better than MM's.

    Just my tupp'orth.[/quote]

    Agreed. However MM's is probably simpler to understand for a beginner as it is visual. Also, I liked the way he explained the effect of changing low-mids etc. A lot of people will have this knowledge already but I imagine quite a few people won't.

  8. This is pretty interesting to explain EQ and Compression IMO.



    It's Marcus explaining how the SWP preamp works but he explains things pretty well.


  9. Sadowsky isn't selling so let's see if we have better luck with this.

    The nicest ray I have played in a long long time. The neck looks kinda 'grubby' which is the way they sometimes go but its a fantastic sounding and playing bass.

    1995 model with what they call the Flea transition bridge. 4 Strings with 3 band EQ.

    Pics to follow tomorrow or weekend, or come and see it in Brum!!


  10. [quote name='Beedster' post='510131' date='Jun 10 2009, 01:18 PM']Thanks for the reply Steve. The problem I'd have with a defret is the inlays, although obviously if the neck were varnished there'd be no tonal difference, but they would confuse the hell out of me visually (as would dots between the frets on the binding but that can be dealt with). Also, I've played a lot of fretless basses recently and without doubt the board on which I played best was one with dot markers on the binding AND dots running under the G-string on the board itself, which gave the apearance of an unlined board whilst allowing me to get the angles right if you know what I mean (my intonation on D and G can go badly off if, for example, I'm playing on a small stage and have to hoist the headstock up a bit to avoid taking out punters). In short I'd want those dots put in. The Fender idea is good but the Sadowsky build and natural tone is, let's face it, way ahead. The only Fender I've found that I love is my '73 and I'm not cutting holes in that, in fact, it'll remain my number one for gigging, it's just got too many dead spots, flats spots and other idiosyncracies for recording! I think an ebony unlined board on yours would look pretty damn fine?

    Makes Sense Chris!

    Another option would be to get Roger to make you just a fretless neck and stick it on the UV70 perhaps. I guess he could do something like that as a special order and would be cheaper than a whole bass!!

    Anyway, if you do want my UV70 I would be happy to hold it for you as you are a regular.

    Maybe best to hear some other opinions before deciding anyway :-)

    To anyone else who wants to contribute don't worry about offending me as I am not too sure I want to sell really anyway so I have no real interest as to whether Chris buys my bass or not so tell him what you think is best for him....



  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='510102' date='Jun 10 2009, 12:56 PM']Should I order one (NYC range only & 6 months wait)


    Should I buy Birdy's (well, I might have to wait a while so his will likely be sold), and get a new board put on?

    This is very specualtive at present, but I definitely want another fretless to sit alongside my old Fender, and something that matched my UV70 would be ideal

    Your thoughts folks.....?



    When you say get a new board put on I am not sure what you mean but if it were me I would possibly look at getting Martin at the Gallery or some other reputable luthier to defret it and fill in the holes ala Jaco.

    Also, regarding my Sadowsky I am not in any great rush to sell and am umming and ahhing - I just need to raise some cash for 2 months time so if you wanted it I am sure we could come to some arrangement.

    I guess the NYC order would be the safest bet as it would be built as a fretless and constructed in that way.

    Lastly, have you considered buying a fretless Fender or other bass and ordering the Sadowsky electronics and having them fitted or getting the outboard preamp.


  12. I just don't use this. I cart it around as a backup for my Berg IP112 and it's just surplus to requirements.

    It has been rackmounted and barely used.

    Prefer collection from Brum but will post at your cost.



    ON HOLD!!!!!!!!!!

  13. [quote name='slobluesine' post='508019' date='Jun 8 2009, 10:32 AM']yours for £5K or thereabouts, better pics to follow

    this one growls and bites

    [attachment=26677:DSCF0047.JPG] [attachment=26676:DSCF0003.JPG][/quote]

    All original?

  14. I havent't weighed it but its about 9.5-10lbs. Its certainly not heavy but has a nice feel when on.

    There is some slight buckle rash on the back and a couple of really tiny dings as its done about 20 gigs which I omitted to mention.

    I have tried to photograph and will show pics later.

    I am in two minds as to whether to sell this so am not going to reduce the price. I should really sell it however but won't be too disappointed if noone wants it.

  15. I have had this bass 4 days now and done a gig with it and I think it is the best bass I have ever played. Whether I will think that in 6 months time of course is another thing :)

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