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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. ah yeah - meant to look this one up myself after seeing an ad in classic rock magazine this month - should be 'interesting'!!! peace c
  2. verrrrry nice indeed, nice drum fill at approx 1:04 c
  3. never come across him before - pretty good and a bit different to the norm, although he does veer off into reggie wooten territory a bit in the middle there, just loads of 'rhythmic' slapping of the bass with no tune or melody. peace c
  4. thats weird that video - when the camera pulls back the scale of everything goes out! tiny drum kit, huge whiteboard, and bailey looks like a small boy sat on a huge chair somehow!!! nice bass though, strings look very close at the nut. peace c
  5. alot of digital cameras will reset back to a default date when the batteries go flat and more often than not people don't bother updating it when they take pics, seems like the guy is playing ball ok, but if not its an easy photoshop job to get rid of the date stamp on the pics. c
  6. couple of nice easy ones for me to learn for rehearsal on sunday Ac/Dc- let there be rock Def Leppard - Rock Rock til you drop should take about 5 mins! sorted! peace c
  7. 38 for me last year - not too bad, have already got about 26 booked up for 2008 and i dare say more will come in. peace c
  8. always thought they'd be quite good if you were in some kinda 'wacky' primus style band or something like that c
  9. [quote name='Gwilym' post='107868' date='Dec 21 2007, 09:12 PM']nice tone. shame about the song i love the p-bass tone on [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qsFpZ4b47A"]this[/url]. and the bass line it pretty good too [/quote] that is sweeeet... had to get my bass out and jam along to that groove peace c
  10. i've done several deals thru here both as buyer and seller and never had any problems. If I'm selling I always keep the buyer up to date on whats happening my end (cheque arrived ok, posted item today etc) because I know i'd want to be kept informed if it was me. Selling stuff can be a bit of a pain sometimes - wrapping up, getting to the post office, arranging courier etc, but thats just part of it. I'm fairly busy with other stuff myself most of the time but always try to organize anything like this as soon as poss. Slightly off topic- i bought and paid for a pickguard from ebay about 10 days ago and as yet hadn't heard anything from the seller. I emailed him to see what was going on and he replied saying 'i only post to confirmed paypal addresses - please let me have your address and i'll post it straight away'. - fair enough (although i'm sure my paypal address is confirmed anyway), but if thats the case, why didn't he email me and ask for my address at the time? if i'd not bothered emailing him to see what was going on would he ever have done anything about it? unlikely methinks.....it won't be here for this side of xmas now thats for sure. bah. peace c
  11. I never drink or smoke before or during a gig - afterwards is a different story mind you! I did used to smoke alot of the weed and the reason I stopped doing so at gigs was because the stoner/hawkwind stylee band i was in at the time (many, many moons ago!!) were booked to play a bike show as the headline act. Of course we spent the whole day sunning ourselves and smoking all day in the run up to our set. But oooh dear...when it was time to go on i seriously couldn't move! I just about got my bass on but then had to sit on my combo from the get go. Now I KNOW we played a 2hr set that day but I honestly, absolutely cannot remember any of it. I remember starting the first song and then I remember finishing the last song but nothing at all inbetween! Lord only knows what the hell I played for 2 hrs (although no one said anything so i assume i stumbled through Ok!). But a bit worrying really! so....since then, never smoke or drink before a gig!!!! peace c
  12. Bullet in the head defo! c
  13. erm.....?!?! what the hell was that?!! c
  14. hmmmmm .. probably the same as last year, something along the lines of: 1. Get a maple fingerboard 70's P-Bass (ideally a bit war torn and with Jazz neck and additional J pup) 2. Get a new Yamaha Attitude (MK3?) 3. Get some kind of boutique bass. 4. Get new bass rig (mine is of course totally fine but I want a new one!) 5. STOP BUYING STUFF!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!! 6. Actually complete some home recordings rather than just constantly recording odd little ideas. FINISH THEM! 7. Join a new band to run alongside existing. 8. Practice with direction rather than just noodling about. 9. Work on some solo live looping stuff. 10. Get e-drum kit and learn drums more. 11. Spend less time on the internet and more time actually playing!!! peace c
  15. 3V17C

    Funk clip

    nice one
  16. i did actually read somewhere (can't for the life of me remember where!) that the MK3s weren't actually going into production now - we'll see.....trouble is at the minute i can't afford anything not even this nicely priced MK2. bah. peace c
  17. AAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! still....must resist.....save the pennies ..MK3 soon.......r_e_s_i_s_t......... c
  18. yeah have to agree with the OP - i occasionally post the odd interesting ebay item in here but if it was something that i was personally intending to bid on then i'd keep schtum. i would guess however that most people who suffer from bouts of GAS (is that pretty much all of us?) check ebay themselves on a regular basis anyway. with a few exceptions of ebay items posted in the wrong categories (a rare case when there may actually be a chance of getting a bargain) pretty much everything in this topic i've seen on ebay myself anyway. of course, i am an ebay addict and go on there at least once a day while bored at work - some people might not be able to that though and as such this forum could be a handy shortcut to items of interest. peace c
  19. a Yamaha Attitude LTD Special for sale here: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/yamaha-4-string-aggressive-green-electric-bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ330194804887QQihZ014QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/yamaha-4-string-aggr...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] ok, not the top of the line model but the seller doesn't seem to know anything about it so potentially a bargain to be had - unfortunately pick up only and too far from me or i'd have kept schtum!!!!! bah....why is it that 'pickup only' items are always miles away!!!!?!?! peace c
  20. don't forget the once mighty [b]girls against boys[/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcqkTOVbdPw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcqkTOVbdPw[/url] peace c
  21. [attachment=3846:000020881.jpg] seems Hartke are bringing out a new range of bass gear - looks quite interesting with the speaker cones being half paper/half aluminium. i like the look of that 1000 watt Kilo bass head too...... hmmmmmmmm... [url="http://news.harmony-central.com/Newp/2007/Hartke-HyDrive.html"]new Hartke bass gear[/url] peace c
  22. has he still got that nosering/chain/earring affair going on??? c
  23. aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. c
  24. yeah have to agree with the general concensus here - it looks a tad shady - the neck, the logo, the inlays, the knobs - doesn't smell right to me! of course there are alot of sellers out there who aren't too clued up, so description of 'precision neck' for instance could just be a mistake, knobs etc can of course be easily changed, so theres really no telling. if it were me, before doing anything else i'd want to see some high res pics of the various bits for more details. peace c
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