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Posts posted by birdy

  1. Had a look and couldn't see a thread dedicated to SAD's and I have just got my 6th one (cheers Trev) and so thought I would start it with details of my new delivery. Sonic Blue MV5 with VTC soon to be fitted.

    Sounds and plays great, I think the quality of the metro range is improving over time although the ones I have had before were damn good.

    Here are a few pics, will post more of the old ones I have had later. In the meantime show us yours!!!

  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371093' date='Jan 5 2009, 04:38 PM']...but for how long...? :huh:[/quote]

    Until the GB 1200 GAS ramps up a notch I reckon :)

    Nice Rig though. All you need is a Berg 4x10 instead of that silly Epifani thing and you are sorted :huh:

  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='371105' date='Jan 5 2009, 04:46 PM']Sort it out then!

    I thought I was going to stay GAS free this year. 5 days in. 2k down already. Pah.[/quote]

    Wait until you order your white GB :huh:

    I am not saying anything about GAS. My problem is I am always '<--->' this close to having everything I want - my aim is to finally get there and stop buying and selling stuff.

    Who am I kidding :) Why feel guilty as long as its not impacting other areas of your life. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs anymore so shoot me!


  4. [quote name='barneyg42' post='369049' date='Jan 3 2009, 01:11 AM']Replied
    Oh you dark temptress of the night!![/quote]

    I reckon the good Doctor has been called some things in his time but I reckon thats a first?!?

  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='368622' date='Jan 2 2009, 05:05 PM']Gonna be having a proper chat with the man soon. Gonna fret the black one and get a new fretless with snakewood FB. Not sure about colour yet but I dont think the snakewood will look right with black.[/quote]

    The black one will be awesome fretted. I am thinking of moving mine on and placing an order later in the year for one to my spec depending on the job situation etc etc!!

    Bernie will be busy next year I reckon.


  6. [quote name='mcgraham' post='364605' date='Dec 28 2008, 08:27 AM']Re: GB basses - I read about people having them, but very few people have explained their choice in this regard, I'd be interested to hear why they picked GB and not someone else. Steve, what prompted you to get a GB?[/quote]

    I get through a lot of basses as I like to try different things out to see what I like and what I don't. The GB came my way by accident really. I happened to hear Russ playing his Spitfire at a gig and got to look at it close up and have a play and was very impressed. The build quality is fantastic and playability superb but more importantly the preamp is extremely flexible and you can get amazing tones out of them. The slap sound can be super hifi, especially through an EBS rig yet you can do dark and dub as well. Within a few weeks of trying Russ's Spitfire and liking it one came up for sale on this forum so I snagged it as they say and am still liking it a lot.

    Certainly worth getting your hands on one and having a look. Myself and Russ are fairly local to you if you fancy trying one out one day!


  7. There is a statement on Alleva Coppolos website that all endorsers pay full price for their instruments and I am pretty sure that is the same policy that Sadowsky have also.

    Interestingly with Sadowsky's if you buy a certain number (I think its 9) you get a free bass but that applies whether you are famous or not.


  8. Certainly some Jazzes could be exotic but not a blue one in my opinion.

    As for the Roscoe I have now owned three and played another couple and they have all been exceptional instruments on a par with anything I have played so the review was baffling but maybe they just had the odd one out?!?

    When you get to a certain level of 'exoticness' it should come down to personal choice I think rather than something being 'better' than something else.

    As for the Shukers I have never actually played one so can't really comment but its all good fun.

    I have owned an Overwater and it was a top quality instrument but just not my cup of tea.


  9. Luckily I am the best bass player in our band.

    EDIT: On a serious note I am good enough for what I do and enjoy the challenges of trying to play new stuff that I haven't yet mastered. There's always something to learn and you can learn from most people.

    Also, when you see a band you really don't notice their little mistakes as much as you do your own when you are playing.

    I also have this philosophy when playing live of sometimes just playing what comes out and not worrying about it and letting it come from within which I know sounds cheesy but at least what you play is your own then and sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't but its only music!


  10. Well Said Russ. I haven't actually played the Rumour that 'won' suprisingly as I have seen it in the flesh but I have played the Nordy and the W&T and think there relative positions were probably right.

    Most other GB basses that I have played including my own would have won the shoot out as far as I am concerned.

    I was most shocked when the magazine reviewed a Roscoe SKB 3005 a few months ago and didn't rate it very highly so one mans meat really is anothers poison.

    I would have been more interested in a Super Jazz shoot out between Nordstrand, Sadowsky, Alleva Coppolo, Celinder etc etc.

    About time someone reviewed a Shuker in the mag as well isn't it although we all know the GB would kick its arse :-)


  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='362510' date='Dec 24 2008, 08:22 AM']Ps those who are up - watch gmtv for neil playing the show out with roy wood on his spitfire...[/quote]

    Damn Missed it!

    James - that Spitfire is beautiful!!!


  12. Hi There,

    Some great advice above. I think that if you only started playing in early December and you are playing for more than two hours a day it may be a case of too much too soon? From your first post you said you had only played for two hours in a day?

    I can't remember back to when I started but I am sure its probably a lot like any exercise where you should build up the amount gradually. It's quite a physical thing bass playing - I would stop for 2-3 days and then do 10 minutes the day after and see how it feels and then move on from there.


  13. I change gear 'quite a lot' :)

    Since January when I bought my IP112 and EX112 extension cab it has been the one constant that I have kept. I have a Summit Audio TD100 which is great and really warms things up but I think it is more effective with passive basses. I have a Berg HS 210 which I often pair with the IP112 when I want to fill more of the room and it sounds great as well. I have recently bought an EBS preamp for a change of tone and it sounds awesome as well.

    Overall I am incredibly happy with the setup that I now have. Yes its expensive but it works so well for me as we are quite often limited on space when we travel. In addition I can use the IP112 stand alone for home use.

    Re) the volume control being at the back as Machines mentioned above what I do is just turn it to full and then use the volume on the preamp to control the volume which seems to work fine for me.

    Hope this helps!


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