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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1370534711' post='2102366'] I've heard back from Dale, apparently it's being picked up this weekend to be used. Depending on timeframes, ubassman, I could email you Dale's contact details and I'll mention it going to you then up to Falkirk instead of it staying where it is? [/quote] My next gig after this weekend is on 23rd and that clashes with Falkirk. If Falkirk is a go-er then I'll grab the bass back after if it does nt come off then I guess we will revert to plan A?
  2. ...sounds ideal to me? and would maintain the status quo !
  3. I guess its like all things - you get to trust a brand and stick with it when it performs for you.
  4. ...you can tell that by the fact that they don't advertise their address and you have to phone to make an appointment that they got some seriously nice stuff in there! Really interested to see how the bow comparisons work out - be great to see some photos when you've got time Sam. I guess they will both have very different balance points - maybe the shorter one will be livelier but you'll get more thinking time and volume with the longer one ?
  5. That will work fine by me . Jim , Milty, anyone else patiently waiting on the sidelines , got any thoughts if it goes from Derbyshire up to Falkirk next ?
  6. Blindfold test - ignore the brand ? Spiccatto , Legato, Bankbalance-ato ...you'll know what to do after a few hours playing I'm sure! Thank goodness you only came back with £4k of bows to try - was worried for you a bit there mate. With all the recent talk of sleeping on park benches - thought you might have already been last month !
  7. See http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209456-the-contrabass-shop/ ... well worth a punt and making the suggestion to any music shop that doesn't currently do that .
  8. ok by me ...as long as it comes back to Derbyshire at some stage so that I can get my "go" on the purple princess ! BTW when is the "special' occasion - here I am thinking if its after this weekend then I may be done anyway (..hoping that Dale at BB Blackdog will have finished and I can pick her up in the next couple of days )? Dale ...you out there?
  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1370502060' post='2101797'] i dont know of any shops that do this and i reckon any shopkeeper who did would seriously need their business acumen tested (unless of course it is to some well known pro) im sure though that a good local shop would allow you to spend a considerable amount of time in the shop testing and comparing the two or save time and just get the Yamaha [/quote] You usually have to leave a deposit for the full value of the instrument / credit card charged which will be refunded later if its a "no' on the instrument ..maybe the shops round here are more friendly than elsewhere?! I suspect that they may be more switched on that we realise - its pretty tough to sell against the competition on the internet where people spend hours in the shop comparing instruments and then buy cheaper on line . My local shop after 2 days "on approval" just rang me up and asked how was I getting on? To be quite frank once I had it at home and was playing through my amp well, it was mine - SOLD ! ... they just said you don't need to come in again they already had the card payment ...now I think that is called "business acumen" from our local shop ! End of the day if you don't ask then you don't get and the worst they can say is no .
  10. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1370470724' post='2101632'] Couldn't agree more. [/quote] +1
  11. I am actually a stickler for being organised onstage just so that I know everything if in place and I can forget about it - all thats left then is to focus on playing the music.
  12. The Music should knock the socks of the audience as the no1 priority - but great to look professional and organised doing that too!
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1365769166' post='2044180'] [u][b]Surrey (Boxhill): Malcolm Healey[/b][/u] Malcolm is (I believe) more attuned to making his own instruments these day, having semi-retired, but will still do repair/setup jobs etc Website with contact details: [url="http://www.healeyviolins.co.uk/contact.php"]http://www.healeyvio....uk/contact.php[/url] [/quote] http://healeybasses.co.uk/double-bass-repair.php
  14. Wind- ups to one side ...both are going to be great basses - perhaps the shop will let you borrow one for a couple of days and then the other - most shops are pretty good that way if you are going to buy one or t'other for definite. Out on approval I think its called.
  15. Read jellyfish's comments here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209367-new-bass-day-btb675/page__pid__2101338#entry2101338 !! Figure your just going to have to flip a coin !!
  16. I really rate the BTBs - they have got a lot right
  17. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1370459009' post='2101328'] Get a Precision !!! [/quote] Thats the cat amongst the pidgins now !!
  18. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1370431962' post='2100667'] Go for the Yammy! [/quote] Go for the Ibanez!
  19. I have the 4 string - absolutely love it !
  20. Painful day - learning a complicated solo in the thumb position on double bass and I have blisters on my blisters !
  21. I had this happen a while back. I hadn't used my account in a good long while and it said pending just waiting to check that it was all legit. It cleared in a couple of days without me doing anything. Don't know if this sound similar?
  22. At such a late stage , I think that I would probably have gone through with the audition if for no other reason than to meet the other musicians. I have always found that many players have more than one band or project on the go at any one time and you never know where that can lead to. Any audition its a 2 way street and you are not forced to join the band and can always say thanks for the offer ...but no thanks!. Like everyone else here, learning 25 songs is a bit daft and I don't know many who would put that kind of effort at least not 'on the first date' !
  23. Milty - do you want stills or vid? ( I am hoping to get the bass from Dale before the weekend ) - have got an orchestra rehearsal ...bit of diversity !!
  24. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1370422924' post='2100493'] Strictly speaking, this is good advice. Unfortunately, with the likes of carpel tunnel syndrome, it can take years to manifest itself. So while it may not be hurting you [b]now,[/b] it has the potential to to be a major problem at a later time. Same goes for RSI. It is not called [b]Repetitive [/b]strain injury for nothing. With this, you dont notice pain at the start. [/quote] +1
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