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Everything posted by laranjo

  1. laranjo


    Do you want a musicman bongo hh5 with piezzo and hardcase to Trade?
  2. laranjo


  3. laranjo


    Do you want to Trade ? I have a musicman bongo hh5 with piezzo more original hardcase. No scratches... Almost new
  4. for sale ... Musicman Bongo HH5 with piezzo and original hardcase.. imaculated!!! 1500 GBP 1900€ Negociavel maybe trades https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1798050_872971249393593_9090477631098779947_n.jpg?oh=bd3b9181828d4006684361c90861aca4&oe=54F20E16&__gda__=1424424296_711b8e5fd5dddeefe8b92fdc509df2a4 https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10593005_872971366060248_8781775384059114786_n.jpg?oh=b89843db3d3668284bcebdadf5e40a9d&oe=54B011E0
  5. Do you want to Trade ? I have a musicman bongo hh5 with piezzo and hardcase!
  6. Bass of My life
  7. give u my fender deluxe jazz bass from 60 aniversary with fishmann piezzo and lindy fralin pickups never used and i give u my JP costum bass 5 with MM/J bartolini pickups and basslines pre. for your musicman bongo.
  8. If u are Interested in this Trade i can send Photos of The fender, just give your email. The fender are imaculated.
  9. Fender Deluxe jazz bass from 60 aniversary with fishmann piezzo and pickups lindy fralin new they never played. Do u want for a Change? [email protected]
  10. for sale fender jazz deluxe jazz bass MIM from 60 aniversary with fismann piezzo and lindy fralin pickups ( new) amazing conditions
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