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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. I heard that on the radio. Was very sad how quickly he died after his last gig ...within 24hrs IIRC.
  2. Thanks Chris - I think Mr Stinky has come up with a brilliant solution but really great to know theres a back up plan !
  3. ...or maybe a case of this? ! Enjoy ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXlz61gv1Us
  4. Sorted many thanks to Mr Stinky my new BC BFF ! ...and a huge public thank you to Jim Ryan for just being one amazing dude ! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196941-the-bass-relay-thread/page__st__960"]http://basschat.co.u...d/page__st__960[/url]
  5. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1385328315' post='2287043'] "The bass sounded a bit too clean. I think you should have some more reverb when we perform so there's more of a groove going." [/quote] Why not try it out? It would show willing to work with her ( even if she completely wrong!) . You may discover a setting that sounds half good or interesting ...or she might hear it and think actually the groove sounds tighter and punchier without the reverb
  6. Cant recommend this book highly enough - injury prevention and management written specifically for Bassists. http://www.bassbooks.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=1229
  7. We were just doing what we thought was a tasteful, slow ballady gentle ambience blue note kind of set at a 'nice pub for nice people' when a rather drunken lady came up and said 'Erm ..do you know any happy jazz ? ...this is doing my f*&^K@ng head in jazz!'
  8. You will have to change your first name to Horse !
  9. [quote name='Paulgm1' timestamp='1385253160' post='2286233'] I commute to London most days from Pompey area and may be able to help (it was me that picked up the relay case). [/quote] Thanks paul - I am currently hoping to patch something together with Gust0o but if that isnt do-able then I PM you! Thanks everyone who has chipped in with an offer of help !
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1385253361' post='2286236'] That bad, huh..? [/quote] yep and Im coming round for tea at yours tonight !
  11. Hey DB ..bet it plays just as nice as it looks!
  12. [quote name='FLoydElgar' timestamp='1385285967' post='2286330'] Duncan McTier for me all day long [/quote] We knew that F'man, we knew that ! Especially for you ... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yMB51q9IJ0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yMB51q9IJ0[/url]
  13. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1385242959' post='2286124'] That may be so but i really couldn't justify buying one with my (lack of) talent. [/quote] ....Christmas is a comin though so you maybe dont have to buy one at all ! ( been dying to use this avatar all year! )!
  14. Its on my Christmas list ! Fantastic achievement and I cant wait to get my hands on a copy !
  15. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1385230394' post='2285914'] Going from Fontwell to Stafford on Wednesday if you can get over to Stafford Weds PM and I could pick up on Weds morning on the way through? [/quote] Thanks Myke but I am in France till Friday
  16. Wow! ...that took a mere 8 minutes to get a reply !
  17. Anyone planning on doing a trip between Portsmouth and London or even up to Bakewell, Derbyshire in the next few weeks?. One of the coolest people on BC , Mr Jim Ryan (who started the BC Bass Relay) has a Bass for my daughter - want to surprise her with it for Christmas and need to get it up North to Derbyshire where we live. Jim lives in Portsmouth . I could also pick it from the Kingston on Thames area of London or meet up in Derbyshire Nottinghamshire if that makes things do-able. Anyone able to help here?
  18. Sam, you still want me to post you the Flat Chromosteel Solos to try? If so PM with your address (back in the UK in about a week or so).
  19. Funnily enough I was looking at Rinats fingering as I noticed he ends up a lot on his 2nd finger. The finger navigation of the piece isnt something I have begun to tackle though !
  20. This is one of my all time favourite performances by Rinat playing Bottensini the way Bottenini would have played on a 3 string. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgZ_-f7pVk4
  21. Cant imagine getting 90 double bassists together so easily in the UK ! The DB seems to be really popular in Japan! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC0FeLVsg7c[/media]
  22. Anyone got any expertise in editing video clips who could lend a hand? Just trying to compile a one off collaborative video where there are maybe 30 or so musicians each demo-ing their skills with short video clip bursts of maybe 5 seconds per musician?
  23. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1385135809' post='2284884'] I got press-ganged! I dropped my daughter off and the teacher said he knew I played bass, so I should get my arse inside and join in. I used a spare bass, was given sheet music which I hastily scribbled the note names on... and tried to play very quietly. That was 18 months ago, and I'm still going every Saturday. My daughter (on clarinet) reads music very well indeed and keeps the pressure on! [/quote] Brilliant ! I am always impressed at how 50 musicians can sit in a room and read a new piece for the first time and this amazing sound comes out - thats just everybody knowing where to find someone else's written down notes on their chosen instrument. Back to the OP ...its like all things in music if what you are learning is relevant to what you play then its important if its not relevant, then its not important. Plenty of people dont sight read, or know scales but make the most amazing music.
  24. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1385134318' post='2284865'] It's opened up so much music, and lets me join in with almost anything where a full piano score is available. I'm a long way off being able to sight read fully and confidently but I am very pleased I took the plunge! [/quote] Joining an orchestra is a brilliant way of pushing sight readings skills and after a while the sight reading becomes invisible but also so does the learning of scales and connection ...thats when it becomes really great to put that into ones own music.
  25. In the DB world we have no frets and no dots marking notional 5th, 7th 12th fret positions. Scales and arpeggios are a fantastic way of navigating the fingerboard and knowing where the variations on the notes are - its pretty liberating to open up things that way. I find it quite a fascinating process when sight reading though a new piece to consider the options. In a piece that is maybe in A I may decide to have the notes fall under my hand in 5th fret position working up a scale pattern there because the next changes mean that I need to be even higher up the fingerboard and that makes complete sense ....or whether to play the same notes using a different scale pattern starting with an open A low down at 1st / 2nd fret because thats where the music stays down low ...or alternatively playing with yet another scale pattern rising solely on the A string or a combination of all things. The use of repeatable patterns and scales is pretty powerful foothold when it comes to improvising . Anyone use Jerry Cokers patterns for jazz? [url="https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B48okE6igcdfdWJNUEM0Q1M4TVk/edit?pli=1"]https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B48okE6igcdfdWJNUEM0Q1M4TVk/edit?pli=1[/url]
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