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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. The Elegy [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLN43M-RGE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLN43M-RGE[/url]
  2. La Sonnambula ...gorgeous from the first note !! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dzAcAYts7g"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dzAcAYts7g[/url]
  3. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1376572914' post='2176248'] Maybe we should together a list o the best bottesini recordings for learning purpose's. Tom martins Elegy defiantly stands out as one of the best. [/quote] Great idea !
  4. ...no introduction needed ...Rinat Ibragimov playing on a traditional 3 string . [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgZ_-f7pVk4[/media]
  5. ...and a link to some [url="http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Bottesini,_Giovanni"]free scores[/url] ( including the original [url="http://conquest.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/d/de/IMSLP254239-PMLP412020-GBottesini_Contrabass_Method_BNE.pdf"]Grande Methode[/url] ) !
  6. Found this bit of background reading from Thomas Martin ( no less ! ) really fascinating so thought I would share http://www.thomasmartin.co.uk/double-bass-home/bottesini?limitstart=0
  7. Thought I would just start a thread on Bottesini - the 'Paganini of the Double Bass' !
  8. Brilliant post Floyd ...12/8 with syncopated rubato crickets in the background !
  9. Yep, the bottesini studies would be my other desert island book ( if you can put both volumes as one book ) ! Funnily enough I was just looking at no 18 and 25 this morning . The man was a complete genius ....I sense a bottesini thread coming on !
  10. +1 on the goldsby . Its sub-title sums it up "teqhnique and tradition" There's a whole final section of exercises that help to unravel and illustrate the jazz bass genre ...common progressions , cycle of 5ths , styles, jazz forms etc etc theres also backing tracks and examples on cd to play along . Covers quite a bit of ground on theory. But theres the unique take on the jazz bass playing tradition and musical evolution which is hugely relevant. Its a very accessible and interesting book with a lot of musical references and ideas to unpick with the 'movers and shakers' phrases / styles quoted in transcriptions , where to find the original tracks, and further listening. The book invites the reader to go and find key pieces of music and walk around in the musical shoes of nearly 50 influential jazz bass players, listen to what they are doing, play key passages and to "get" what is special about that players contribution. That for me is a really cool idea . It's a "guide book" that i keep coming back to time and time again and its as much about understanding musical context as it is about using the ears to learn as it is about playing technical studies. There are some great other resources out there. But for me, +1 , the Goldsby would also be one of the desert island books I'd grab!
  11. err...that should be 'welcome to the DB" not BC !!
  12. The headstock looks very similar to Paul Chambers bass - welcome to BC !!
  13. Great to see things expanding at such a great rate ! Really pleased for you Jim !
  14. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1376390527' post='2173110'] Rhino, Mark King, Dave Swift, Guy Pratt, Yolanda Charles, [s]ubassman[/s] not a bad little list so far! [/quote] I'll get me coat !!
  15. Good job Pete! Whats the fit like from the side i.e. do they sit flat ...and does it even matter if they don't !?
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1376140016' post='2170134'] Will do! Wait a second and I'll edit this post. Edit: here it is! It's from Music Industry News and I think we can thank Lars Mullen (this being only the start of his work!) [/quote] Excellent ...! With all the hard work that everyone is doing and the help of guys like Lars ( hats off to you Lars ) the Relay will continue to go from strength to strength . Would be good to re-evaluate the target that is showing on Just Giving. It always better to be striving meet a target that isn't met rather than top up a target that has already been smashed !
  17. [quote name='bobmartin' timestamp='1376150843' post='2170292'] This was on Talkbass.. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f101/stagg-eub-megathread-344951/index29.html#post14553429"]http://www.talkbass....ml#post14553429[/url] [/quote] Looks like an interesting link thanks for that Bob
  18. Yes , could be - hadn't really thought of it like that . That said the strings come out of the black end block really close to the body - if the height were raised by an inch or so then the angle would be the same either side of the bridge . I think that maybe the reason for the long string length is perhaps that it avoids having to make an extra component in the tailpiece so helps keep the cost affordable? Who knows ! ...in any event I am enjoying experimenting and enjoying the instrument which is all that matters !
  19. Not tackled the nut yet Bob !! (...actually seems to be fine on mine )! Working on the string set up at the moment and just putting the finishing touches to a new idea to raise the end block. The black curved end block that comes with the Stagg produces an asymmetric string angle at the bridge - it just means that there is an unwelcome tendency to pull the bridge backwards ...dont know if anyone has had a problem with that? So the current plan is to lift the strings higher at the end block and even out the angle of the string either side of the bridge so that the bridge is forced is directly down on the piezo wires. Hopefully will improve the sound and mean that the bridge stays put! Thanks for the tip about the PP3s ...sounds like an excellent idea.
  20. Helen is an excellent luthier and as the saying goes "you get what you pay for "!
  21. Hehe yes and not too badly priced at just under $4,000 ! Any suggestions as to how I negotiate this with the Missus? !! ( ...eyes closed from behind the sofa at 1.30 thats no way to put a bass down ) !!
  22. haha yes probably ! ....been repairing and setting up DBs for a good while now ...so can't help myself trying to get the best out of the Stagg ...pretty impressed so far !
  23. I've never been one to sit still on a beach and my wife has gotten used to be usually taking a bass acoustic guitar on holiday sat quietly going brown on the balcony. Bass guitar is obviously not the same as a DB and I always get twitchy to get back on one. So, this year I have bought a Stagg EUB - the neck unscrews from the body and will carry on a plane. Just doing some mods so that it plays better with a bow ...but I got to say I am impressed - theres a really nifty little socket to plug headphones as well as a socket to plug in a lead from a computer or MP3 player ! Call me sad but Im going to have a great time on my hols in Greece playing to my hearts content , having a coffee, a swim in the sea , bit more playing , glass of vino ...paradise! Anyone else taking an instrument away? ...or is it just me !!
  24. I bought some Bernadel about a month ago - quite powdery and great response and tone but seem to clag up the string with residue a lot . Before anyone says 'aaahh ...too much rosin!' I was pretty economical with it too. Could have been the hot summer . I'll have a look out for the Kaplan - thanks for the steer Floyd.
  25. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1376063655' post='2169258'] Hopefully guys, there should be some more big news coming very, very soon. [/quote] ...come on Jim you can tell me ...just whisper !!
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