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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1360855641' post='1977497'] I recently had an Alexander Technique session on carrying my double bass. I'd stand it (in its padded case) on its endpin, grab the handle nearest to me and heave it up, bending backwards in the process to clear the floor. (I'm 5'6") 'Why use that handle?' asked my teacher. 'Because it's nearest to my hand,'said I. 'What's that handle for?' She pointed to the handle lower down, nearer to the floor. Duh. Clearance no problem, back not contorting any more. The other thing I was doing was grabbing the handle in a grip that made a fist of my hand, when all I needed to do was make a hook shape with my fingers. After these revelations, I stood and talked for at least five minutes before realising that I was still carrying the bass. It was so much less effort that I hadn't even noticed. I didn't half feel stupid, though. [/quote] I have a good friend who is a chiropractor and movement specialist - he earns a living out of dealing with folk who have managed to find ways to move that the body really doesn't like . He is of the firm belief that most of us have really poor physical literacy skills and knowledge about our own physiology ...even when it comes to simple things like sitting correctly. Alexander Technique I think is really valid and it would nt be a bad thing for us to have a better understanding on this front ! Unless we go to the gym or work hard physically in our day jobs the only other time we load our body is picking up our instruments ( and of course lugging the suitcases on holiday - interestingly 15kg Easy Jet allowance per suitcase is lighter than your average DB ! )
  2. Flying V meets double bass ! ....I smell spandex !!
  3. [quote name='hanzepans' timestamp='1360775790' post='1976310'] All new U-basses from end 2012 / early 2013 do have exactly the same built-in tuner and volume/tone controls that the Ortega has, so that problem has been solved. They have even come out with a cheaper model, the Rumbler. I am curious to try that one out. [/quote] Thats excellent news !! Will look out for one!
  4. Hope you find the following thread of interest .... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195597-upright-bass-help-please/ !
  5. Impressive rack Mr Bassace - mightily impressive rack ( equivalent of owning 5 race horses ) !!
  6. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1360936871' post='1978629'] I now have a one in, one out policy agreed with SWMBO. However she hasn't spotted the flaw that it isn't instrument specific [/quote] SWMBO theory kinda blows any mathematical theory clean out of the water !! ( SWMBO I think is a universal law / cure for GAS ?).
  7. [quote name='marsal1s' timestamp='1360923817' post='1978317'] Esbjorn Svensson Trio Kate [/quote] Spam Bo limbo - EST My absolute favourite ( ES was such a talented pianist !) Welcome to BC from just over the border in the Peak District !
  8. [quote name='AndyBass' timestamp='1360926562' post='1978368'] ...gotta be sure I can really justify it! [/quote] ...thats probably what it all boils down to !
  9. [quote name='slap_it_hard' timestamp='1360917586' post='1978215'] Merlin, 25 double Basses??? Surely not! [/quote] Just think of the fast sports car that you could have been driving in ...mind you , you can't get a DB in a Porsche ( not that I've ever had the opportunity to try ! )
  10. [quote name='slap_it_hard' timestamp='1360876959' post='1977886'] Only 4 double basses, surely you must have room for some more... I wish I had 4 [/quote] They are all different and serve different purposes. My chamber bass is set up with solo tuning , then I have an orchestral workhorse, another that 'pungs' along with a sound perfectly set up for jazz, and then an all weather ply bass ! My electric bass is for playing in the odd show/pit work, black acoustic is my weapon of choice when I have a pile of music to sight read and work out fingerings for DB ! ...thats my story and Im sticking to it !! ( I didn't mention my EUB as I have just sold it ....ambitions for a 5 string DB ....so yes room for one more !! )
  11. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1360857642' post='1977525'] LOL! Not 2 basses though, a cello has sneaked in there. [/quote] ...yes but two Bridges ...Wow !
  12. [quote name='philparker' timestamp='1360852907' post='1977424'] I've been trying to reduce my collection to 2 x electric guitar (already done) 2 x bass guitar (nowhere near) 2 x classical guitar (ditto) 2 x travel guitar; 2 x novelty (anything)... ...but I obviously need to add another DB/EUB! [/quote] ...so thats a +1 ? !!
  13. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1360871957' post='1977787'] I only have one DB ... plus a fretless five-stringer, a Tacoma acoustic and an old Antoria ... plus a six string acoustic guitar, twelve string and a bowl back ... plus a dulcimer, mandolin and balalaika ... plus a bandoneon, two melodeons and a concertina ... plus assorted recorders, harmonicas and whistles (which are the easiest to smuggle new into the house). In my defence I would state that they all get played (except the Antoria which I keep for sentimental reasons ) Steve [/quote] Steve...your surname isn't Thomann by any chance !!
  14. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1360849348' post='1977327'] Having had to retire from full time pulling as I hit 30 I have read this thread with interest. Some great advice being given and as an orchestral player I used to sit in a similar fashion to Ubassman, right foot on floor to balance with left leg supporting bass. My problems though were caused way before I was ever taught how to "sit properly". As a kid, like the other bass players around, I would sit on a stool which was way to tall for me with the result that BOTH my feet used to be on the foot rest on the stool. This meant I was sitting with quite a curved back (stooping) to play and when we often used to play for hours and hours of rehearsals in a day this started my shoulder / back problems very early on. Being told "well if you want to be a professional you will have to live with it" was not a very helpful solution and by the time I got to music college, I think most of the damage had been done. To even prove my theory a little more, out of the youth bass section I played with (county level) 3 of us went on to play full time, the older two of us have suffered for many years with problems whilst the younger bassist who got told by us to sit properly (we had been taught properly by this point) has as far as I am aware not had the same problems. As a bass teacher I am very very concious of teaching a proper sitting posture from the very beginning of lessons to any pupil and have encouraged many other string teachers (non bass specialists) to do the same. Another issue though for causing back problems with bassists is how players carry their instruments. I know (before the wheel) I used to carry mine on my back using a strap, normally carrying a stool plus stand etc. This cannot be good either! LOL [/quote] +1 ! FWIW I use a K + M stool with an adjustable back rest and folds up really easily - expensive bit of kit but cheaper than chiropractors bills ! http://www.contrabass.co.uk/k_and_m_folding_tripod_stool.htm
  15. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1360849348' post='1977327'] Another issue though for causing back problems with bassists is how players carry their instruments. I know (before the wheel) I used to carry mine on my back using a strap, normally carrying a stool plus stand etc. This cannot be good either! LOL [/quote] ...as in?
  16. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1360848359' post='1977310'] the buzz on the open G string is being caused by an unstable repair by the 'f' hole nearest to the E string. [/quote] ...hopefully nothing to do with the Bass bar !! Glad that theres a firm diagnosis .
  17. and then theres ...friday , Saturday , Sunday ( this is starting to feel like a confessional !)
  18. ...tell me there is a mirror behind that purple heart bass !
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1360847185' post='1977282'] [/quote] ...thats what I thought too !
  20. Mabye worth experimenting with this ? - seems to be a bent end pin that fits into a standard 10mm socket without re-drilling http://www.slavapub.net/Endpins-Bent_endpin.html
  21. Thats monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday sorted ....!
  22. Have PM'd you on this.
  23. Some good stuff on the video ....but, did I see right just after 6.30s a template where Ken's 'orchestral' setting is a low flat arch and his 'jazz' setting is a higher more curved arch? I would have thought that , orchestral players would ask for the higher bridge setting for volume and the greater curve for string separation ( for ease of bowing and to avoid inadvertent double stopping !) ... and that for jazz players a flatter curve and lower string height is desirable ( unless you need to thump out the sound !). ...interesting !!
  24. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1360753528' post='1975764'] To add to the above, both my DBs have developed a small amount of buzz on the board over the winter which I am sure is due to the temperature/humidity change. They both have relatively low tension strings (Spiro Weichs). Its not enough to annoy me and it will (I hope/assume) ease as the weather improves. I wouldn't mind betting this has played at least a small role in what you have encountered, Sarah [/quote] The back on the DB shrinks in winter and can have the effect of pushing the fingerboard closer to the strings ( think squeezing a balloon) . So could just be a seasonal thing for you Sarah and if you want as low a string height as you can get, then a bridge adjuster is the way to go ( or an old fashioned solution which is a summer bridge and a winter bridge !!) . I would still just get a luthier to check that the fingerboard is spot on !
  25. Hi Daf, What is the published gauge, tension and design string length of the ultra blacks and are they available in medium and high tension?
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