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Everything posted by squarezero

  1. [url="https://www.facebook.com/wearetraps"]www.facebook.com/wearetraps[/url] Post punk soulful rock goodness
  2. After having a thorough check today it see,s that the double muff is probably dead. As it was always temperamental I'm going to just replace it with a bass overdrive, I may swap out the odb 3 while I'm at it. Cheers for all your help though
  3. Hi, do you still have this for sale?
  4. It's loud, but I'm not throwing that much at it. The light was only when the double muff and odb were on at the same time, the head isn't really peaking, so that is what was confusing me. With the double muff, it is only two dials and they are only at a point of being just a bit louder than clean, same levels with the obd but has a volume knob, guess the gain is prob turned up quite high though. I guess that is another question, is there an art to getting volume without affecting the effect sound, particularly on the double muff? I will give everything a check over tonight and see if there is any resolution. Thank you for all your comments.
  5. Just realised, probably low frequencies that would damage a tweeter? And thus pretty much what was said! Hopefully all of the teachings on here will sink in!
  6. Thanks guys, I will see what I can do and maybe yes get a thumpinator or some other limiter//actunator? Glad to hear about layering distortions! Probably a misunderstanding I'm sure, as he usually has about three gain stages! Looking at what the light may be, seems that ampeg cabs have a light bulb in the back that acts like a slow blow fuse to protect the tweeters, so it may be high frequencies that are the problem, prob the Double Muff in that case, it is old and temperamental, kinda why I like it though!
  7. Hi, I recently changed amps and seem to have been having problems with my FX chain ever since. Up until now I have just been plugging stuff in that sounds good and that is it, it is time to use some proper knowledge to get it sorted, appologies for any apparent naievity on my part. I have a Rickenbacker 4003, playing through ampeg PF 500 head and SVT-410HE cab In order all plugged direct into front input- Boss OBD-3 bass overdrive 80s EHX Double Muff EHX Mole Artec Big Dots tuner Boss SYB-3 Bass Synth EHX Memory Boy Anybody see anything to watch out for there? The Double Muff is pretty temperamental, but I love the sound. Last night I tapped on the double muff and OBD-3 and warning lights came on in the actual cab?!!! My guitarist says that you should never put two distortion/overdrives on together, is this true? Damn shame if so... Any help/thoughts appreciated
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