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Everything posted by NukeBass

  1. Apologies for reviving an ancient thread but this seemed the most appropriate place… (pic for attention) ✌️😉 I’m the proud owner of a Pignose Travel Bass (which is a fun thing to play) however, the sound from the built-in speaker is not that great - I wonder if anyone might’ve had any success in upgrading the speaker to get a better sound?
  2. I play bass guitar alongside (usually) six other guitarists known collectively as "The Glissando Guitar Orchestra". We all bow our instruments with metal objects using a lot of compression and delay, creating fabulously rich textured drones. It sounds like this:
  3. My current board - I've been using this set-up for a while now...
  4. Aha, thanks for that 👍
  5. Hey people, do any of you know where I could obtain a replacement 1.75"/45mm nut for a 50s P-bass (a brass one would be nice)? I'm drawing a blank on my google searches... 🙁
  6. It's possible to get Quick Release Castor Plates - could be a viable solution..? [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/adam_hall_38090_castor_plate.htm"]https://www.thomann.de/gb/adam_hall_38090_castor_plate.htm[/url] Personally, I just use a sack trolley for moving both mine and the guitarists gear...
  7. We share the same birth year - what a beautiful bass!
  8. I was lucky enough to acquire an Eden WT800 and 610XLT a few years ago and yes, it really is an awesome rig! 😎🤘
  9. I have one of these too, (albeit slightly modified with Lace pickups, BadAss II bridge and a black pickguard) - I absolutely love it and it's been my #1 'go to' bass for over ten years now...
  10. Chilling in the garden with my Ibanez AGB-140
  11. I had to replace the pickups in an old Columbus Jazz Bass a year or two ago and had a similar problem - the original pickups had radiused corners and the body was routed to match, the replacement pickups had squared corners and wouldn't fit... I managed to (carefully with a little heat) prise the pickups from their covers and swap them around - the pole spacing was slightly different but I managed to get 'round that with a little judicious filing to open the pole apertures allowing the new pickups to be rehoused in the original covers. It all worked out quite well and maybe this method would work for you too..?
  12. Just dug out a couple of old pedals I used years ago - an Aria DD-x10 digital delay and a Washburn SCX:7 stereo chorus - both very respectable sounding. I'm glad I hung onto them!
  13. Panic over! A good pal of mine just sent me this link with a photo showing exactly what I wanted to see...   http://www.pedalarea.com/envelope_filters.htm
  14. Help! - Do any of you players have an American EHX Bassballs? I have a big favour to ask - could you please post a clear photo of the 9v wiring inside the case (from battery clip + psu input to circuit board) - the wiring in mine has become detached and I desperately need to know whereabouts it needs to be re-soldered.
  15. PM'd - Mine has just died so if this is still available, I'll take it!
  16. Bump -are you still looking for a buyer?
  17. I'm on the verge of buying this exact same rig elsewhere, (slightly more expensive but as new condition) - what's your price for P+P to East London?
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