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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1380717173' post='2229402'] Most questions seem to be answered here, along with several other videos of playing in different configurations... [url="http://foldingbass.com/"]http://foldingbass.com/[/url] ...Worth a look..? [/quote] Thanks - always good though to also hear from an end user !
  2. Whats the small print of exclusions like? - cant seem to see that trawling on their web site .
  3. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1380711269' post='2229233'] Also i have little adjustments depending on what shoes/boots im wearing. [/quote] ...you're so rock'n roll !!
  4. Search for "Double bass end pin anchor" - that ought to do it !
  5. Enjoyed that - they produce a great sound together ( but doesnt the guitarist bear an uncanny resemblance to Frank Gallagher from Shameless )! Rabbie, I have "Chadwick Envy' here so a few questions ... Whats the deal with the Chadwick and string life? - just wondering if the tension going from loose to taught over a few set ups and crunch downs weakens them at the peg box end? Do the strings take time to settle into tune each time you set up? Can you get in through the neck slot at the back to refit the sound post if it drops out? Do you get a consistent sound each time you place the bridge ? Just wondering if the advantages of a collapsible bass mean that you have to be patient with other things ( as above) ? Always been 'Chadwick curious' since seeing Christian McBride endorsing them as 'the way forward' when on the road - I guess that on its own makes you sit up and pay attention!
  6. [quote name='FLoydElgar' timestamp='1380641664' post='2228327'] I always go with stringzone ubassman pretty cheap and free P+P They're very common in orchestras and I think they're great! they work and inexpensive... [/quote] Thanks for that FLoyd .
  7. [quote name='MandShef' timestamp='1380639739' post='2228288'] I also use a stool from the hall where we rehearse rather than lug mine about, and it does take a few mins to adjust. I reckon it's good to not become reliant on just one stool. Having said that, I change my posture/seating position during rehearsals anyway, 'cos 2.5hrs is too long to sit in one position for me! I reckon if you use the 'resident' stool at rehearsal every week you'll soon get used to it, though I must admit I always use my stool from home for concerts just to be on the safe side! Just out of interest, which orchestra have you joined? [/quote] I used to get numb-bum syndrome but the K + M Stool is great for those long haul rehearsals - especially with the back rest ! I think I will buy a strap and get used to the settings for different height stools. New Orchestra is the [url="http://peakchamberorchestra.com"]Peak Chamber Orchestra[/url] - looking for a new leader in the violin section as the current one is off to live in France so if you know of anyone PM me !
  8. Thats a really good point though - really worth checking the small print as theres no point in making a claim for damage at a gig if the cover is only for accidental damage in the home.
  9. My insurance is pretty cheap ( with Endsleigh ). For £3000 cover or theft and accidental damage on one instrument it costs £33 per annum . Who do others use?
  10. Was at a dress rehearsal of Die Fleidermaus at the ENO on saturday ( as a spectator I hasten to add ) and watched in the second half a prison guards hat get kicked off the stage into the orchestra pit ..a crazy bit of deliberate theatrical direction but then the whole production was a bit crazy !. As the UFO descended from above into the bass section , the 4 bass players were visibly taken by surprise, grabbing their instruments and edging under the safety net / gantry that catches the cast if they fall off stage. You could see them watching skyward thinking whats going on and whats next? . The principle bassist then donned the cap complete with 3 silver buttons and wore it sideways gangsta rapper style - the other 3 trying not to lose their concentration and avoiding eye contact - brilliant ! I guess thats the idea of a dress rehearsal you discover things for the first time but speaking to a colleague afterwards she said "oh the theatre has insurance for all that sort of thing and if anything hits and smashes a valuable instrument to pieces they will be covered !" ...thats kind of not the point when there are precious one-off instruments at stake. Just highlighted to me the importance of checking the wording of my own insurance policy as I wouldn't like to rely on [u][b]any[/b][/u] venues insurance!
  11. Out of interest FLoyd which supplier did you go for and are you 100% happy with it?
  12. [quote name='FLoydElgar' timestamp='1380624153' post='2227912'] I got it it works. [/quote] ...thats a good enough endorsement for me !!
  13. Actually the stool set to a height where I can play with both feet on flat on the ground so quite a bit lower than a bar stool for example. On some pieces I play with my foot on the foot rest - I have a K + M stool ...expensive but for me worth it ! Similar to this but with a back rest too.
  14. I am fascinated by this . I recently joined another orchestra and the conductor mentioned not to bother with bringing a stool to first rehearsal as theres one that 'resides' in the hall. As soon as I sat down I realised everything felt strange and although the nut height was in it usual place the bass just felt wrong. In warm up my intonation was out in places particularly in lower positions till I shortened the end pin a bit from normal and pulled the bass more vertical . I figured out that it was at a different angle of dangle than normal due to different height of the chair. With the adjustment no probs with intonation. Just made me realise the importance of the bass always being in exactly the same position as the muscles seem to know what to do if everything is the same every time one sits down with the instrument. Perhaps one of these contraptions might help - anyone used one? ( ..perhaps I should play standing more often !!).
  15. All you need is something to stop the bass slipping - for me I leave the bare spike and if its a concrete floor I take a plank of wood - not a very elegant solution but it works just fine ! Rubber caps are cheap and easy to replace so have their place and do the job just fine ...but are always going to fail given 20kg of bass sticking down though a metal rod into soft springy rubber bung!! Alternatively , if you want to spend some dollars theres quite a few solutions already suggested on the '[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217170-double-bass-on-soft-ground/"]playing on soft ground[/url]' thread which might also be of use ...but none of them are rocket science really !
  16. [quote name='SevenSeas' timestamp='1380583316' post='2227577'] I'm more than happy for you to sabotage the thread, I'd quite like to hear the E string story! [/quote] ...theres a new thread opened for that
  17. Looks like I am not going to be around for this one - anyone want my tickets ( they are free!) ? Let me know asap so as I can post them tuesday . Hopefully will get to Edicson at the Academy in a couple of weeks !
  18. Could I suggest a new thread on that - a dull E is something that a lot of people might be interested in
  19. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1376642266' post='2177140'] [b]Who: [/b][color=#0000FF]Dan Styffe[/color] [b]Why: [/b][color=#0000FF]Principal bass of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra and Professor of the Norwegian Academy of Music[/color] [b]What: [/b][color=#0000FF]Masterclass[/color] [b]Where[/b]: [color=#0000FF]Royal College of Music, London on Friday 4th October , 2pm [/color] [b]How much:[/b] [color=#0000FF]Free but tickets required.[/color] More info [url="http://www.rcm.ac.uk/events/listings/details/?id=216833"]on the event[/url] More info on [url="http://www.danstyffe.com/"]Dan Styffe[/url] Anyone else going? [/quote] This Friday at 2.00pm
  20. So, open question... when is an 'expert' clearly not an 'expert?
  21. Interestingly we've all modified our posts to tame them down so far !
  22. There are apparently 3 phases to learning: 1/. Awareness - AKA the "talk the talk phase" where you know what to do , but haven't acquired the skill yet to demonstrate the skill 2/. Practice - starting to "walk the walk" phase , where you put in the hours to nail what you are aware and can demonstrate the concept 3/. Acquired skill - where you just do the skill correctly automatically, effortlessly and with invisible skill i.e. can "talk the talk and can walk the walk" As with everything on the net theres good and bad experts but I guess it can be very difficult for a beginner to know the difference .
  23. Love her voice too - theres just something very 'honest' about her musicianship and singing.
  24. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1380413919' post='2225063'] Watching this I feel a strange mixture of loathing, amusement, and pity that I can't find a word for. This guy's obviously a few bars short of the full symphony: [media]http://youtu.be/kx_XWq7dAQs[/media] "Expert" village indeed. [/quote]
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