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Everything posted by guntherbuffalo

  1. Hi, Thanks. The front baffle will have grill cloth, it will be slotted into the front, but not recessed any further than the edges. similar to the front of this one i guess: http://www.dawsons.co.uk/ashdown-cl-414h-bass-speaker-cabinet-1050w There will be some small pieces of wood to screw the front baffle and back panel to. Handles will be external. have measured the dimensions, and if build it as a combo it looks to be about 80cm tall! about the size of a washing machine! Just seems rather huge! maybe I should do it as a head and cab... unless there is another way to reduce height and depth. Thanks for the help. Means a lot!
  2. P. S. Unfortunately I am a mac user so cannot access WinISD.
  3. Hey Balcro, Here are the dimensions for my speaker enclosure, done using a online volume calculator: Wood thickness: 18mm Height: 692mm Width: 471mm Depth: 390mm : . Volume of cabinet: 93.3 litres. I have done the measurements in metric as that is what we will be using to cut the wood. To be honest this enclosure seems HUGE to me! The width is the only dimension that MUST be exactly as above is the width, so that it will be the same width as the amp chassis. In an ideal world it would be great to have the depth and the height about 5-10cm shorter, but if this is how it needs to be I will just have to deal with it! Any double checking would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
  4. ACTUALLY! Scrap that! Found a better speaker designer. Will report back with different measurements...
  5. Right. I used this enclosure volume calculator to work out my measurements: http://www.hometheatershack.com/forums/enclosure-volume-calculator/#axzz2KDUmj5O5 Here are my measurements: I will be using 18mm/3/4 inch plywood. Height - 24" Width - 22" Depth - 15" This calculates the Total Net Volume of the enclosure as 94.34 litres. (I assume this accounts for the space taken up by the speaker and ports, as it asked me to input their volumes also.) Does this all seem right to you Balcro?
  6. For anyone else looking - Found a lot of good stuff on ebay that is leatherette, or book covering rexine from fabric stores. It looks just as good and is about £3.99 a metre. I have ordered some samples so I will let you know what they are like. It seems if you call it amp tolex you can charge a tenner more for the stuff!! ;-D
  7. Cool. Thanks a bunch. I think I will aim for the speaker enclosure to be around 92-3 litres (without speaker and ports), so that there is a margin of error of a a few litres for when we build it. Thanks again. Really big help. Paul
  8. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1360101248' post='1964953'] I remember somebody flogging an empty 1153 on Basschat for £40 last year. [/quote] I think I am going to scrap the idea of finding a separate cab and will try and build my own combo cab, to the specs of the Faital driver. Thanks for the input though. Paul
  9. [quote name='Balcro' timestamp='1360095642' post='1964840'] The volume refers to just the loudspeaker enclosure. Reducing the volume down to 90 litres will have no noticeable effect on the sound. However you will be able to make small reductions in the length of the port while maintaining the tuning frequency. When you build the enclosure, account for each port tube taking up 2 litres in volume and the Faital-Pro driver taking up 3.7 litres. Balcro. [/quote] Right, so when I make the enclosure If I wanted it to have a 90 litre volume, I should actually make it 97.7 litres, to compensate for the space that the driver (3.7l) and the ports (4l) will take up?
  10. Great. Thanks so much for your help. I will go for these ports. One further question about volume of the cab. This will be a combo. So should the entire space including that which the amp chassis fills be 90-100 litres? Or jus the box the speaker is sat in excluding the space the chassis takes up? Sorry if these are all really stupid questions!! I have just never done this before and want to get it right!! :-) Thanks again for all your help! :-)
  11. Awesome! Thanks for your help! So can you adjust the port length relative to the diameter? I am just aware that these ports are very long and I am not sure how deep the cab would be yet!
  12. Right. Thanks! So some quite long thin ports would be needed! Can you buy ports or do you just make them? I heard of somebody making ports out of old plastic pipes!
  13. Didn't buy it in the end. May try and build a ported cab for the speaker using winISD instead as my dad is a carpenter so could help out.
  14. Imanges here : https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=2&gs_ri=hp&tok=8wSArTec7Jof_Xv336SubA&cp=6&gs_id=m&xhr=t&q=hartke+115tp&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.d2k&biw=1163&bih=638&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=KrUQUabhKMGv0QW9_IDgCg
  15. Cab is 24" x 24" x 15. Has 2 ports at the front but cannot get any info on their size. (I have the speaker not the cab) at a guess I would say the ports have a diametre of about 3-4" each. Cannot tell the length. There are lots of images of the hartke 115tp on the netThe hartke cab ends at 9.30 this morning! Aahh!
  16. Cool. I may give this speaker/cab combination a try.
  17. Is the faital generally more for smaller sized cabinets?
  18. Just wanna make sure that size cab would do for that speaker. It has 2 ports at the front too I believe. Thanks
  19. That's the one. For other speakers there is usually info about what volumes of cabinets work best with it in cu.ft. etc and whether it works in vented/ sealed enclosures. I am probably reading the info wrong.
  20. Can't tell if it would sound ok as I can find no info on cab volume/vent sizes for the Faital speaker.
  21. Found this cab for real cheap, no speaker. If I hook up a Faital 15pr400 speaker to this cab will it be a nice sounding cab? As the Faitals are meant to be great! Thanks, Paul
  22. Oo looks very nice. I shall ask for a sample! Thanks!
  23. Awesome. Thanks for the heads up guys!
  24. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1359754495' post='1960025'] If you want something that will work and not blow up, the Eminence 15 Beta will do that. As far as matching the cab is concerned, it doesn't really, but neither does the original Ashdown driver. My guess is that it will sound worse than the original Ashdown driver because it's been built down to a price for people who want cheap, cheap. (Hint - it's a pile of sh*t!). You could probably get something much better on the secondhand market if you can watch and wait. [/quote] Yeah I want something that will not blow up but I don't want it to sound like someone farting into a PA system either, this is for the bass player in my band. we play pub gigs regularly so would need something soonish but will keep an eye on ebay/gumtree. Would you recommend the kappa speakers or are they not so good either?
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