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Everything posted by markorbit

  1. I think six strings are pointless for a bassist but not five. I took the leap to five about four years ago after 35 years on four. It felt alien and still does to some degree. The thing is, now a four is missing something and I just can't go back. In that respect I agree with joel406. I am getting better on five so I'll carry on. No choice anyway because the band I'm in need the low notes. Even songs originally recorded on four are keyed down so I needed somewhere to go. I think if a bass guitar was designed for the first time today it wouldn't stop at low E.
  2. I also didn't care for the cabsim on the SV. I thought the DI signal was good with the pedal off but then I couldn't get the articulation back with the pedal on. I had both bassrigs. The best thing they added was the bounce and feel of a tube amp.
  3. What's that noise at 2.18?
  4. That's interesting. It ships with a 9V power supply. The unit accepts 9-12V and whenever this happens the higher voltage is usually recommended. Maybe I didn't need the Cioks DC-7 I just ordered. Look forward to your feedback.
  5. Yes I just missed it.
  6. To be clear it will pass the signal into an amp but stops short at being a USB audio interface. I'd have liked that. Still looks good but yes, things are not that affordable anymore!
  7. Yeah my favourite gigs. A real shame there is no video - as it wasn't the same before or after - but there is the great live album.
  8. He told me 'I Want To Be Free' was his favourite bass line and said it was influenced by Thin Lizzy who he loved. Phil was a great guy.
  9. I had a cherry Wal Pro 2E (active) just like the one in the first post. Again, it was Leigh Gorman live from Sefton Park that introduced me to Wal and I was really chuffed to find a used one in the Wapping Bass Centre in 1987 for (I think) £300. Either that or £300 on top of my 70s Precision in part-ex. For years I didn't know there were passive ones and was surprised that Mr Gorman's bass was passive. Awesome sound. I did a session with mine at Livingston and the producer (whose name I forget!) immediately offered to buy it off me after hearing it.
  10. PM'd
  11. I have a small pedal case and I found a much better solution is to line the bottom of the case with a bit of black carpet from B&M (£2.99 if I recall). They sell perfect size pieces that just need a trim. Pedals with velcro stick like glue to the surface (really!) and you're free to move things around how you like without needing to worry about velcro once the underside of the pedals are done (with the hooky part).
  12. Are you running it at 9v or 18v? I'm seeing one of these in my future.
  13. Can you elaborate on this? I'm not sure which one to go for. First it was the 64 but it's currently the SV !!
  14. Ashdown have UK Custom Shop rackmount ABM600s at a great price at the mo. Order direct.
  15. The Ashdowns are not made in the UK these days. Some of the range may be but the ABMs are made in China I believe. I had an EVO IV not long ago. At low volume I didn't notice much difference in tone to my older UK-made ABM combo. Both sounded great. My memories of the SVT 3 I owned are a little vague now. It has a few tubes in there plus one to drive the mosfets. It won't compete volume-wise with the Ashdown but sound-wise it had that Ampeg sound which works great with bass. It will be interesting to see what Yamaha do with the brand when they get around to revamping the amp line.
  16. I think the new firmware gives some classic tube emulations? There's very little info out there for non-owners but this amp gets more appealing by the month. I'd definitely be giving that a try Loz!
  17. I always thought Ashdown use the BLACK ones these days and it is the white ones that are hard to come by. Are the Ashdown ones not the same? I'm looking for a single white one... I think my missing one must have gone up the vacuum cleaner. I've looked high and low...lol
  18. I recorded some bass today into Logic using the DI on my LMIII from 2013 (one of the last Italian ones but not Class A/B). I played a Precision and was amazed at the great sound from the DI and I even set it pre-EQ. It's not as wide sounding as my Noble or Neve but it sounded great in a different way, just like a Fender should. It doesn't really sound as good as that through the power amp and speakers but it demonstrates how nice sounding the preamp is.
  19. On the plus side you'll probably only do that once. Yes, the Noble hangs onto some power for a bit just like the amps Grandma used to make. I always unplug at the Noble end first as I pack the cable separately anyway.
  20. Yeah, that's the 121P with the nicer handle. Anyway I think I've decided on a 102P (which has the recessed handles). I suspect the 121H might sound nicer but the tiltback 102P ticks a box.
  21. I'm considering a Markbass combo. I notice that the newer CMD121P combos have a lovely top loaded leather handle with yellow stitching and MB logo rather than the older uglier and prone to breakage plastic one. However I have never seen a pic of the CMD121H with the newer handle. It would seem a natural improvement to that combo too. Has anyone come across a CMD121H with the newer leather handle? Is it a thing?
  22. Just pedantically saying that there is no Markbass CMD112P. Perhaps you mean the CMD121P - the small 1x12 combo 🙂
  23. Spot on. I've had two.
  24. I had the ABM 600 EVO-IV head. Kinda wish I'd never sold it. I A/B'd it with a UK-made EVO-II combo that I bought at the same time (and still have) and sound-wise they were almost identical. It was also the first time in a while I had owned a non-Class D amp and yes, you guessed it... the 'heft' was apparent.
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