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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. In the summer I decided to take a bass away with me on my hols and I purchased and R-Lizard bass ukelele by Ortega. [url="http://ortegaguitars.com/en/products/ukuleles/ukulele/show/Product/rlizard-bs/rlizard-bs/"]http://ortegaguitars...-bs/rlizard-bs/[/url] Absolutely brilliant little instrument , great fun and definately an alternative to the U Bass by Kala. When you put it through an amp the sound is astonishing - the instrument sounds like proper bass especially if you replace the orange polypropylene strings with 'Thunderguts' ! On the plus side what attracted me was the fact that you can turn volume up and down and adjust the tone with controls on the instrument - the UBass you have to go over to your cab. You can also listen to yourself through headphones - and it sounds nearly like a double bass! That said, I sent the little beauty back to Thomanns in Germany. A real shame really ...as they say - the devil is in the detail. There was a nasty little buzz around the fretboard where there is the inlaid mother of pearl lizard. The frets were not even in that part of the instrument and would need wipping out and re-doing in this area ( shouldn't have to do a repair on a new instrument!). The snakeskin hard case that it comes with was a good snug fit but there was no allowance made for the nob volume and tone controls - the only way that you can get the bass into the case is to compress the padding so that the nobs don't shear off ....just seems to me to be asking for trouble. Finally the top seems incredibly thin and I have to admit my mind turned to the potential for warping. If Ortega can get these sorted it would be a cracking little instrument!
  2. I met a guy about a month ago who had his cellar converted as his studio. Only problem was the head height was low so he had his builder make him a bass pit to play in. Although its a bit weird hopping in and out of the pit the sound is just fantastic !
  3. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1359564981' post='1956748'] When i get it i will post it to you [/quote] Great stuff ! Was listening to Pat Metheny interview and he was saying how be really misses Jaco as one of the people who brought so much to music ..what an accolade!
  4. Next priority is some tail gut wire and a nut!
  5. Just wondering if anyone has got any stories where they should be sent to the naught step for? I had a friend who wanted me to take delivery of a new Tommy Emmanuel acoustic guitar. For him, it was one of those ' I will be hung up by the privates if my girlfriend finds out' situations as he was already the custodian of about a dozen guitars and this one was a big £2k investment. Well of course as 'brothers in arms' I agreed and about a week later a shiny new courier van pulled up with the prized instrument. He asked me to open it and check all was ok. It was in a solid case and so was absolutely in perfect condition. I left the case open with its pink velveteen lining . A couple of hours I returned and realised that I should shut the lid pronto as the cat had taken a shining to luxuriating in the velvet. Anyhow, a week or so later Greg called round for his guitar and his face changed from eager anticipation to horror when he opened up the case. The stench of cat pee was over powering and the top of the guitar had warped ! ... only a bit but enough for him to send the whole thing back to the supplier ( who shall be nameless - but absolutely brilliant customer service !!). He got a brand new replacement guitar and to this day his girlfriend hasn't noticed that he has a bakers dozen ! I guess its not so bad being on the naughty step if you've got a mate there with you! ( I hasten to add - sending it back wasn't my idea and the cat was willing to pay at least for a new case and a repair !)
  6. I seem to be regularly doing external repairs to double basses and helping out friends with their set up. Always on the look out for spare parts so as to keep costs down (plus the products available on the internet whist 'cheap' are often also 'nasty' !). If anyone can help - anything gratefully received from my shopping list:-[list] [*]Tailpiece, [*]Tailgut wire [*]Bridge [*]Nut [*][color=#0000cd][s]Bit of Ebony for a neck infill[/s] SORTED !![/color] [/list] I guess the only thing I am not asking for is the body and neck! ( working tuning machines and fingerboards always welcome too ....you don't ask you don't get !).
  7. Looking at selling my CR4 EUB in immaculate 'as new' condition. Comes with a proprietary chrome stand and gig bag. Bought from new and hardly used. Retails new at around £1800 [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ns_design_cr4_bass.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...gn_cr4_bass.htm[/url] Beautiful ebony neck, nice low action, gorgeous maple, very playable and amazing sound! Arco and Pizz settings - an excellent 'musicians instrument'. Unique stand enables playing in any position and the bass can be set forwards, backwards (with 360 rotation), and also sideways ( 360 ) meaning that you can get any stance you want. Vertically adjustable to suit the tallest and smallest of players and all fold flat into a bag the size of a set of golf clubs. More technical info at [url="http://www.basscentre.com/ns-design/ns-design-cr4-upright-bass.html"]http://www.basscentr...right-bass.html[/url] and some photos below. Would like to clear £1000 ( 40% cheaper than a brand new one ). Interested? PM me!!
  8. I have an immaculate NS Design CR4 - it is as new without a dint or chip , complete with a proprietary stand and bag. More info at http://www.basscentre.com/ns-design/ns-design-cr4-upright-bass.html Offers around £1000 ( 2/3rds the price of a new one ! ). Interested PM me!
  9. anyway ...more to the point hows your bowing coming along ??!
  10. Yes...its a bit like at the barbers when they show your haircut from front and both sides !! Look good - feel good !! ( oh yes and then theres the bow arm to check too !)
  11. ...nobody yet admitting to playing on the throne!!?
  12. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1359654746' post='1958356'] Same here. Except I don't stop at 8:30. [/quote] +1 on that ! Very lucky that I can play till stupid o'clock without disturbing a soul and no need for a mute!
  13. I have a wonder wife who brings me a bucket of coffee every morning and I have my 4 string acoustic bass guitar within reach of my bed ....usually get an hour of sight reading and practice sat up in bed ...how decadent and bohemian is that !
  14. ...time for a Kala Ubass?!!
  15. [quote name='Owencf' timestamp='1359631559' post='1957779'] Lounge room, as playing in the Kitchen, bathroom or bedroom would be rather awkward. I really need to buy a decent sized house or flat. [/quote] Funnily enough I stayed in a hotel once that had a big walk-in wet room shower - it was the most amazing place to play with all its hard reflective surfaces ...just a bit impractical if someone wants to have a shower or use the loo!
  16. [quote name='stef030' timestamp='1359628944' post='1957719'] [i]THIS IS NOW NORMAL,[/i] [i]this is your life,bank balance,family ect[/i] [i]gas will affect everything in your life [/i] [/quote] ...you mean Life is a GAS?
  17. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1359628838' post='1957716'] no money + GAS = trades time! [/quote] Now then ....are you in the market to trade for a DB ?!!
  18. Empty bank account is one thing ( and I do appreciate my basses ) ...but I also have severe case of GAS ....is there no hope?!!
  19. I bet you get a good sound though from the space?
  20. ...is it too early in the day to start taking the medicine?
  21. Yikes !!
  22. Ok, I already have 'no longer a newbie' status after just a few days of joining BC !! ... but should nt there be large warnings that joining the BC community is addictive, and that the 'gear for sale' section will clear your bank balance and get you into trouble with your misses !! Some great topics and info ....but where do I get help to get back to a normal life?
  23. Just mentioned on another thread that I love to play in a bay window because I get brilliant volume from my DB - the sound just bounces around beautifully !. Anyone else got an fav / unusual place to practice?
  24. Funnily enough I used to find myself sat with my acoustic bass guitar sat playing on the top step of the landing - seems to amplify the sound !! Since moving, I am really lucky to have discovered the wonders of playing in a large bay window ...its my den, brilliantly loud acoustics and if I need to get some 'self-check' feedback I get to see everything reflected from 3 angles!.
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