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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. Lots going on at the moment - thought I would just bump the above!
  2. Hope to be giving you a high 5 ( or should that be a low 5 ) very soon ! Good luck with it .
  3. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1384460964' post='2277109'] I bet he was dying inside! He does a go job of not seeming too bothered though. :-) I actually bought a bass matt which is the outline of the body from a great guy on talkbass. It rolls up and means I have an option. It tends to live in the car with the bass wheel, spare strings, kettle lead....and spare tyre. All emergencies are covered! ... [/quote] ...my missus often says that my ideal car is a white van!
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1384388742' post='2276249'] I don't lay my bass down by dragging it across tarmac by the peghead - seems to be a reasonable approach. SRSLY though I get my bass horizontal in my hands and put it down flat, there's no potential for damage. I never leave it unattended lying on the floor, I always prop it up in a corner if I'm going to be away from it, so at least passing numpties can see it. [/quote] Even in the corner a spike will slip if the floor is polished or hard ! On balance personally I would always go with a stand or lay it flat. Basses will always want to go to the ground (loving the irony of 1.12 in this clip !). [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAW2E4MqCLg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAW2E4MqCLg[/url]
  5. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1384300283' post='2275120'] "Allowing water to pass through" is underrated.... Don't knock it 'til you've been unable to do it! [/quote]
  6. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1384257102' post='2274454'] I know Wishbass are famous for their quirky looking basses,and each to their own,I guess [/quote] ..not my cup of tea either, but this about sums it up!
  7. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqlbnzzt46g"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqlbnzzt46g[/url]
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1384282083' post='2274839'] Second hand wood, not much finishing, and he sells loads of them. Did you see the one made from an old piano where you could still see the marks from the internal struts? I thought that looked pretty funky and interesting. [/quote] Wishbass's are all unique instruments. Every bass seems to be experiment into the weird and wonderful mostly made with exotic woods. Hand made and definitely one offs ...a very different approach to mass produced, machine made precision factory stuff ! Pretty low cost too in comparison to a lot of stuff out there. Cheap, unique, handmade. I reckon that with so much variables in design and materials that some instruments will twist and distort but looking at the production it seems to all be about owning something quite unique. Love a particular instrument or hate it. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wishbass&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ACPW_enGB436GB391&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=RYSCUvGsNNCihgeL8YHoCg&sqi=2&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=595 There is a market for these I guess!
  9. [quote name='blinddrew' timestamp='1384262717' post='2274562'] Is that an extended fingerboard in the first clip? Incredibly pure notes playing that high up. [/quote] yes its a solo fingerboard - couple of inches longer than standard ...beautiful sound !
  10. Wooden bumpers are a permanent add-on. To get them to stick to the bass the varnish is carefully removed back to wood of the bass and they are scribed to fit the gentle curve of the bouts and refinished. Really thick tanned leather is also used and the thickness all depends on the edge detail. A really cheap alternative is to get some sticky furniture pads http://www.airyear.com/hl31-slipresistant-multifunctional-table-mat-furniture-pads-black-8-pcs-p-63272.html?zenid=1c43c4c9fff9ca42ddfb2b8a4a37595e ...or as KiOgon's suggestion get a stand ( if theres room to lay a bass down on stage then hopefully theres room for a stand! ).
  11. Sam, doesn't seeing Edicson make you want to come over to the darks side and play German ( Bazin or no Bazin! )
  12. Out of interest Hector do you use a cushion? Having one of those fitted seems to me to be a really good idea ! On balance you know I am not a great fan of anything that puts the bass in contact with the ground but sometime needs must !
  13. I only ever use my Barnes wheel when I have to - for the most part I just carry the bass ! Subjecting a DB to taps, bangs, knocks, vibrations isn't something any of us would think is doing any good to out instrument but thats somewhat inevitable as soon as it starts to become mobilised and in constant contact with ever changing ground surfaces. I am wondering Sam if either type of product will help ...40 minutes is a long push !! The reason that the buggy design is way it is , seems to be down to getting the bass to a convenient angle of the bass to push when tilted. I feel a bit more comfortable discovering that there is also a Bass buggy cushion - that should absorb quite a bit ! http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/2334-UPRIGHT_BASS_BUGGIE_BASS_TRANSPORTER_BASS_BUGGY.html
  14. The thing that I am not so sure about with the bass buggy is where it comes into contact with the bass. Its the edge detail of some basses that concerns me where the top and bottom project past the ribs - these projecting lips seem to be the only part of the bass in contact with the buggy? Personally I would prefer to keep the load bearing weight on the structural part of the bass through the bottom end pin block rather than to the side ( 15kg is a lot of weight to place on the seams and a thin piece of rib wood ). Thats my hapeworth anyway !
  15. [quote name='SevenSeas' timestamp='1383990749' post='2271544'] The Bass Buggie once you know how to put it on is pretty simple. [/quote] Like all things its probably just a case of what you get used to
  16. [quote name='FLoydElgar' timestamp='1383953962' post='2271360'] Lol, a onyx wheel. [/quote] +1 thats what I use. It means that you have to hold the bass in its bag ( which is a good thing !!) but that the wheel gives you portability and takes the weight. I haven't tried a bass buggy in fairness so I am not dismissing it just that I have always found my wheel excellent I am also wary of bass buggies after Hectors recent post about putting a huge hole in his bass "Im having a bad day" thread ....! [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1382296643' post='2250359'] I was just clumsy - I use a bass buggie ([url="http://www.kcstrings.com/bass-buggie"]http://www.kcstrings.com/bass-buggie[/url]), which allows the bass to stand freely whilst you open doors etc. Obviously, I would never leave it unattended like that, but it can be very briefly freestanding for using both hands for opening a door or similar. I managed to knock it over whilst opening my front door and it landed on the clasp that sits on the shoulder, which made the hole. [/quote]
  17. The biggest problem with any Chinese factory manufacturer is that the basses are assembled in a very different climate to the UK and the temperature and moisture content of the wood changes, the wood expands ( or contracts ) and the seams open. That said , I have two Stentors one a hybrid , the other fully carved and no probs at all with either. They are robust solid, beautifully toned. A good Stentor is worth every penny and I dont find them chunky hopping about the fingerboard with an orchestral repertoire! But, maybe its down to luck of the draw
  18. Thought I would start this thread with a vid to showcase some of the classical pieces that show off what can be done on double bass with a bow. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfz2QbN0OQs&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  19. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1383935645' post='2271089'] [url="http://imgur.com/2QNsJs7"][/url] Lets try and get a bit of life in this thread [/quote] ...gentlemen prefer blondes!
  20. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1383932872' post='2271046'] Yeah she's pretty big. It was sold to me as a 3\4 size when i didn't know but its closer to 4/4 or 7/8's in size. [/quote] First dibs if you ever decide to she needs a new home! Gorgeous !...love at first sight!!
  21. I can almost hear the way she will sound ! She has the most fantastic proportions - how deep are those ribs !! ...look like 9 inchers to me !! BTW whats the deal with needing the FB extending ?
  22. Wasnt Charlie Haden due to release a new album round about now?
  23. Hadnt picked up that the top was laminated spruce on the Rockabilly - good call Rabbie!
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