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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='MandShef' timestamp='1379268445' post='2210636'] I use one of these: [url="http://www.thestringzone.co.uk/stoppin-floor-protector-large"]http://www.thestring...protector-large[/url] It's good for slippery floor surfaces, or wooden ones where you don't want to leave spike marks too. [/quote] I think that my missus will be delighted when she sees this on my Christmas List !!
  2. Thanks Daf and Keith ( PM'd ) !
  3. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1378850437' post='2205693'] Last call before I return it to Daf [/quote] Keith do you still have the Ehrlund or is it back with Daf ?
  4. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1379330334' post='2211252'] Thanks Peter, Much appreciated! [/quote] No probs - just grateful to everyone who has been patiently waiting ( Maude in particular - I think I owe you a pint ...or come to think of it maybe a couple !)
  5. I also have just finished with the Prototypes which I enjoyed a lot. I think that TheRev is next ( have PM'd you for your details).
  6. Ultrablacks are great sounding strings - I feel a purchase coming on ! What a great way to test strings - great initiative Daf
  7. I have had the blacks for way too long , plus holidays and life getting in the way ... apologies to Maude and Daf. Posted this morning .
  8. Mand - you fancy posting the link in the DB masterclass thread too?
  9. ...looks really interesting !
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1379327707' post='2211209'] "must get a DB..." [/quote] ...you said it !!
  11. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1378920413' post='2206562'] They all have so far. Also, to combat the low output. Bjorn over at Rosetti has sorted us out with a set out Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders for the bass. [/quote] Fantastic ! but couldnt resist doing a zombie post about fretwire and reclaiming 12th fret upwards !
  12. Great that things went so well for you ! ...I bet you cant wait till your next gig !
  13. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1379266069' post='2210591'] I was just going to get a square foot of 18mm ply (because we have lots spare at work) and route a little pocket in the middle to locate the endpin in, [/quote] ...perfect ! I carry an old shelf for out door gigs and it works a treat ! ( ....BTW Innovation strings in the post ! )
  14. We will have to try and work out an exchange programme !
  15. [quote name='alistair Sutcliffe' timestamp='1379008586' post='2207724'] I've had a good look and it's definitely leaning forward despite the feet being flat. It requires virtually no effort at all to make the bridge slip forward. At tuned tension I could push it over with one finger no problem. [/quote] When you look at the amount of string that is typically in contact with a bridge , it is usually only in the region of only 4 - 5 mm ( or so). If you think about the centre line of that tiny point of contact between bridge and string , there's only maybe 2.5 mm on the fingerboard side and 2.5 on the tailpiece. This centre line of the string should bear down over the centreline of the bridge. So, when the bridge leans forward, there's an asymmetry and most of the string that is in contact with the bridge is actually in contact on its rear face (rather than centred on top) which is why it becomes really easy to push over forwards. [quote name='mtroun' timestamp='1379066912' post='2208251'] Since the majority of the world's best luthiers fit adjusters to their instruments, I wouldn't say they are a bad idea, but they are tricky to install correctly. As previously mentioned it does look like the bridge adjusters aren't fitted straight. There shouldn't be a problem with having adjusters on your instrument though if they are installed correctly. [/quote] +1 ....nothing wrong with adjusters if you prefer the flexibility as long as they have been drilled accurately and are installed correctly. A lot of people swear by them and have no difficulties. Hope you sort this soon and are back to playing without fear of collapsing bridges !
  16. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1378982086' post='2207260'] Don't break your heart! Keep the bass. I'll give you a tenner to keep it. Anyone else? Maybe together we can make it happen ... [/quote] Sarah ...I'll see your tenner, and raise you a tenner ! Cant have someone depriving themselves of a good 'dance' ( OP - sorry that's probably something that only Sarah will get ) . Great bass the Stentor ...and a great price - but I hope you change your mind and keep it!
  17. Have you tried Vito Liuzzi's site ? Scroll to the bottom of the home page on the vertical left hand column theres is an incredible amount of music to download in the various download sections - that would be a good place to have a look [url="http://www.vitoliuzzi.com/"]http://www.vitoliuzzi.com/[/url]
  18. Never been a problem on mine Keith - takes quite a lot to bust an E-string ! Do you think that the machines might have been replaced or do they look original?
  19. [quote name='PaulKing' timestamp='1378973091' post='2207108'] Bridge may be flexing at the adjusters. ..... if they're poorly fitted, there may be too much play in the bridge, causing it to lean. Take out the bridge, see wherher the feet wobble noticeably. If so ... Get a new bridge. [/quote] That's what it looks like to me, at the back of the bridge you can see that there is a hinge or curl and the feet below the adjusters are not in line with the bridge above . It could be a trick of the photograph as Geoff rightly suggest and the bridge is a 3 dimensional thing but I would certainly check that out. In any event the bridge placement is not vertical on its back face relative to the top - have put a green line where vertical looks to be . To the OP, as a quick and easy guide, place a credit card or other square edge on the top behind the bridge and you will see the forward lean. Aim for 90 degrees between back edge of the bridge and top. The result of the forward lean ( whether due to the adjusters or the position, or badly fitting feet ...or a combination !! ) is that the string at the back of the bridge is simply wanting to push the bridge over at the top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  20. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378895092' post='2206105'] EDIT: This is the stand I've seen on ebay [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Smart-Adjustable-Double-Bass-Cello-Stand-Hand-Free-/281090223931?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4172486f3b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4172486f3b[/url] [/quote] I lolled when I got to photos 7 and 8 on the link ..! ...these confirmed my reservations looking at the first 6 photos about the stability of the stand! I would be fiddling with this for ever and then really flat footed when it came time to 'dance with the bass' !
  21. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1378897556' post='2206149'] There is an element of dance to playing the double bass [/quote] ...brilliant Sarah !
  22. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378895092' post='2206105'] I'm sorting out the spare room, and eventually it'll reside there [/quote] Im impressed that the new addition will have its own room ...how did you manage to get that past SWMBO ? ...you are clear an expert on that front ! ...way above my level so heres a to you !
  23. As a rule of thumb the angle of the strings coming into the bridge should be the same as that on the tailpiece side. The string angle at the back of the bridge has quite a steeper raking angle in comparison to the fingerboard side. It maybe that the feet are not correctly cut to stand the bridge in the right position but it also looks like your bridge may be knackered ...it seems to have quite some forward curl.
  24. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378888346' post='2205937'] I've taken a look at a few stands, and actually I'd like something that allows me to play the bass while it's on the stand too..... A big ask, I know, but does the Hercules stand allow this? [/quote] ....don't know of any stand that does that ! I am sure if they do exist that someone here will post ...but it would be better to not rely on a stand anyway !
  25. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378888346' post='2205937'] Better fix that one then! I've taken a look at a few stands, and actually I'd like something that allows me to play the bass while it's on the stand too..... A big ask, I know, but does the Hercules stand allow this? Anyhow, here she is [attachment=143506:DSC_6547.jpg] Cheers again all Marc [/quote] Perfect ..! Looks like she's always been there - is it a B + H ( thats Boosey and Hawkes rather than Benson and Hedges ) ? ! Although its probably only been put in place for the photo thought I would just chip in that basses like to be boringly stable in terms of variations of temperature ...so, in contact with sunlight or next to a window (where at 3.00 am, where the heating off in winter, it can get chilled ) isn't the best of places. It needs to be beside your bed so that you can leap into action at any time !
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