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great harry

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Everything posted by great harry

  1. [quote name='Excalibr' timestamp='1407365343' post='2519929'] I'm pretty fond of mine [/quote] Oooh! I like that.
  2. I like it. Maybe not the colour but otherwise I like the look. I find it quite amusing that people are always knocking Fender for just basically having minor variations on two or three models. Yet when they bring something different out it is immediately dismissed because its different. Ok so the pups make it look like a guitar, so what. I don't play a jazz bass because it doesn't look like a guitar. Btw when are Hofner going to bring out a violin guitar?
  3. My trans black MP Jazz is cool, although it does show up my greasy dabs. Not that keen on solid black though , especially on electro acoustic, although the black Jack Casady I saw on you tube once looked very nice I'm gonna sit on the wall with this one Hope that helps😁
  4. Would have been good if it was made like that, a proper jazz/ precision hybrid.
  5. I've just noticed from the pics that the bottom end looks quite symmetrical and it just the waist that is offset, quite different to my jazz. Looks nice and will probably sit in a stand much more securely. Scrub that. It only looks like that from the back. Lol
  6. I went in there a few months ago and they were almost trying to force me to try out some basses. All I had a go on was a ubass, which I must admit, I was very taken with. They were very helpful and informative.
  7. Could keep it by the front door. Just in case
  8. I am going to a meeting in Rayleigh in Tuesday. Might have to pop I to PMT Southend afterwards. I'm not overly bothered about scale length as I am a big b@stard with long arms and big hands but I do like the idea of a pj on a jazz body. I am sure it will be a fair bit lighter than my jazz as well.
  9. House of The Rising Sun in 1975, badly. Things started to go downhill after that high point.
  10. Welcome from another Kent member
  11. I think basses look best when they are brand new and in showroom condition. That wouldn't put me off buying a worn one if it played well and I got a bit knocked off due to its condition. But paying extra for a new one that has been made to look old and worn seems crazy to me. I would feel like I was paying extra for a fake.
  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Wash it out with Optrex. Or go to specsavers. That is the second ugliest bass I have seen in a long time. The ugliest was that machine gun jobby.
  13. The new Fender Modern Player Short Scale Jazz Bass has a P/ J pick up configuration.
  14. Sounds nice. Can I come?
  15. Why does it need to be a battery amp? Are you busking? If you were to put it through a proper amp a u bass might do the trick as it has a double bass kind of sound.
  16. This looks interesting. I haven't seen it before http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_modern_player_jb_shortscale_wb.htm Cheap too. I have the Modern Player Jazz Bass and can't fault it. If this is the same quality it should fly off the shelves at that price. It has a P/J configuration which is appealing.
  17. I was wondering that. It's such a weird looking instrument I thought I would stick it up anyway.
  18. Looks unplayable to me though. Unless you have arms like an orang utan http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/191216673810 Maybe you are supposed to our your right arm through that hole.
  19. Close enough for me but I am only allowed one at a time and I am not through with my Modern Player Jazz Bass yet. It does look nice though.
  20. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1403477541' post='2483156'] Blimey, eye of the beholder and all that but the body it looks like a bit of chipboard with a damp patch in the middle. [/quote] I am with you on that one, even though the close ups show its is some fancy burred wood I still can't get damp chipboard out of my mind. Maybe they could have picked a better bit.
  21. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1378498404' post='2201291'] Don't tell her, she'll probably never notice. If she asks; "Is this new?" Look at her incredulously (but don't over do it) and just say "no, I've had that one for years." [/quote] That's what I do with fishing rods. It works with them. A new bass in our house wouldn't go unnoticed unfortunately. I want a p bass but it ain't gonna happen unless I get rid if the jazz which I don't want to.
  22. I've never been able to sing. I always sound like an adolescent whose voice is breaking. A low rumble interspersed with squeaks. So be thankful that you at least have been able to sing.
  23. To the OP do what feels right and not what you think is right. It doesn't actually matter if you regret you decision later, that's when you decide to come back to the fold. To the rest of the posters in this thread, there are some great agony aunts amongst you. Felt like I was reading Dear Daphne.
  24. Wish I had seen your shameless plug earlier. I live in Gravesend.
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