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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. yeah loads missing round here too c
  2. 3V17C


    [quote name='lowdown' post='199763' date='May 15 2008, 05:15 PM']Here are some free plugins.. A real must... And very useful.. Enjoy [url="http://www.theinternetnowinhandybookform.com/schmapple/dreamonpro.html"]http://www.theinternetnowinhandybookform.c...dreamonpro.html[/url] Garry[/quote] haha..only just looked at that... s'funny coz its true!!!!! peace c
  3. yeah we've become much more selective in where we play these days too - it means fewer gigs but better gigs and i'm happier with that. peace c
  4. 3V17C


    well...i'm finally getting back into doing a bit of home recording and fired up cubase for the first time in ages the other day. it didn't all come flooding back, more of a trickle, but i did get done what i wanted to. just wondering though if theres any good books, forums, websites, resources that i should know about, particularly regarding EQing and mixing to get that 'full' polished kinda sound rather than slightly weedy home studio sound.... thanks in advance c
  5. yoinks! bit pricey to say the least! and check out the action of the E string!!! peace c
  6. If i thought my back could cope with this cab i would be pulling your arms off for this. peace c
  7. Michael Anthony + Sammy Hagar are forming a new band with Joe Satriani on guitar and Chad Smith on drums!!! that could well be awesome i reckon!!!!!!!! peace c
  8. i used to have one of those basses! not bad at all and definitely worth 125 notes to someone peace c
  9. hmmm some interesting observations on here... personally i like the For Sale element of this site - you get some interesting stuff turn up and normally at good prices. I've done a few deals thru here with no problems. Its not always the potential buyers who are a pain in the bits though, sometimes its the sellers too. I remember someone had a certain bass for sale not so long ago and i PM'd him with a few questions etc about it and he seemed to take that as me saying yes, i'd definitely have it and he put a SOLD notice up on it before i'd even said yay or nay! then he got a bit snotty when i said, 'hold on, i've not decided 100% if i want it yet'. . . aside from that though its all good this end so far. peace c
  10. i was then going to post the link for this!! not really a huge fan of the colour schemes on the 10th anniversary models myself, though still quite nice. I noticed the pricey shipping costs too! ouch! 60 quid?!!! peace c
  11. [quote name='Kubickiboy' post='189413' date='May 1 2008, 02:29 AM']For the pot, mine is Billy Sheehan.[/quote] how dare you sir!!!!!!!!!!!!?! peace c
  12. heres a GWB for much cheaper than the Thomann price [url="http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=GWB35"]http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/ProductDet...ProductID=GWB35[/url] have seen them a few other places for nearer the £400 mark too, just takes a bit of rummaging around on google peace c
  13. [quote name='matty589' post='188796' date='Apr 30 2008, 01:43 PM']How about renaming the forum basstwats - would be more suitable.[/quote] you are a 'fully fledged member' though yourself!!!......... speaks volumes! c
  14. 3V17C

    Bass Player TV

    haha..yeah pity about the sound, old will lee likes to slurp on his cuppa too! quite a good clip all those bassists drooling over it! peace c
  15. friday gig = cancelled! saturday gig = rubbish! bah. c
  16. oooh i actually really like the Bromberg b2 basses... no cash at the mo so the dreaded GAS is thwarted! not a fan of black either - the natural and blue ones are v nice though. peace c
  17. 3V17C

    Want one!!

    yeah saw the thomann link - think they're old ones though? new ones are mk3 surely, and have different headstock logo, plus blackpearloid pickguard, pickup covers etc....... [attachment=8157:attitude.jpg] peace c
  18. go nicely with these little ampeg micro svts i stumbled across yesterday [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/49923/"]ampeg micro svt[/url] peace c
  19. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. 3V17C

    Want one!!

    yeah i posted about these a while back, bit unsure about them myself - If they had a maple fingerboard like on the ones Billy used to use then maybe.... course they would then have to be bright pink!!! i'm also surprised at the cost of them compared to the price of a normall BB. these ones i believe are going to be just over the £500 mark when a normal BB is around £250ish? where are the new Attitudes at?! peace c
  21. 3V17C

    Youtube Finds

    heres one i just found tonight: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6at4jSG3cUc&NR=1"]Jeff Berlin, gambale and Calouita[/url] and a quick edit to add this one: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSM-jMMuoiU&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSM-jMMuoiU...feature=related[/url] bass solo at 4:25.....observe! peace c
  22. [quote name='BOD2' post='184365' date='Apr 24 2008, 10:52 AM']Guitarists that play the intro notes to every song to make sure they have it right just before the song starts (yes, even at gigs)...[/quote] yay! i've got one of those guitarists!! spoils the impact of the song definitely. also other band members not keeping guitar stands, drinks etc out of the way on stage and not gaffa taping their pedal leads etc down so theres loads of trip hazards onstage!! grrrr. peace c
  23. yeah i spotted that too, looks [i]kinda[/i] ok, but could be a bit of a gamble. Angular body shape and few other things make it seem a little like a home made job this one on the other hand, i like quite alot: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Custom-Fretless-Walnut-Swamp-Ash-Birdseye-Maple-bass_W0QQitemZ260231971617QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Other nice fretless[/url] peace c
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' post='182749' date='Apr 22 2008, 01:34 PM']Is the Spear web site working for anyone at the moment? I can't access it either at work or at home...[/quote] not working here either c
  25. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPEAR-BASS-GUITAR-FLEX-TOOL-GREEN-REGGAE-RFB-SERIES_W0QQitemZ120233659451QQihZ002QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247"]this'll be the one you saw then?[/url] peace c
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