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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. Within the eBay Weird and Wonderful forum here on BC our members regularly contact sellers to give advice, ask questions, make offers or correct inaccurate/ misleading listings (the current Hofner thread being one of the latter categories). That will not change . eBay is eBay and items evaporate in front of our very eyes and not necessarily for the reasons that we may think.
  2. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1388833900' post='2326523'] Also, considering I kind of pointed the conversation in this direction, I would rather it moved away from pointing at gjones in this instance, and was more about the actual idea of people getting involved in sales threads/ebay/gumtree etc. when they have no interest in buying themselves, and may be giving good/bad advice, as that is what I feel is actually making an interesting conversation here, and I don't wanna see the thread get locked... Lets play nice, cos everyone whinges when a good thread get locked [/quote]
  3. [quote name='Steff' timestamp='1388810402' post='2326376'] I was only saying by wrongly evaluating the bass you've broken a deal. [/quote] Predicting the final outcome of an ebay sale is not something that anyone is able to do . We are about done here.
  4. Huge public thanks to :- [b]iamtheelvy[/b] for making my 14 year old daughter's Christmas amazing by for passing on his Encore bass! [b]jimryan[/b] for picking the bass up in Portsmouth and everything he is doing already with the BC Bass Relay [b]mrstinky[/b] for hand delivering it to me in time for Christmas ....and all the other kind offers of help to make this happen ! I salute you all !
  5. It may be a medical issue or it may be a physical one related to playing posture. If its physical have you thought of going to an Alexander Technique practitioner - a lot of us in the DB world swear by AT and I have to say it works when you consider the high potential for causing stress the body with the Double bass ( they actually teach AT at the Royal Academy as part of the syllabus in all three years of the DB degree). This is a good book too by Randal Kertz written specifically for bassists http://www.drkertz.com/Dr._Randall_Kertz,_D.C./Home.html and also another good resource http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f5/health-related-issues-playing-594399/ Hope you find an answer!
  6. ..looking at the position of your bass in your avatar I think you may have hidden talents Happy new year one and all !
  7. PMd you on the new Spiro Mitteln set .
  8. Aww Gareth now I have got a desperate case of New Year GAS! Good luck with this - wish I had a spare couple of grand knocking around!
  9. Fitting a new bridge is a real art and as its the powerhouse of the DB sound its so important to get right. I use a chinagraph pencil to mark the centre line position of the bass bar, check the symmetry of the bass and alignment of the 'f' holes and the neck (quite often the neck has twisted and isnt centred any more on the centre line of the bass). I also mark the current position of the sound post with the china graph pencil and then think about the best width of the bridge feet which want to be equidistant from the f holes and the bass bar centre line gives you the info you need. Choice of bridges is something that is ideally done in the flesh rather than ordering on line . I look at the stacking and even-ness of the grain, whether it has a slope and if so which way, and perhaps most importantly , I tap it to get a feel for its ring - some bridges are just completely dead . Then there's the profile of the bridge and making fine adjustments to take out thickness where needed and fitting it to the top to get best contact. In short, a lot to get right. Just wondering if maybe your best option is to utilise your existing bridge and have the adjusters fitted by a luthier who has the experience to fit these well? Your string height does seem a bit on the low side but not unworkable. You could get a luthier to beef up the feet with maple shims and stick with a fixed bridge, or have him look at whether the fingerboard needs shooting to take out any buzzing? All the best with it.
  10. Darn all that diversity of music that Jools and his mates bring to our TV screens . I say bring back New Years with Andy Stuart and Moira Anderson - you knew were you were in those halcyon days!
  11. I like the concept of the set up especially the fact that it has a traditional DB bridge. Does it sound closer to a DB than other EUBs? Good luck with the sale!
  12. They be the OB1 type of K'nobes I think ?
  13. Anyone catch 'This is It' yesterday ? Loved Alex Al's bass playing - a consummate professional. Whilst I was wondering about the thuddy octave split sound he got on smooth criminal (synth bass part or BG?) I found this fascinating article giving an insight as to what it was like working as a bassist for MJ . I wouldn't go out of my way to buy any MJ but the guy was a complete perfectionist with his music and his art and so it seems were the lineage of bassists who worked with him. [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/Men-in-the-Mirror-The-Bassists-of-Michael-Jackson-How-Alex-Al-And-His-Predecessors-Pumped-Up-The-King-Of-Pop/4769"]http://www.bassplayer.com/article/Men-in-the-Mirror-The-Bassists-of-Michael-Jackson-How-Alex-Al-And-His-Predecessors-Pumped-Up-The-King-Of-Pop/4769[/url] Seems the sound on Criminal was a Stingray 5 string tweaked through a programmed synth, and on other tracks in the show Alex played hammering on with his left hand and playing a synth keyboard in his right ...plus playing an array of basses to get a specific sound.
  14. Perfect! Well done Dave and Mrs Dave ...fantastic news! Welcome to the world Evelyn! Off to wet the baby's head !
  15. Pleased for you mate!
  16. Excellent - always the best way in the first instance.
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1387664004' post='2314440'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271344631967?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1438.l2649[/url] Contains a pic of my bass and description both taken from Basschat... is it a regular BCer? [/quote] There is of course the 'Search' function up in the top right hand corner - where instead of 'this topic' you can toggle to search for 'members' with the same name as the e-bayer!
  18. Clarky, why am I inexplicably drawn to this? Shame its missing its unique patented Framus pick up otherwise I might have been tempted!
  19. ...have a great break Owen and hope that Santa finds you ok in Germany!
  20. I think you are about 30km from Thomanns ( I would give them a call to check its not the accounts office as I think they have a couple of places in germany! ) [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Thomanns Bischofstraße 23, 49497 Mettingen, Germany ‎ [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]+49 5452 2275[/size][/font][/color]
  21. Huge Christmas cheer and thanks should of course go to one of the most 'WICKED' DB players around for making Innovation strings available to us all at absolutely no cost ...Daf we salute you ! Have a great Christmas !
  22. 'Relic' - ed DB - done with an angle grinder? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ANTIQUE-PRIMITIVE-UPRIGHT-MAPLE-BASS-FIDDLE-AGED-RED-GREAT-COUNTRY-MUSIC-PIECE/111099575614?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27%26meid%3D3527486995056542186%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D1011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D111099575614%26"]http://www.ebay.co.u...111099575614%26[/url] The F holes are something else not to mention Gaffer tape, filler and wooden strips ! More photo [url="http://www.auctiva.com/hostedimages/showimage.aspx?gid=1731512&ppid=1122&image=679347027&images=679347008,679347001,679347027,679347028,679347031,679347036,679347041,679347061,679347077,679347081,679347086,679347095,679347100,679347108,679347112,679347123,679347130,679347136,679347149,679347152,679347157,679347162,679347165,679347175&formats=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0&format=0"]here[/url] - the bridge is something else!...so's the end pin...and the tailpiece ...and the machines ...and ...and !
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1387461987' post='2312220'] As a 'mod' in here, I'll extend the same congratulations to you all. [/quote] We have such a hard job in the DB/EUB Lounge dont we Doug !
  24. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1387472267' post='2312423'] I am new to the DB (well EUB actually) and have got the confidence and courage to start from reading the posts in this part of BC and am so thankful for the knowledge and experience being shared in this forum (Geoff's videos were a Godsend at first trying to get the technique). [/quote] All the best ! [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1387484905' post='2312655'] Great idea for a thread: lots of fantastic guys/gals in this forum and it's great to sprinkle some Christmas magic and say thanks, because I think we all learn a lot on these pages, it's a great resource. Have a swingin' Christmas! [/quote] I most certainly have - seasons cheer Rabbie ! [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1387492623' post='2312749'] Get well soon Roger [/quote] +1 Thanks for letting us know Keith ...have PM'd Roger [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1387492945' post='2312753'] Happy Chrimble to the BassChat DB massive from me. Definitely the friendliest part of the forum IMHO [/quote] +1 Clarky - thanks for buying so much gear and being our very own GAS test pilot ! [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1387494571' post='2312770'] Happy christmas everyone. Thanks for providing a forum where no-one feels the need to argue all the time. [/quote] +1! BTW hows Trev coming on?!
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