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Everything posted by Lowender

  1. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1360429992' post='1970321'] I don't understand your point ?? [/quote] I asked who you thought was more influential to modern music -- which person, player, band, composer -- like that.
  2. She isn't anything original but she has outstanding time for someone only playing a few years. And she's hot as hell. I'd hire her.
  3. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1360429349' post='1970303'] No one person or band........... music or sounds did. [/quote] ??? Music is made by people.
  4. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1360428710' post='1970270'] I have not said I don't like the Beatles, nor have I said they weren't a big influence to a lot of modern day music. What I have said is I don't believe the Beatles changed all music and musicians as your original statement tried to say. I also never said that nothing was around before the Blues or Classical music, I do believe you said that. All I am saying is yes the Beatles were a good band but, come on, they didn't change everything that ever happened in music after 1963, as per your comments. [/quote] Who, in your opinion, did?
  5. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1360427786' post='1970234'] No Blues, Folk or Classical music around before this band then ?? [/quote] What's your point? I believe Coltrane was also an innovator. Was there no saxophone music before him?
  6. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1360427603' post='1970228'] i neither like fenders or the beatles....i cant say there rubbish as they both very popular...i just think the davieses or the wilsons were far better song/lyric writers...the who were technicaly better band,the beatles just rode gravey trains...like a statement they pioneered psychadelia or prog.....pahleeesseee....moodys were there!! but each to there own i like others think they are overrated.... [/quote] You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. Sgt Pepper is considered the first psychedelic/prog album. It was released before the Moddy Blues ever had an album out.
  7. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1360427463' post='1970221'] So who influenced them ? I find it quite unbelievable the way people who are really into the Beatles think this way. They were a good pop band, the thing they had in there favour was they are the first real pop band. Nothing more they really didn't invent everything that happened in music after they had made it, just think about it, that statement is just so silly. [/quote] Absurd. That's like saying Beethoven didn't really do anything different. He was just a good classical composer.
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1360427253' post='1970216'] I don't dispute their influence, just think that it is not as 'essential' as is argued. That is the only thing I mean by overrated. They are unquestionabiy the most influential band in Rock and Pop. [/quote] I know a lot of great jazz musicians who say they were influenced by the Beatles. They changed music -- not just rock and pop. Rock and pop were nothing at all like what they did prior to their hitting the scene.
  9. As a side note, in All My Loving, the bassline continues a walking pattern which Paul plays all in first position utilizing open strings whenever possible. It actually makes negotiating the changes pretty awkward but it was most probably so he didn't have to look at his hands while singing. It's absolutely brilliant and the execution is brilliant. Absolutely effortless. Not bad for a 20 year old kid.
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1360422170' post='1970120'] The most over-rated band in history Very influential etc but I have never actually listened to 90% of their stuff. Not hostile, just never went there. [/quote] An incredibly unaware statement. They influenced everyone who followed -- even you, whether you know it or not. Because anyone you listened to after 1965 was influenced by them in one way or another. Bernstein called then geniuses. Herbie Hancock considered them the best composers of the 20th century and the worlds best bassists regard Paul as one of the most influential people to play the instrument. Sometimes musically snobbery ironically backfires.
  11. lol -- Actually, if something hits you, it hits you. But we all have guilty pleasure. I'll go. Grand Funk Railroad Those first three albums still kills me. Crude, infantile, amateurish and totally ass kicking. Uriah Heep Demons and Wizards is one of my favorite albums. I can not defend that opinion. Dancing Queen I so want to hate this song. It offends me in every way. But damn, that band is nailing the groove.
  12. ...but they just don't hold up for you? For me...(except for a few songs in each case) Earth Wind and Fire I used to think they were so slick and funky. Now they seem kinda chessy and lame. Steely Dan All fine musicians but a lot of their the music in retrospect sounds contrived and stiff and the lyrics seemed forced. The singing is also not great. Bela Fleck Sorry, I know Victor is considered a god and he's the main reason I listened to them but after all is said and done I've come to two conclusions. One -- when Victor isn't doing his solo stuff, his ensemble playing isn't all that interesting. Plus there are few guys whose "tone" bothers me and he's one of them. (I think I just don't like the sound of Fodera's). And the other thing is, I have to be honest with myself and accept the fact that I find the Banjo really annoying.
  13. It depends on the song. I always come up with SOMETHING off the bat, but it usually gets modified, edited, elaborated, etc. When composing I try a couple of things and go with what works best without over-thinking it. In the studio you better get something good by the second take or there won't be a third. `
  14. [quote name='Antiloco' timestamp='1360193257' post='1966675'] Because he isn't lying, because he, in an honest way developed an own voice to sing to whoever with the capability to appreciate it. In his own words primarily to God. I feel that greatness and feel amazement. [b]Not entertainment.[/b] Admiration. [/quote] I was thoroughly entertained.
  15. The tonal center is Am , so technically, it's in C.
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1360107268' post='1965084'] I never understood the "you're just jealous" argument (it comes up a lot when discussing people like John Mayer). It just doesn't make sense---I love all sorts of bands that are a million times more talented, richer, more critically acclaimed, and better looking than I will [i]ever[/i] be, but yeah, they're absolutely right, I don't like the youtube video of some random dude playing in his bedroom because I'm jealous [/quote] Oh, I think it's perfectly understandable to dislike something without being jealous of it. And thinking that all criticism is just jealously is nuts. BUT...there are people will love to hate and give them the opportunity to do it behind a computer screen without consequence and they'll take it. And sometimes, the better the poster is than them, the bigger they feel by attacking it. Again, not always -- but sometimes. At any rate, I was clear that wasn't the case here. No one was bashing the OP. There were a few comments regarding the music choice and that got him in a snit.
  17. It's interesting -- a lot of times on forums when someone post music people will knock it for petty reasons. In most cases they just resent someone else doing something so they have to put it down out of resentment, jealousy or who knows what.. Then they hide behind the "only being honest" or "if you can't take criticism don't post" sayings. They're more interested in being part of a clique than actually learning, sharing and evaluating. But that wasn't the case here at all. Everyone was quite complementary. And in return, the OP has been snarky, condescending and belligerent. Good thing he doesn't care about pleasing people or anyone critiquing to his music, because with that attitude he won't have that worry.'
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360100805' post='1964943'] That's what struck me too but I think it's based around a lot of the same type of structure that Myung likes to use. I liked it for what it was but just found it didn't hold my attention for all that long, there were moments that made me sit up and think "that worked well" but then it settled again. However this is the way with most music that doesn't incorporate a singer or riffs, it's very hard to hold someones attention with one or both of those. Good playing (better than I can do at any rate) the only thing that bugged me was some of the string sound on the track which could be handled simply by just bringing the bass down in the mix a little As for this comment I'll direct you to here : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU6fmgnWDfk[/media] [/quote] True, that one is a song. But it isn't a very good one.
  19. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360099948' post='1964924'] It's not a matter of luck "Bro". Luck is for amateurs and entertainers. The rest of us work. [/quote] I sense resentment. Be humble. Everyone can use luck. Lots of people work hard and lots of people are talented failures. It's almost as if you're using music as a weapon as opposed to a universal language.
  20. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360087243' post='1964668'] Well I don't know if you're a talker or a player because I haven't heard you play so I really can't take your opinion too seriously. And I will ask nicely to respect my standpoint about art. All those guys you named have amazed their audiences with their skill. Amazement is not entertainment they are not synonyms. And finally there's no contradiction in my view because as you could read: communication begins with yourself. You don't have a clue about how far I've come or how frustrated I am with my musicianship so don't even try to know what pushes me forward or stops me. That's far to arrogant for someone who: 1) just heard something I did when I was 19. 2) hasn't showed his own skills. [/quote] You got a lot to learn bro. Good luck.
  21. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360086075' post='1964646'] That last statement was the most wicked thing I've read this week. Art is NOT entertainment. Art is creation, communication, beauty and self growth. Entertainment is for clowns and pole dancers and very possibly whores....but hey whatever floats your boat. [/quote] You couldn't be more wrong. And that mistake will hinder your musicianship. Art most certainly entertains. Bach's music was written as entertainment and has continued to do so for centuries. Michaelangelo, Miles, Picasso, -- all hugely popular. You'd call them clowns and whores? Art is self growth? I can experience self growth by trying to do as many pushups as possible, but I wouldn't call that art. You also contradicted yourself when you said art is communication. It isn't communication if no one is listening.
  22. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1360082285' post='1964560'] You've never had the drummer put your basses in the van have you? [/quote] Ha, no way. No one touches my instrument but me. I also put it back in the case in between every set. That's why after years of gigging my basses don't have a mark on them.
  23. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360083433' post='1964592'] I think you're wrong in one point there. I really couldn't care less about what ignorant people think. I will only listen and take to heart the opinion of someone that I judge to be superior to me in knowledge and skill, the rest is just interesting but not important. It's like asking me what I think about some advanced math stuff...I wouldn't have a clue, why should a mathematician care about my theories!? .............. [color=#ff0000] But not everyone has to be a superior musician to have a valid opinion. I don't try to appeal to stupid people either but what makes you think your music appeals to intelligent people? I know smart people who like Lou Reed and Dumb people who like Chick Corea. It's just taste. (To a degree).[/color] ....................... Another thing: stating that you " have gone through that stage" as in " I'm bigger than that" is the same as saying you're still stuck in the same thought pattern as before. ......................................... [color=#ff0000]That's putting words in my mouth. [/color] [color=#ff0000].............................................[/color] There are many different kinds of complexity besides moving your fingers well and fast. And a mature musician should respect simplicity and complexity equally. ..................................... [color=#ff0000]Agreed. [/color] ....................... Why would anyone even care about learning an instrument if music is just feeling? Romantic nonsense. You either can play or you can't and although I hate dream theater there's a reason why people get tired of sitting in a garage playing eight notes, theres a reason why people get tired of playing a major scale. ................. [color=#ff0000]I agree with you on Dream Theater. No songs -- just riffs stuck together. [/color] ....................... Shure music is communication but never forget that the most important person you're communicating with is yourself. .......................... [color=#ff0000]I see the artist as the messenger. If all you care about is yourself, then don;t play for people. That's like painting a picture and putting it in the closet. If that's what you want to do, that's fine. [/color] [color=#ff0000]......................................[/color] People with the desire to grow find different ways to get better while the others just earn money and play cool like Lemmy. Always stuck. ....................................... [color=#ff0000]Disagree completely. Most bands that are just out to make money fail. Lemmy is popular not because he's great and not because he sold out but because he's speaking to an audience and he's honest in how he does it. [/color] [color=#ff0000].....................................[/color] Always poor on the inside, not because they're bad but because they are not artists: they're entertainers. .................................... [color=#ff0000]All great art has entertainment value and all great entertainment has artistic value. Until you learn that you'll never be great at either. [/color] [/quote] ......
  24. Unless your instrument is being thrown in a truck by roadies or in a cargo cabin of a plane, I see no reason to use a hard case. That's one less hand you have to get your gear in and out of the gig in one shot.
  25. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360057969' post='1964025'] As soon as you begin makin music for others you'll have to start compromising hence losin honesty. That's why I can't listen to the radio. All I hear are people begging for money. That's not the way music should be. The population need a better esthetical education. This music doesn't move you the same way fusion doesn't move a hip teenager. Fusion is way better than Justin Biever in every aspect, but this can't be understood by an untrained mind. The same person would also argue that Wagner is worthless to him and in a subjective world that would be valid. That's why Gangnam Style has most clicks...and not anything else. Beacause the general population is ignorant and resents growing. But we cannot judge our moving forward as species on the subjectivities of untrained minds because that would lead us back to the nazis and the inquisition. Same goes for music of course, why not? I can't make music with " the people's taste" in mind. Not if I want to grow. Not if I want to be honest. Not if I love music. And don't forget that this piece (not a song, a song needs a special structure) was made by teenagers, we were inmature and had not much of a clue about music really. Thanks for your feedback, it's very interesting. [/quote] Well, I would take issue with one point -- I don't consider all commercial/popular music to be "compromising." More often than not, when people make music that is condescending to the audience, it doesn't work. And writing a catchy melody is as much of an artistic skill as anything else. Case in point, the Beatles were high art that were also the apex of popularity, as was Beethoven, Monet, Hemingway and Kubrick. I also don't think of complex music as superior. (I went through that stage). I think you're doing yourself a disservice thinking that ignoring what people like and just satisfying your own indulgence as admirable. And remember -- I'm the guy who said you can really play. But it's about using one's skills to communicate one's art. Rule number one of any form of expression, be it writing, music, or filmmaking -- why should the person experiencing it care? If they don't -- it failed.
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