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Everything posted by AlexDelores

  1. That’s great thanks for the info on the Alto stuff. Yeah I didn’t think I’d have much joy with the cab. we currently use a Yamaha emx312sc powered mixer and x2 wharfedale evp x-15 passive speakers. I also use an Ashdown Abm 500 head and abm210 cab. As far as budget it really needs to be all in under £1k. We’re thinking we’ll probably end up with 1 active speaker (for now) a mixer, a set of the gear 4 music in ear monitors and probably an alto powered Sub, although we might end up with x2 speakers in a bundle and then look at the sub a later date and carry on with my seperate amp. im wondering whether I could DI my bass amp into the mixer but keep the volume low on the front of house sound (assuming it has a seperate level control for the monitors) hmm lots to think about, all though I’m most definately over thinking it all 😂 really appreciate the feedback from here though 👍
  2. Thanks a lot, appreciate the help. I’m assuming if I have 2 speaker cabs + a sub I would need to daisy chain one of the speakers off another due to the available XLR connections on the mixer... which leads me to the question, would it be possible to use an active speaker connected to a passive mixer and then daisy chain my ashdown ABM 2x10 passive cab and go direct into the PA with my bass? As the cab would be getting power from the speaker? I know this wouldn’t be as ideal for handling the low end as a powered sub but would it be possible as a short term answer to having everything through the in ears? Unfortunately as with everything budget comes into play here.
  3. Yes sorry, I mean I am hoping to get rid of the bass amp completely and run direct into the PA. my initial thought was I should consider buying a Proper SUB to run through the set up (chain off one of the normal pa speakers) but wasn’t sure whether I would ‘get away’ with just normal pa speakers. Sounds like my thinking is about right Thanks for your reply 👍
  4. Hi, just looking for a bit of advice. currently looking into upgrading my bands PA system, we’re an acoustic duo with acoustic guitar, bass, and vocals. We’re looking at getting a couple of active speakers, more than likely one of these... https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Alto-Truesonic-TS210-10-Active-PA-Speaker/1G05 https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Mackie-Thump-12-Active-PA-Loudspeaker/ZPR https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Mackie-Thump12A-Active-PA-Speaker/23CP The idea of the change is that we’ll be able to take just one speaker to our smaller shows, we’ll also be getting a set of in ear monitors rather than a floor monitor. Basically overall idea is to reduce the size of our kit for transport and also reduce our overall footprint at gigs (we get put in quite small corners of bars being were acoustic) we also like the idea of a bit more power for weddings etc. Now.. I also use a separate bass amp and the plan is to run everything through the PA so I’ll have it in my ear and again its less gear to transport. what are people’s thoughts on me running my bass through these speakers without the need of a Sub? I have always had it in my head that the pa wouldn’t handle bass without distorting however I also kind of feel that a Seperate sub will be major overkill? (We’re indie/ pop not dubstep 😂) Also anyone any experience with any of the above speakers? excuse the long windedness (if that’s a word) and naivety of this post but any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Alex
  5. Has anyone got a pre order in for the Sire P7 Pbass? Ive seen them advertised on Thomann website but they seem to keep moving the date they will become available. With nothing but good things from the V7 it will be interesting to see if they live up to the hype.
  6. I play and sing in an acoustic duo. Mainly indie pop stuff and I use a stand just in the corner for lyrics. I used to be really against them when I was younger but now I prefer to have them there rather than forget the words (I’m useless at remembering lyrics no matter how much I practice). We also have quite a lot of songs that we don’t play regular but pop up as requests from time to time so handy to have them in a folder. never seems to put any punters off. It’s usually the music that does that 😂
  7. I’m so intrigued to see if this comes off. although Ill be extremely jealous of anyone that ends up with one good spot none the less
  8. Ah no problem, thanks a lot, lovely looking bass! GLWTS 👍
  9. Hi, where are you based? (Sorry I'm on mobile) Alex
  10. That looks great, really intrigued to hear how that sounds! Nice work!
  11. I have one of these on my board and Can say they are a really versatile drive pedal. From a dirty almost valve like growl to a full on in your face fuzz. Really good pedal. GLWTS
  12. Wow what a cool modification and the cream coloured changes really set it off. Lovely looking PreciJazz that.
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1476460506' post='3154566'] I think this is the Wakrat rig, and the BF were used on Prophets of Rage... but I don't know why he'd use different cabs on each. I was surprised too. Has he gone back to Ampeg already? [/quote] Wakrat are currently touring as the support band for prophets of rage so I'd imagine he's using the same rig for both. perhaps his roadies have done something wrong and he's punishing them by making them lug those ampeg cabs around for a few weeks 😂
  14. Thanks for posting. Good watch that. Big fan of Tim as a player and his various projects. That blonde Ray with black hardware is rather lovely also 😏
  15. Evening all, Forgive me if this is in the wrong place. looking for a bit of help. Ive come to use zoom b3 as an interface with my laptop and Cubase that came with the pedal. I have used them together on a number of occasions and once I finally got it set up it was great and no problems. However, I haven't needed to connect to a DAW for a while and Ive come to use them tonight for the first time since updating the laptop to windows 10 and I cant get any sound out the program. I've Updated the e-licenser for Cubase which seems to be running as normal, Ive updated the firmware and have connected everything as before when it worked but no joy. The only thing ive noticed is the zoom website only have drivers for windows 7 / 8 ... no 10, does this mean the pedal wont work with windows 10 now? . Not sure if I'm missing something simple here, I hope someone is able to make sense of this and offer some advice. Thanks EDIT- Problem sorted minutes after posting this. I don't think the firmware update had worked first time around, I restored the pedal and re downloaded the firmware and problem solved. Thanks
  16. When I was Younger I really struggled to hit the second run on the intro for around the world by RHCP . Played the rest of the song no bother, but that bloody run!! It became a bit of a running joke with the mates and no matter how good of a gig we'd be having one of em would always shout 'but can you play around the world?!' Still A bit of a joke to this day. It was about 10 years ago though and Im happy to say I've well and truly got it down now 😂
  17. Great thread. As a 24 year old, I wasn't even an idea when These songs were being released. But as a bass player I've always had a soft spot for funk and disco and this thread is perfect for pointing out some tracks I've never heard before and I'm really enjoying. Nice one 😬
  18. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1473907016' post='3134040'] I recently acquired this Am. Std. Jazz. For me you can't beat Olympic White, Maple Fretboard, and a Black Moto PG. [/quote] What a beauty!
  19. Beautiful looking bass. If only I had the money. Have a Bump instead 😬 Best of luck with the sale.
  20. Do love a Jazz. Every time I start thinking about getting something like an MM or a Warwick I always come back around to really wanting another Jazz 😂 Can't fight it any longer! 😩
  21. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1471783273' post='3115796'] The step daughters are both fans so I've seen them live a bunch of times and they've always been fantastic. Good musicianship, energetic performance and songs stacked with hooks. Don't forsee much of a future for them though. With only two full time band members left, I think it's "inevitable solo career" time for Hayley Williams. [/quote] From what I gather, the band being treated as a Hayley Williams solo career by both herself and Label/representatives is the main reason for most of them leaving, could be wrong though of course. Still, I really like their first couple of albums, not heard much of there more recent stuff. Saw them at reading a few years back and they were okay 😬 'Fences' is a personal favourite with a really nice walking style bass line 😬
  22. Lovely looking bass , congrats 😬
  23. I believe The bass tech for RB is Chris the frontman/bass player from 'The Zico Chain' who were an awesome three piece a few years back! Just Thought I'd share that as they are well worth a listen IMO
  24. Enjoyed that, thanks for sharing
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