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Everything posted by SunEye

  1. SunEye

    BBC Radio 1

    Congratulations on the airplay. Hopefully the song is registered with PRS so you will get a few quid for being played on Radio 1. I know how hard it is to get daytime plays on Radio 1. A few years back I recorded a single B side and a download only track for Ben Volpelierre-Pierrot from Curiosity Killed the Cat. His record company employed top PR to get the necessary promotion and despite very good figures from DJs across the country and local radio stations (comensurate with a potential top 10 single according to the PR company) Radio 1 and Radio 2 refused to play it, so the song never ever charted. To get played on daytime Radio 1 as an unsigned band with no PR is a great achievement. The best my studio has ever got from Radio 1 is plays on specialst shows e.g. Fabio & Grooverider.
  2. If you do want to send your DI track back out to an amp during mixing then you will need to use a reamping box between your track output and amp input to get the signal level and impedance correct.
  3. I have never double tracked bass. My standard practice in the studio is a DI (I use a Countryman Type 85 - you need a decent DI with a high input impedance >1MOhm) and a mic on the cab (I usually use an Electro-Voice RE20). When I mix I generally first of all get the two tracks in phase then mix them to get the sound I want. Sometimes the mic on the cab gives me exactly what I need. Sometimes the mic track just doesn't end up being right for the mix so I may just use the DI track by itself or I'll run the DI track through Waves GTR to get the sound I need, which I may or may not mix with a copy of the clean DI track. With distorted bass sounds the DI track is very useful for mixing back in with the distorted sound to preserve the bottom end so that the bass sound doesn't disappear in a mix along with distorted guitars.
  4. Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. Leen, I've seen Crue a couple of times. All credit to Nikki Sixx for still being alive, let alone playing the bass. Having seen Nikki get upset with a stage invader and twat him with his bass I would never ever say anything against the man, just in case he's reading and I ever get to meet him. Mykebass, You're welcome to pop over to the studio sometime. Please bear in mind that because I am working until about midnight most nights I don't get to the studio until around lunchtime most days, unless there is an early booking. So it may be best to contact me in advance if you are thinking of coming over one lunchtime. Paulgm1, It was good to meet you briefly on Monday night. I hope you liked the studio and our rehearsal bass rig (Ashdown MAG300H, Hartke TP410, Ashdown MAG115 Deep) and that Mags and her band were good to you. Many apologies for not making you a tea/coffee. I totally forgot to offer you one (I make tea/coffee for everyone who comes to the studio). Dropzone, I'll try to pop along to see you play sometime, but I am working in the studio most evenings, so getting out to see bands is a rare occurance these days. Bigjas, You're not the only one who didn't/doesn't know about the studio. We've been there for 14 years, but it still seems to be a well kept secret. I found out last week that even the driving test centre next door have no idea who we are or what we do. I really must try harder with my advertising.
  5. I thought I would introduce myself. I've been playing bass for about 25 years. I currently play in a couple of covers bands. My main weapon of choice is a Warwick Corvette Standard V that I've had for just over 10 years. I play through a similarly old Hartke HA3500 and Hartke TP410. I grew up listening to 80s rock and metal, which I still enjoy listening to, but I generally play lighter stuff. In fact I'll play anything I can get my fingers around. It's all music and its all enjoyable to play. For a job I co-own a rehearsal and recording studios in Chichester, West Sussex called [url=http://www.airtightstudios.com]Airtight Studios[/url] where I look after band rehearsals and recordings as well as teaching recording and mixing. Over the years I've also done a lot of live sound work. Mainly for local bands, but occaisionally bigger acts. I look forward to some chat, learning stuff, and if I can, helping others with anything I know about.
  6. I'm sure you've found somewhere already, but if not you could try Airtight Studios in Chichester www.airtightstudios.com I am the co-owner and the main band recording engineer. I specialise in recording bands live in the studio. I can also do multitrack location recording or even do a multitrack recording of a gig whilst simultaneously doing the FOH sound. If you visit my SoundCloud page you can hear recordings that I have done www.soundcloud.com/peter_niall_lancaster By the way I am a bass player (Warwick Corvette V, Hartke HA3500, Hartke TP410). I play in a couple of local bands. I've only just come across this site and came across your post. Now I'll go and introduce myself properly elsewhere on the forum.
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