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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1373834264' post='2142134'] End of thread derailment! [/quote] +1 !! ....looking for the next worthy participant to take up the baton !
  2. You can also weave cloth into the strings - otherwise buy them some plugs and stand your ground ! Good luck and don't let anyone stop you from playing when you are famous they will love you for it !
  3. ....and heres how we raised £338.96 in 3 minutes ! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avtp3cRh1gs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avtp3cRh1gs[/url]
  4. Heres a photo of the Proms in the Garden event Haddon Hall, Derbyshire ...whos next ?
  5. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1373807430' post='2141781'] Dead proud btw! [/quote] Yep, me too !!
  6. Well, I raised a total of £338.96 ( including gift aid ) last night for Cancer Research so really pleased. It was an orchestral concert at Haddon Hall, billed as Proms in the Gardens. The MC announced that normally I play Double Bass but for the next number I would be playing a special bass and introduced the BC Bass Relay. The orchestra played the Theme Tune to Rocky and we raised the money in 3 minutes that it took to play the piece ! Really fun as we used a coal bucket and anyone from the audience who wanted to donate had to rush up and put money in the pot whilst the song was playing ! Got good coverage on the local radio and will be on BBC radio Derby next week and in the papers ...just looking for the next BC'er now to come and take part - just click on the Bass Relay link below .
  7. Well, we raised a total of £338.96 ( including gift aid ) so really pleased. It was an orchestral concert at Haddon Hall, billed as Proms in the Gardens. The MC announced that normally I play Double Bass but for the next number I would be playing a special bass and introduced the BC Bass Relay. The orchestra played the Theme Tune to Rocky and we raised the money in 3 minutes that it took to play the piece ! Really fun as we used a coal bucket and anyone from the audience who wanted to donate had to rush up and put money in the pot whilst the song was playing ! Got good coverage on the local radio and will be on BBC radio Derby next week and in the papers ...just looking for the next BC'er now to come and take part. Sorry Jim ...looks like you are going to have to reset the target as we have now smashed the £1,000 mark !
  8. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1373745150' post='2141250'] [/quote] ...the bass is clearly a 'babe magnet' ....come on BC'ers who's next ?!!
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1373721623' post='2140976'] OK, you crafty sod, you win. Donation made (£2 minimum, gets converted to £2.50... Yay..!). Now if 14000 folks who visit here do the same (or more; don't be held back..!), we'll get this 'ere cancer sh*t off our backs in double-quick time..! Go for it... [/quote] Yay!! 13,999 to go ! ....brilliant many thanks and cheers Douglas ( I'll be raising a toast to you tonight after the gig !! ...and anyone else who will be kind enough to donate ). Bass Chat raising funds for Cancer Research UK !
  10. Don't know how many fellow BC'ers have been following the Bass Relay thread? The idea is really simple , BC'er Jim Ryan has donated his bass guitar and its being passed on up and down the country from BC bass player to BC bass player (just a like a barton in a relay race). All you have to do is play it at a gig and have a whip round to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. Last week the bass was played by Rhino Edwards at the Status Quo who gigged at Falkirk Stadium and tonight its my turn to play it at Proms in the Garden at Haddon Hall. What and incredible contrast ! Heres the tough part because it involves your involvement : before clicking away could you do at least one of the following three things? 1/. Spread the word by Liking the Facebook page or following the Twitter feed ( see links below) 2/. Make a small donation - there are 14,000 people who have opened the BC relay - if everyone donated £1 well .....!!) 3/. Think about joining in the relay - the bass is in Derbyshire at the moment - grab it whilst its here PM me if you are interested? Cheers and thanks to everyone in advance - Bass players raising money for Cancer Research - can't be bad !
  11. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1373665654' post='2140498'] I have listened to many "correct" interpretations of the music and I'll take DM's anyday. [/quote] I guess if a listener is an early music fanatic/ academic / purist musician then breaking the rules will sound outrageous , but to the non early music aficionado , the music may sound more accessible and relevant . I figure that one could argue the same about modernising Shakespeare, or any Opera - some would say disaster don't even go there, others would love the modern take ( ...West Side Story for example ?).
  12. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1373711690' post='2140807'] just a thought but if the Relay threads were pinned would that help raise awareness / involvement? [/quote] That would be an excellent idea - any mods out there able to oblige ?
  13. The BC bass relay has been on local radio over the passed couple of days and tonight's event at Haddon Hall Derbyshire is completely sold out - just got to rattle the tins tonight !
  14. Loving the spell check that for 'con sordini' has corrected it to 'con sardine' !!
  15. I have a Tourte type mute for 'con sardine' and it softens the whole sound - perfect for some types of music ( I have both an old fashioned Ebony and the modern rubber version - not much difference and they both wedge on the D and A strings in the after length between the bridge and tailpiece ). The practice type mute http://www.thestringzone.co.uk/ultra-double-bass-practice-mute (which Mand has linked to above) is a whole different ball game. It is a damper that fits onto the bridge and stops it vibrating as much so the volume goes down. Although Ive got one I rarely use it but it does the job just fine and for around £10 you can't go wrong really ! The advantage of using the mute is that you can practice your pressure and speed bowing at what would be [i]FF[/i] but only get a [i]mF sound ...can see [/i]the advantages. If its a boom ply wood bass that needs taming then a mute might not achieve what you are after ...whats your reason for a mute in the first place?
  16. Well, tis the eve before my gig , bass is really got a funky tone looking forward to playing it and raising some funds for Cancer Research UK ...question is who will be next in the Bass Chat Relay? !!
  17. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1373563843' post='2139136'] Better start saving for an acoustic double bass now then, it's an inevitable and slippery path [/quote] too true, too true !!
  18. ...by the way Sam, didn't see the link to the New Dutch academy ??
  19. ...interesting question !! Our conductor occasionally ask me to move to the French horn side away from the Euphonia and trombone section to give a more balanced sound depending on the venue - maybe something to do with being in a circular building ( i.e. Royal Albert Hall ) ? Just google 'how to play baroque music' and there are plenty of academic ideas as how Bach should be played - some good essays cited here [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_concertos"]https://en.wikipedia...nburg_concertos[/url] .
  20. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1373472386' post='2138050'] But I am, dear, I am. As anyone who's met me will testify. Funny though, the phone still rings and I had five gigs last Fri/Sat/Sun so I must be doing something right. [i]Help the Aged[/i] [/quote] ...when you get too old to play - first dibs on ya rack !!
  21. I found it fascinating when I studied classical guitar to find out about the 'Music of the Spheres ' . When I first listened to very early renaissance guitar music it was pretty dull to listen to, until I got the backstory of what it was about ( bit like sending out a morse code message up to the heavens in the hope of a reply )! The idea was that the earth moon sun and planets all revolved with a divine hum that was so pure and harmonious that mere humans couldn't hear it. It was gods music - it was a cut a dried part of Renaissance music that was derived from Pythagoras and adapted by Plato . The concept of 'divine proportion' was embraced with emphasis on the specific intervals which had key relevance 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 8 ( the 5 planets - from what I remember 1 or the root represented God, 2nd gods representative ( the clergy ) , 3rd + 4th mankind, 5th the earth and 8 obviously being the redefinition of 1 ) . These divine proportions produced a very specific definition of musical beauty - a sound based on intervalic composition ( sounds very much like playing in Modes ). The amazing thing was that this was not only in Church music but also found its way into proportions in architecture which you guessed it, was constructed in cruciform 5 bays long by 3 wide, ( combination = 8 = God house ! ) with the most sacred part at 1 ( the altar + the side Sister Chapel to the left of the 3 bay) and the priest in the middle at the 2nd square i e. overlapping bay of the cross), the people in 3rd and 4th bay and the 5th bay being the interface with the outside world. All clever stuff ! Just a long winded way to illustrate that knowing the background changed for me what I originally found really dull into pure enjoyment of trying to emulate the musical concept of immaculate beauty playing perfect intervals! ...I guess we should all try to get into the vibe of the period and follow the 'rules' - I for one am guilty of just getting on with playing and not chasing the backstory ...perhaps an idea for another thread or two !
  22. You are getting into Musicolgy here - not so sure that you will easily find much on 'historically informed practice' other than to get reading or enrol on a musicology course !. For me it makes music come alive knowing why it was composed that way in the first place and the rules that created the genre ! Whats quite fun is to recognise that academics will try to explain in the future how to go about authentically playing rock and roll , hip hop or other 'voice of the people' music in years to come ! Modern day music has just as many rules and specifics to create that sound as all music that has preceded it!
  23. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1373405906' post='2137339'] Or course. As any reasonable person will tell you. They are far superior to their German counterparts! [/quote] Im sticking with my Vorsrpung durch Technic for the mo !
  24. ...makes me want to swap to play more with my French bow !
  25. [quote name='AndrewRichards' timestamp='1373403474' post='2137277'] Still think meeting people in person is always the best option but still looks good. [/quote] Agreed Andrew , forming a network of people is the way but what a great way of finding new opportunities ...hopefully only a matter of time before someone starts this up in the UK . Thanks for the post Steve
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