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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. I have a friend who will do me a favour and use his company UPS courier service - as long as its under 20kg they will send anywhere in the uk for around £6 next day delivery . Wouldn't like to offer that as a general offering but if there is ever an emergency situation ....well I guess thats when to play the card !
  2. Donnyboy - have PM'd you with Dale's contact info.
  3. Fantastic news about the Quo !! I Guess its Jim's call about signing the bass ...but personally that would be pretty awesome ! I have Dales contact number and I will PM you with that - probably best for you to call him direct but if I can help in any way then let me know. The dates works perfectly for me - after you are done on the 5th I will arrange for it to be collected on 6th / 7th Jul and have it couriered down to me in derbyshire. Great job !
  4. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1370992519' post='2108527'] Agreed If you've got adjusters It's a lot easier to reduce the leg area than take some off the top. [/quote] ...normally you would want to keep the feet and the arch to the underside of the heart shape high so that the bridge resonates at its best ...but granted its a lot easier as a DIY job to trim the bridge feet this way. It is very bass specific when it comes to talking about string heights. The thing is that all fingerboards have different cambers to them ( if you press the string against the fingerboard at the end you will see a gap of a few millimetres under the string at the octave harmonic - i.e. at the 12th fret of an electric bass - the fingerboard is actually convex - the 'camber' ). Some fingerboards are almost flat and others are more pronounced. The string height at the end of the fingerboard could be identical on both but one will be very playable and the other hard work because of the amount of camber. You may find that actually what is needed is to shoot the fingerboard (if you have a deep camber) - shaving a bit off the adjustable bridge may just result in a very buzzy bass but I guess its reversible by adjusting the bridge back to the height it is now.
  5. Always the top of the bridge. It seems that what is needed, is to extend the range of the adjustable feet by making the bridge 1- 2mm lower. Assuming that the profile of the top of bridge is well set up to match the fingerboard it should be ok to cut parallel to the existing curve ...but go careful and take close measurements if you are doing it yourself . Although it may seem fairly straightforward, it may be worth taking to a luthier and getting it professionally set up - the bridge is a really key part to get right on the DB !
  6. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1370968575' post='2108081'] Ive used nymans, not a huge fan of it, id take it over petz though. God that was an awful rosin. [/quote] Been wanting to try the Bernadel which I think is quite a pale colour . My Gaston Brohan is very dark and would be a bit too sticky for black hair - I guess maybe something a bit more powdery and brittle would do the trick http://www.thestringzone.co.uk/gustave-bernadel-rosin ...1st dibbs if you decide to buy it and don't like it !!
  7. Did you see Klaus Stoll on the Scherzo and Trio for the 5th? He has what looks like quite a short German with black hair ... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyouRYAq-tE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyouRYAq-tE[/url]
  8. Unless you clean the old glue off, you will be re-sticking dry brittle glue back to dry brittle glue and will more than likely just crack again very quickly. A re-glue will be a first aid repair and may last for a good long while ...but its very possible that it will open up again as the bass adjusts to winter / summer humidity and you might find that the problem commutes somewhere else - basses are like that !. Looks to me from the photos that its not the first time that its opened and there is quiet some thickness to the glue joint - its not uncommon though but you want to make sure that it doesn't spread - the vibrations of the top when you play will encourage the joint to widen as the whole instrument resonates.
  9. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1370946507' post='2107714'] Also been getting a lot of comparisons of wand tryouts from friends. Double bass/hogwarts i dunno. [/quote] "...spicatto-tippicus-maximus" Do you reckon that the short length bow feels more like a bow for solos? What is it like on those long legato and [i][b]pp [/b][/i][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]notes[/font][i][b]? [/b][/i]
  10. Quite a leap of size between your carbon fibre and the top bow - bet they all feel very different. ...what do you reckon to the black hair?
  11. [quote name='Owencf' timestamp='1370880774' post='2106812'] This is sweet, seems to be a lack of gimmicky crap a plethora of artists use these days. Never thought about using a Bass as a sled.. [/quote] ...keeping luthiers in business
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1370856577' post='2106230'] Fantastic! If you are interviewed on local news, make sure to give the Facebook page a plug! If the report gets posted online, we will share it too. Win win win [/quote] ...hope so - fingers crossed !
  13. Can I forward plan and make a request that wherever the bass is at the time , that I book it for the week between 8th - 15th July - I will arrange for a courier to pick it up and then send onto the next person. I have a gig that I may be able to get some local tv news to cover which would be great (DonnyBoy - I don't need it till then so if Falkirk is going to be on then its a case of speaking to Dale at BB Blackdog who still has the bass ) . Is that ok with everyone?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p25SdQEnhHI
  15. As an teenager I remember that music leading into 1977 was just dead. Pop was just shockingly bad, rock at the time was getting more than a bit stale with guitar solo after guitar solo over familiar chord changes , and music had in the main just drifted into just a soul less money spinning exercise. There was high youth unemployment and a lot of brewing anger - the 'no future' generation. Punk was 'of its time' and a reaction to everything 'given' . It was meant to make older generation and 'the establishment' feel uncomfortable and reclaim music and culture for the youth of the day - it was all about attitude and that energy comes over in the music. Punk was a necessary cleansing of the system. Anyone remember the Bill Grundy interview that went out a 6.00 on live TV with the Pistols ? What a contrast to the politeness and happy nicey nicey world of pop music ....! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECcZ2juBDIw[/media]
  16. I suspect some of the stickers might be a bit a bit irritating if you play jazz ...especially where Bb and Eb are concerned ( seems they are shown in the alternative as A# and D# )
  17. Don't know if you saw this http://basschat.co.uk/topic/173083-ibanez-sr-1200-vnf/ but may help - haven't found one for the Yammy but Im sure there'll be one somewhere on BC !
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370556452' post='2102832'] Anthony Jackson always plays sitting down . His basses don't even have strap buttons . I prefer to play sitting down myself , but the reality is that if you intend to play in front of an audience , in most situations you usually need to play standing up . The bad news is that if you are going to play standing up then you need to practise playing in a standing position , because it comes as a shock how much harder it is if you are used to sitting down . The positions of all the bones in your hand change when you play standing with the bass on a strap and it takes some getting used to . I strongly advise practising the songs in the live set standing up if you intend to do the gig that way . [/quote] +1
  19. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1370543094' post='2102508'] but now im puzzled how thta differs from actually buying it and asking for a refund/return [/quote] ..probably doesn't !!
  20. Have you got the Essentials of Sevcik? That would be a good test of the bows working through some of those?
  21. ....desirability and "street cred" and all that. But not necessarily the best bows. Did the shoppe have much in the way of Germans ( i know you are a Frenchie )?
  22. I sometimes think that if its a recognised name brand the price just gets hoiked up !
  23. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1370535864' post='2102389'] Certainly a great experience to go and try all those wonderful basses. I spent the best part of a day there and Tony made me lunch. Didn't buy anything although I took one away on appro. Still on my conscience as a bit of a timewaster. [/quote] Did you keep the bass you had on approval?!!
  24. In the main we don't have brand loyalty in the world of double bass playing - its all a matter of sound and set up ( which is arguably the way it should be for all basses ). But definitely when we buy a bass we have Proud Owners Syndrome for sure till we hear someone who's bass has just that nicer sound !
  25. So the next stop for the bass depends on the outcome of DonnyBoys gig.
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