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Everything posted by birdy

  1. Gorgeous. Bet it will sound absolutely MASSIVE!
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='393469' date='Jan 28 2009, 10:06 AM']birdy - you thinking El Royale??[/quote] Not really although that could be an option. I was thinking somewhere in Northampton because thats where its been in the past and changing location could lead to all sorts of endless debates and certain people would not go to the new one as it was further etc. If anyone particularly wanted to come to Birmingham however I know a venue that would be very good potentially as it has two function rooms (one large and one small) a seperate bar where there is a stage area and is also a hotel with overnight accommodation etc. I would personally prefer to keep it in Northampton for reasons above. If this doesnt get off the ground we could easily arrange a midlands one in Sutton :-) Steve
  3. [quote name='urb' post='393241' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:32 PM']Yes it was good, but we need a few little rules about noise levels, or a substatially larger venue, the excesses noise slightly spoiled what was a generally very enjoyable day, but that was mainly due to the cramped layout. I'm sure it's an issue that can be resolved tho. M[/quote] Yea I agree with you on this. I think most people came away partially deafened. Not sure what the answer is but as you say maybe a larger venue. With regards to location my view is that we should keep it as close to where it was previously as possible. It would suit me personally to have it in Birmingham which is about the most central location you can get (cue arguments ) BUT the last 3 or 4 have all been in Northampton and I personally think if we all start debating which part of the country it should be in it will be unlikely to happen. Just my opinion - if it is in Peterboro or wherever I will do my best to get there. Steve
  4. Where did you get it from? A UK dealer or direct from Sadowsky. Probably just needs a decent setup after the journey across the pond? If it has genuine problems eMail Roger and he will sort you out - Sadowsky are famous for their customer service. Steve
  5. [quote name='urb' post='393222' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:03 PM']Er, sorry I slightly missed the point there, yes it's probably due M[/quote] The point is that its probably time to start thinking about the next one and I didn't want to offer to sort things out when the last one worked pretty well but I don't know who did organise it (maybe it was Ped) so thought I would kick off the subject and see who replied - hopefully Ped or whoever will jump in and tell us its all in hand Steve
  6. My sex is on fire.
  7. Anyone made any plans for this? I think the last one was on a sunday in March/April so its getting on for 12 months and I know it was in Northampton. I would be up for attending again and I am sure it takes 2-3 months to organise? Again, I would be willing to pay £10 or so towards costs/entrance if required. Steve
  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='392902' date='Jan 27 2009, 04:46 PM']You are right but everyone calls that a neck date as if the neck was made on that specific date. It's on Craig's list too [url="http://london.craigslist.co.uk/msg/1009411254.html"]http://london.craigslist.co.uk/msg/1009411254.html[/url][/quote] I thought so. Beedster may pass on a fair few of the correct month if he is waiting for the exact day was all I was thinking
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='392748' date='Jan 27 2009, 02:18 PM']There's another '64 with the same neck date in the USA at present (I'm up on my '64 neck dates as I'm looking for one born the same day as me) Not saying it's a ringer, but it's certainly a coincidence? Chris[/quote] I dont think that the necks have the date on them to the day. I think the number is referring to the type? ie OCT 7 65 is not October 7th - There again I could be talking rubbish :-) Steve
  10. I always feel better after looking at his gear list. I have messaged him a few times on Talkbass and he is very helpful. Steve
  11. [quote name='OldGit' post='392220' date='Jan 26 2009, 10:33 PM']Bass Taster? [url="http://www.basstasters.com/"]http://www.basstasters.com/[/url][/quote] I guess he means Tom Bowlus :-) [url="http://bowlusblog.blogspot.com/"]http://bowlusblog.blogspot.com/[/url]
  12. PM Sent, its the one saturday we are available in May :-) Steve
  13. Thats an unbelievably good price and Marcus is great to deal with so have a bump.
  14. That will make some serious noise! Are these cabs now fitted with 16 ohm speakers meaning that they are 8 ohm cabs? I think I know the answer but just thought that others may think you are running at one ohm :-) Steve
  15. Could anyone point me in the direction of one of the charts that Bilbo mentions below? I have seen some examples I think but am not sure exactly what should be in them for a song. It would be useful for me to have some notes (a chart?) of cover songs that I learn so that I could play them from the notes rather than memory as necessary as opposed to the sheet music but would this be easy for me to do? I think the more theory and general skills that you know the better, can't see how it can harm you at all! Steve [quote name='bilbo230763' post='389003' date='Jan 22 2009, 08:41 PM']In an effort to earn the 2009 'most popular forum member' Oscar.... Most people don't need reading or theory because most music that is played in most venues by most people is actually very basic/simple/repetetive/undemanding (I know; I have played it throughout my career). People can get by because there is nothing to test them. They can use their ears because there is not that much in the way of real harmonic movement that will test these skills to any real exent. The audience reaction rewards this mediocrity; the more sophisticated the music, the more the punters struggle. Not their fault but its a fact. The benefits of reading are obvious; it comes in two types, reading and sight reading. Whilst I can do both, my sight reading is undermined by a lack of real opportunities to do so (it is a muscle that is wasting). But being able to read and write charts allows you to cover all sorts of bases that you might struggle with otherwise. You can communicate ideas reallly easily and interpret those of others with less need for repetitious run throughs and without the logistics problems of endless rehearsals. You can learn more quickly. You can play in more situations without having to 'learn' sets. Its a skill that can open doors if you want it to. Theory is invaluable if you want to move beyond trained monkey status. Doing it is one thing. Knowing what you are doing is another. My theoretical knowledge, despite being better than most, is not what it should be and I am trying hard to address this but, without it, I couldn't play half the gigs I do. I love the sounds of music and want to know what makes things work. Its not just about bass. I want to challange the pianists, saxophone players and guitarists I play with. I want to arrange big bands charts and string quartets; not because they are lucrative but because they are there. Without theory, I would be doing jigsaws without the lid. With theory, I have more potential to create. But that's just me. I am always suspicious of people that advocate ignorance. It jut doesn't compute.[/quote]
  16. Can you confirm the qualifications of the clever woodwork and if you have the certificates?
  17. I probably use new gear to compensate for lack of talent. My problem is I am always one purchase away from having exactly the right set up. Still, as has been pointed out, there are worse things I could spend my money on.
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='386118' date='Jan 20 2009, 02:18 PM']I believe Birdy may have been looking into a trade for one as well...?[/quote] Hi Steve, My looking into a trade for one is still ongoing as the guy I may be trading with needs to get some checks done on the Fender. If the trade doesn't happen I have pretty much decided that an AC will be in my future as they say but as to how I afford it and when I haven't figured out yet. Interestingly there is a new NF5 range just announced at NAMM which looks pretty good. A 'No Frills' version but still built by Jimmy at a quoted cost of $2400 - thats quoted by someone on Talkbass not me. Sorry I haven't been in touch about our possible deal but there was no news to give as my quest for an AC is still taking place!! Thanks Steve EDIT - Nick your bass is amazing!!!
  19. Surprised you have had no interest in this so have a bump!
  20. birdy


    [quote name='Brother Jones' post='384347' date='Jan 18 2009, 08:56 PM']I'm pretty sure the board on my Metro MV5 is Pau Ferro, so this may be too. The Metros are outstanding Jazz 5's, nice and light with a massive tone. Bump![/quote] I read somewhere that Pau Ferro and Morado are different names for the same wood so you are both correct :-) I think its actually Bolivian Rosewood. Steve
  21. Nice Additions. How are you finding playing 4 string again? You need to update your sig with the Sting P bass! Steve
  22. [quote name='The Funk' post='381553' date='Jan 15 2009, 05:53 PM']Signed. Does anyone get the feeling that music is going to become more and more of a rebel outlaw thing in the future, with people having to congregate at secret, unlicensed locations late at night to get a fix?[/quote] Yes I agree. Each day we edge closer to 1984.
  23. Name and Shame - Who is the biggest BUMPER. Hope its not me.
  24. [quote name='peted' post='381364' date='Jan 15 2009, 03:03 PM']All original should mean that the bass hasn't been modified since it left the factory (save for setups and new strings) A bitsa bass can consist of all original parts, but I don't think it should be advertised as an all original bass.[/quote] I agree with this. Almost everyone who is selling an old bass says 'All original apart from xxxxxx' where xxxxxx is a list of things that have been altered. If the bridge has been replaced with one of a similar age it isn't all original anymore its all original with a replaced period correct bridge. Even a refret constitutes not all original or any solder joints broken in my opinion.
  25. I think you should only be allowed to BUMP after you have had sex (and yourself shouldnt count).
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