I don't play fretless but do have an L2 and I've tried all the strings you mention with the exception of the S500L. Mine are the S500M and they sure thud and thump on the L2
In my experience the Status black nylons are easy to play, not too tight and the strings add a certain round wound clarity to the black nylon charecter. What I didn't like was how they thinned out as you got to the G string. Both in sound and feel. This is from memory, it's a while since I tried them. The La Bella S660 are the complete opposite - big and chunky, rounded attack with quicker decay - that description sounds quite appealing but I felt it was a little sterile on the L2. In the end I preferred the normal S500M flats which have a more articulated attack and don't lose the depth.
And now I'm just trying some standard gauge rounds and realising I can get the action lower and it almost plays itself.