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Everything posted by WhoNeedsYou

  1. Welcome t'other half. He's stolen my bass and gear to use while I'm in retirement mode, with my blessing of course. Ps: Anyone selling a large detached house for all this new gear he's gonna buy? 🤣
  2. I've just roadtested the new d'addario NYXL roundwound bass strings kindly given to me by WaterontheTyne (as the 45-100 gauge didn't suit him) The packaging was intriguingly James Bond-esque! I've been playing on roundwound DR neons on a tokai thunderbird for about two years now but always had a backup 90's Squier Jazz bass with La Bella flats as a go to bass when I'd overdone things on the blistered finger front. I was keen to restring the Squier and try out a half gig with the new D'addarios NYXL vs the thunderbird DR neons which I did last weekend at my bands small pub gig in sunny Crook. Rookie error being that I had not played a lot the weeks previous due to being away camping but even with that in mind comfort wise I suffered very minor finger discomfort blister wise which I had envisaged . Usually the flat wounds had been my go to "ayaz me fingaz!" Strings if I was being a softy. No cheese grater fingers with these new strings! Tone wise (not that I'm technically blessed with much knowledge on that subject) on stage I thought I was nicely audible, a little more than usual mid-wise, though still our sound man had his usual whinge that I could do with more top end :-p , very likely a problem I'm causing with the settings on the ampeg pf500 which I'm still messing around with, than the strings - I shall work on that. So to summarise - originally i envisaged putting my flat wounds back on the squier after a bit, however I found i really like these strings. They packed as much of a punch as the Tokai with the DR NEONS on and I didn't feel the need to overplay and hammer the strings (or turn up the backline :-/ ) which I used to with the flats. I'm truly converted back 100% to the world of round wounds. I had originally envisaged putting my flat wounds back on the squier after a bit, however I really like these strings. I'm truly converted back to the world of round wounds. I really like the gauge which is something I'd never considered before - I used to end up asking what everyone else uses rather than experimenting with different strings. If I had to mark them out of ten I'd say it's around a 8.5/9 as I'm fairly indecisive . It has even got me using a bass I've rarely played in recent years so win win ! If I can talk my other half into getting his digital desk out I'll hopefully record a demo of NXYL vs DR Neon. **NYXL convert!!!**
  3. Popping in on some top secret business which you'll shortly find out about. Haven't been on here in a while but I'll be sticking around as long as I can remember my login details!
  4. www.facebook.com/thequeensofnoiseuk We are playing our first ever gig at the Newcastle upon Tyne O2 academy as part of the three day tribute indoor festival Christmas rocks. Sunday 29th December 2013 The line up is impressive. Bon jovi forever Ozzbourne Night train - Tribute to Guns & Roses Motley Crew UK Queens of Noise - Joan Jett/the Runaways Tribute. We sound like this.... www.soundcloud.com/thequeensofnoiseuk Buy your tickets here! http://www.o2academynewcastle.co.uk/event/59349/a-tribute-to-bon-jovi-ozzy-osbourne-guns-n-roses-m-tickets
  5. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1366316205' post='2051083'] My trusty Westone Quantum. [attachment=132879:S1050287.JPG] [attachment=132880:482838_10200590591837268_1666544918_n.jpg] [/quote] OH WOW!
  6. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1359031487' post='1948670'] I use the Alpine Musicsafe earplugs, and they're awesome for the money. Come with a carrying case and a choice of three different attenuation inserts, plus a spare earplug. I can't gig without them now, it sounds like a right racket! [/quote] + 1 they're fabulous!
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1367063247' post='2060796'] Mrs. WoT & I are in quite a lot of bands together, and go on little tours pretty often. We treat them as a break away from the kids. Unless there's something she hasn't told me yet, I don't see any break-ups on the horizon... [/quote] Yeah I was thinking of Mr & Mrs WoT when I saw this. They are the perfect example of professionalism at work. They don't seem to ever bicker neither.
  8. Thompson twins greatest hits.
  9. I've only ever done three auditions & you can never tell what the outcome will be. One went ok & I got the job but tbh was the only one who'd bothered to audition Second went pretty brilliantly but I didn't get the job. The third was ok playing wise but i just didn't gel at all with the band or potential song choices and refused the offer to join. So really you can never tell at the end of the day, and playing in front of strangers/being put on the spot can be very good practice.
  10. Also Mendel/Hawkins. Headon/Simonon
  11. [quote name='pnefc42' timestamp='1357304547' post='1920633'] Deacon & Taylor get a vote from me too (especially live) [/quote] + 1 without question.
  12. [quote name='bluesparky' timestamp='1365410235' post='2039022'] I had a focus, but I sold it about a year ago. It did the job but was very functional and didn't really set my heart alight. I've got an astra again now, I like them! [/quote] I feel like that about my fusion, don't hate/love it. It's practical but I don't feel the love for it like my old skoda fabia. Wish i had just got the estate version.
  13. Most 1.4 diesel fusions are 30quid a year, the odd few of a certain age are the next band up (100) as are the 1.6 diesels.
  14. Actually the PERFECT band for me would be the runaways, though i would turn my nose up to the drugs unless they involved cake!
  15. The clash would also involve time travel!
  16. Firstly Queen (involving time travel), the Clash, Manics, The Foos or Jimmy Eat World. Love em all. x
  17. I drive 1.4 tdi ford fusion, cheaper to run
  18. [quote name='joe.staffs' timestamp='1364927467' post='2032846'] You could pick up an 80's CIJ Westone Concord bass for cheap. Nothing but good things are said about Matsumoku made guitars and they're nearly vintage! [/quote] I second this, though I sold mine when I was poor, I really do miss it.
  19. I'm notorious for not smiling or just gazing and getting in the zone. So that's a no from me.
  20. Hiya!
  21. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1364506457' post='2027555'] [url="http://youtu.be/AI2k6aseNqg"]http://youtu.be/AI2k6aseNqg[/url] [/quote] Flippin love this song, it was on my "Three minute heroes" compilation tape I borrowed off my brother & used to play along with.
  22. Frustrated Im not in (or haven't been in) bands I really want to be in, most things I do are barely tolerable give or take the odd project.
  23. I've Got a behringer head & cab (450 & a 2x 10) Had it approximately 9 years, not a bother. I don't gig very often to be fair, but have done a sh*t load of rehearsing (for my sins!) I am hoping not to jinx myself, due to the fact I've posted this with a gig tomorrow night!
  24. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1363779854' post='2017390'] I do covers and originals. I couldn't give a stuff who wrote the tunes. They're either good or they're not. [/quote] Well said.
  25. Welcome from up North.
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