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Everything posted by joemarty

  1. I've been waiting to hear from him since the weekend.... :-/
  2. Hi, what's the wattage of the cabs and also where are you? Cheers
  3. Amazing price for this! I have a 6x10 and it sounds huge so this must be incredible! GLWTS
  4. All PM's replied to. Lots of interest but no takers yet...
  5. [quote name='david1711' timestamp='1402348397' post='2472579'] Still thinking about it. Guess I may need to get a move on! Not owned a Jazz before. I tried a new USA Standard on Saturday in a shop which was quite nice although still too bright for me and the action was too high. How does this compare in your opinion? Please don't pull the ad for a couple of days at least. Thanks. [/quote] I won't pull it for a few days mate, I'd love the bass to get used not left in its case. Agree with Karl with regard to shop basses and also every bass you'll try will feel different. I use an american standard as my everyday go to bass and it's a different feel to this american vintage... The AV really does look and feel and sound like a vintage bass. I find it's eq more versatile than the standard but I'm sure others might disagree. It's all a matter of taste!
  6. [quote name='Bassmachine' timestamp='1402384154' post='2472742'] Stories are like farytales.... All have one to say:) A good package and a hardcase and all its ok. I traded-sold-bought from Basschaters (and some basses costs a lot more than fender) ,up from 10 basses and no issue and i live in Greece so dont worry......Make someone happy:) Cheers Steve [/quote] Thanks Steve! I guess I'm overly cautious really. That's encouraging to hear someone with positive things to say about sending basses abroad. Maybe I should look into it again :-) thank you!
  7. Maybe the last bump for this. Thinking that maybe I should hang on to it, can't drop the price any lower and no firm takers :-/
  8. Anyone interested in this beautiful bargain?!
  9. Final price drop for this beauty. £850 is as low as it's gonna go...
  10. Hi, I'm afraid I've already had interest from a fellow bc'er from Czech Republic and as I explained to him I'm not too keen sending the bass to Europe. I've heard horror stories of things going missing or taking months to get delivered I really don't want to take the risk with such an expensive and beautiful bass. I'm really sorry.
  11. It is a beautiful bass thank you! Still looking for a new owner :-)
  12. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1401280022' post='2461946'] Looks like schaller strap lock buttons are fitted, do you still have the original ones please? [/quote] Yes you're right! Thank you for pointing that out! I put on Schaller's thinking I was going to gig with it when I first got it. So yes I have the originals which I will fit on now :-)
  13. For those asking this bass was made in 2007 and in fantastic condition (only took the plastic off the pickguard last month)
  14. I've had this fitted on my Fender Jazz AV reissue for about two months but not really used it. Now selling the bass so have taken it off and here it is! In original packaging and like new. These fit pre CBS Fenders equipped with reverse winding machine heads. All installation instructions and mounting hardware is included. £50 delivered anywhere in the UK. http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj575/joemarty2/Mobile%20Uploads/0116DC97-0AE3-4CF3-BDA4-D9D7A15D5F28_zpsjaa8zppr.jpg
  15. Go on Karl...treat yourself!!!! :-) I'll see if I can venture into finding out the date of manufacture by taking the neck off
  16. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1400869628' post='2457797'] It starts with a V then has 6 numbers. See above post :-) I can't quite make out your serial number as the picture is blurred but here is a website that can give you an approximate era. does your bass have =V****** ? (6 numbers after the letter V?) [/quote]
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