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Everything posted by koha

  1. Hi, does anyone have this manual or do you know how to dismount the amplifier section as no screw etc...I can see outside, or maybe it is fixed to the box behind the speakers? Thanks, Andras
  2. Hi, Due to the weight of this EBS combo I am thiking of replacing the 12" speaker to a lighter one ie.neodymium...what would you recommend? Or maybe not the speaker shall be replaced ie. transformer is the main crucial part -from weigth point of view- in the amplifier side? pls advise thanks
  3. still available? pls pic and give the dimension too, and willing to send to Hungary?
  4. [CODE] <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jaFWY3cZNIk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> [/CODE]Here it comes.... our fresh new video from Hungary performed by Rock Lívia Acoustic trio. btw, the bass is a Washburn 20years olf electroacoustic with nylon string If it counts [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaFWY3cZNIk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=jaFWY3cZNIk[/url]
  5. Hi, What is the tuning of it? and how would it cost to send to Hungary? Regards, Andras
  6. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS4_FPC0fS0"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS4_FPC0fS0[/url]
  7. Great seller, with really fast response and delivery just as he promised! Bought a Zoom pedal from Ivan. Thanks again
  8. Let me promote my acoustic band. Setup for bass was: Wasburn electroacoustic bass trhough an EBS Drome combo to ZOOM !6. no effect applied on bass, just a bit eq-ing during mixing. Recorded on rehearsal at the same time. Unfortunetely miking of cajno was not the best... [url="https://soundcloud.com/rock-livia-acoustic/naughty-boy-cover-la-la-la"]https://soundcloud.com/rock-livia-acoustic/naughty-boy-cover-la-la-la[/url] and [url="https://soundcloud.com/rock-livia-acoustic/scofield-i-dont-need"]https://soundcloud.com/rock-livia-acoustic/scofield-i-dont-need[/url]
  9. pm'd
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPBvspismX0
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uEY6uw6vhs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uEY6uw6vhs[/url]
  12. Here it is the bassplayer from them: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQ6DXXn9AM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQ6DXXn9AM[/url]
  13. with bass solo from 32:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzIK99avlCI
  14. lets promote my band, called [b]Lizsé[/b] style swing/blues speciality is that we have a singer lady who is a professional harmonice and flute player too. [url="https://soundcloud.com/#lizs-3"]https://soundcloud.com/#lizs-3[/url]
  15. a new song /Peggy Lee's cover/: https://soundcloud.com/lizs-3/lizs-why-dont-you-do-right-mp3
  16. now it sounds like an old precision, but to be honest it is a JB with Shure pu.
  17. thanks, I have a Palatino EUB, currently at luthier, but when it is ready maybe I will record the bass line again with EUB. Propapbly the taste of this song will be much adequate and warmer.
  18. Fender JB 5 strings, directly to the mixer... [url="https://soundcloud.com/lizs-3/lizs-goody-goody"]https://soundcloud.c...izs-goody-goody[/url]
  19. what about If i used a simple bass string, roundwound or typewound nylon? of course the only the longest what I can...
  20. ok, thanks. and wht about weedwacker pro? would it be ok for eub? or just normal double bass?
  21. Hi, Which type of EUB string you prefer? Cheap and light would be needed, not expensive Thomastik etc... I need your advice as I am new here in EUB/DB...
  22. pls delete it...as I placed it twice by mistake....
  23. Hi, Recently I have bought an used Palatino VE-500. Do you know where I can order spare parts like battery cover, tuning machine, tail piece...which is the best ebony /in size/ to replace the original tailpiece? thanks
  24. Hi, Recently I have boought a used Palatino VE-500. Do you know where I can order spare parts like battery cover, tuning machine, tail piece...which is the best ebony /in size/ to replace the original tailpiece? thanks
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