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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1385110469' post='2284497'] The advert mentioned that the seller had had the chromed tailpiece as some sort of upgrade, I think. [/quote] ...pimpin' da King !
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385071489' post='2284252'] I'm assuming that a double weighs, er... double what a single would weigh? In which case I'd need to be stretchered off after about an hour and briskly rubbed down by young admirers with a bathroom scourer and baby oil. [/quote] ....so worth considering then
  3. It can be a wierd thing though with strings because they can sound great on one bass and not so great on another EDIT - my conclusion over the years is to narrow the choices down to some good recommended/options and then try different sets to see which my bass likes the best. The variables between basses can be immense.
  4. Geoff's post got me thinking which strings I actually have and they are these:- [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1370178517' post='2097240'] [b]String:[/b] "FLAT CHROMOSTEEL SOLO" [b]Made by:[/b] Pirastro [b]Info:[/b] [url="http://www.pirastro.com/public_pirastro/pages/en/Flat-Chromesteel-00001/"]Product info[/url] [b]Identifying colours at the winding ( peg) end : [/b]Pale blue, dark blue, yellow, green . [b]Identifying colours at the tailpiece: [/b]White silking with burgundy spiral to all strings , with a burgundy solid band at the either end. Black buttons and white felt pads. [b]Personal review: [/b]The strings I have are for Solo tuning ( also available for Orchestral tuning ). Strings that sing! Do wear out quite quickly though ! [/quote]
  5. Rabbie whats the deal with the tailpiece? Looks to be an composite alloy that has been chromed?
  6. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1384897193' post='2282131'] [color=#333333]I LOVE the explosive start to this! Check out Rinat and Alina Ibragimov perform Bottesini's Gran Duo for Double Bass and Violin. [/color] [media]http://youtu.be/lm8W8jMtQyA[/media] [/quote] This is brilliant playing but what I really love about the clip is that 'dialed-in' non verbal chemistry between them!
  7. Interestingly this was advertised in the Double Bass section of Ebay - I guess kind of true! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ian-Bottle-Guitars-Hand-Made-Double-Neck-Bass-Guitar-/141121225905?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20db7b04b1
  8. Just to be absolutely clear, links to Rickenbackers for sale or Rickenbacker copies on Ebay , Gumtree or anywhere else are not supported on BC . Thanks guys for recognising this in your posts and it comes as no surprise that this thread has been closed.
  9. yes reckon the Kaplans wouldnt be bright enough . I'm away at the moment but when Im back I fish out the pirastros and wang em over to you to try !
  10. I couldnt see the following lasting long on BC :- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221308-this-is-the-new-usa-style-fender-headstockinnit/"]http://basschat.co.u...headstockinnit/[/url] Members and the Mod team work hard to filter out scammers, rouges and wrong-uns and thankfully not many slip through the net . Thats got to be worth £7 ?
  11. Great purchase and have a pile of fun ..trouble is with any upright is that they make Bass Guitars look and feel so small in comparison ...I mean just look at the collection on the mantlepiece! EDIT - How long guys do we reckon before GAS for a DB as well sets in ?
  12. I found that the flat chrome steels are great in orchestral tuning - they like the extra tension. I actually used them on a short mensur solo bass and they were probably at less than performance tension but absolutely sang. Replaced them with some short scale Corellis and I think i may still have an old set knocking around - will have a look.
  13. "Why The Fee?"
  14. [quote name='lazybones' timestamp='1384902368' post='2282256'] was shocked how much e bay cost,,12% if i remember correctly which on a 700 quid guitar is £49 [/quote] Plus you get all the fun of dealing with the unknown, unwashed public on ebay ( the good, the bad, and the downright dishonest and ugly!).
  15. Whats amazing about these incredible players is how humble they often are and how generous they are with their knowledge. Great role models as people and as musicians.
  16. Stunning playing ...brilliant ! thanks Geoff - just awesome that you have studied with the great man !!
  17. Running through the changes about to jam with a guitarist who says he plays in a 'jazzy style' "what do you mean Fm7 is F [u][b]'minor'[/b][/u] 7 ? ....its not, Fm7 is F [u][b]'major'[/b][/u] 7 ...bloody bassists what the hell do you guys know about music!"
  18. ...we will have to have a wip round for one of these !
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1384892494' post='2282035'] That would be 56,000 guitarists then, so half the price. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] ...your the one with the maths ...whats half of 0.025 then? !!
  20. Value for money = £7 for marketing to 28,000 + bass players ...hmmn that works out at 0.025 of a penny per person !!
  21. ...thats all part of becoming an amazing player by the looks of it !
  22. Whereabouts you aching old man?
  23. I guess it could take some ideas from a Sitar? Good luck with it !!
  24. Tiny Rev = Trev for short? !! - double congratulations matey !
  25. Dan Berglund - for making the complex appear simple...immaculate timing, versatility, and just the vibe he brings to the music ! Not found a single defining clip but love his work with EST [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gXhwv9_ZS0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gXhwv9_ZS0[/url]
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