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Everything posted by jeremywatt

  1. Hello! Originally from Australia, I've been here in the UK freelancing with the major London orchestras for the last 10 years (Philharmonia, LSO, LPO, BBC CO, RPO etc), playing in the West End, and on the session scene. I've taught double bass both privately and at schools, and on occasion for the Royal College of Music Junior Department. During my own development I studied a range of method books in depth including those of Rabbath, Simandl, Tarlton, Bille, Megnoli & Storch-Hrabe and have learnt privately with Rinat Ibragimov, Neil Tarlton & Duncan McTier. I play and teach french bow- but am happy to give lessons to players of either bow hold. [b][i]Due to the nature of my freelance work I can't guarantee the same lesson time each week/fortnight.[/i][/b] I teach from home, in Crayford. My rates are £30 per lesson, which last at least an hour- and although the above all sounds dry and boring, I aim to make my lessons anything but. If this all sounds like your kind of thing PM me for more info. -jeremy.
  2. Hi there- I'm Floyd's tutor, Jeremy. I'm sorted with a Bass Chat username now, so feel free to contact me directly about this instrument on here. Here's some of the missing info that people have been asking Floyd for: String length- 39.5" / 99.5cm Length of back- 40" / 101.5cm Rib deptth- 8" / 20.5cm (quite deep for it's size) It has Evah Pirazzi weich on g, d, a, and a Bel Canto on the e at the moment, but I have a brand new set of Helicore Pizzicato that I'm willing to put on it, or a mixed selection of Thomastics- what ever fits best. I also have the Evah Pirazzi e string, but as it's an extension e, I've left it off, but there'd be no problem just winding it all on. I've used it for classical orchestral playing as my second bass in the London orchestras, but I'm told by a local luthier/repairer that we all know and love, that it's the sort of bass that would be ideal for jazzers, being a bit more transportable etc This is also where I get my asking price from, but am happy to consider offers. I'm happy very for people to trial it. I'm near Dartford, and am happy to pick up people wanting to see the bass at any of the nearby train stations (Crayford, Dartford, Barnehurst, etc) Hope all this helps a little. Cheers. -jeremy.
  3. Hi There- I learnt Rabbath Technique at university level but don't use it so much in my day to day orchestral playing in London any more. I teach privately, but I'm not registered at Talk Bass. Is there a way for me to contact this guy without registering at Talk Bass? I can certainly help him.
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