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Everything posted by Lowender

  1. Not anymore. I had a Fodera that sat on a stand for the simple fact that it just didn't work. It didn't work in any band situation. It didn't record well. It felt great but I never used it though couldn't part with it because , well, it's a FODERA! Finally, after many years I figured someone else would appreciate it more and I sold it for twice what I paid for it.
  2. To Silldx I see your point and I agree that in the end, it's about the music. But if someone were a competent player in a great band does that make them a great bassplayer? Or i she just a guy with a great gig who get the job done? That's what I'm talking about. I agree that the song the OP was playing didn't move me, but his playing was great. If this were a songwriting site, I'd have a few criticisms, but I was referring to his bass skills.
  3. The YES Album Motown's Greatest Hits
  4. People go crazy over mediocre players who are famous. This guy is playing his ass off and it's like "Eh, so what." That's human nature for ya.
  5. Dreams work in symbols. The broken bass can mean that's it's useless to you. The "repair" can be the hope of rectifying the situation. The pub can just be a familiar setting where you'd need that tool. As Freud said; "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
  6. Great articulation.
  7. The first ELP album. A jazz bass with Rotos. There was no turning back after that.
  8. [quote name='whimsy23' timestamp='1359667427' post='1958624'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h86AKvPNfPs[/media] [/quote] It's very "rehearsed", that's for sure. And the guy covering it does an excellent job , but is it really technically demanding or just a bunch of fast licks stuck together that would be really hard to memorize? That's the thing with a lot of technical metal. It needs more "songs."
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1359716945' post='1959155'] What's your aim in doing this? Serious question. [/quote] I was thinking the same thing. . Theres are a ton of prog rock that has demanding bass parts. Find a song you like and figure it out
  10. I recognized that the first time I heard Hemispheres. I thought they were just being ironic.
  11. It's however you decide to make music. There's no right or wrong. Personally, I sold my 6 string bass because I felt the extra 4 notes it provided wasn't worth the extra neck thickness. When I want to play in that resister, I pick up the guitar.
  12. No one tone works for all things. There have been guys that have built bands and albums around their tone (Stanley, Chris Squire,Claypool etc) but those tones would not work in other applications. So don't be surprised if you find the ultimate sound and the engineer or bandleader says, "Mmm, what else ya got? "
  13. WHen it comes to electric bass, there's James Jamerson, Paul McCartney, and everyone else.
  14. It's funny hearing some of this stuff again. In many cases, it has not aged well, but it had some great bass that I realize is the foundation for so much of what I do.
  15. It's called being in the mood for something. Get it -- and you'll be in the mood for something else. The only answer is to have it all.
  16. WIth amps, I find something that works and don't think about it. But I've found you can't get every tone with one bass. A Jazz won't sound like a Ric and a Ric won't sound like a P and a Music Man won't sound like a jazz and so on and so on. You don't NEED all those tones but they exist. Oddly enough, I found boutique basses to have the most innocuous tones.
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1359447951' post='1954771'] Nobody has mentioned this guy yet! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x2i7AmCHXM[/media] BTW, Youtube is all things to all people. Anyone expecting to like all of it is simply naive or deluding themselves. [/quote] That guy owns that style of playing, but I can't help but think of it as "music store" chops. When it comes to slapping, it's all been said by Louis Johnson anyway.
  18. If you can play something slow, you'll eventually be able to play it fast.
  19. [quote name='RichF' timestamp='1352932522' post='1869625'] very sorry if this has been posted before - dear god, magic. [media]http://youtu.be/kcMWov0_TAE[/media] [/quote] Eddie is great, but I find his intonation in the upper register a little sketchy at times. Now Scott LaFaro.....
  20. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1359459851' post='1954971'] Reading through the list of names on this thread I can only conclude that every bass player that has ever played with a band is underrated Steve [/quote] LOL True. If you play the right notes at the right time how can you be considered bad?
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1359413036' post='1954525'] And neither of them have sold any way near the records Guiggsy has. So what the actual f*** does it all mean? This subject matter and discussion is all bollocks, there is no more point to it than debating whether King Edwards or oak floorboards is better in blackcurrant blancmange. [/quote] Are we going by sales as the gauge what's good? Well, then I guess that would make McCartney the worlds best bass player. Wait a minute -- HE IS!!!
  22. Unless the bloke is amazing, go with the gal.
  23. This could be a thread in itself but there are a lot of guys who are considered "great" who just don't move me. This may ruffle some feathers, but... I'd give my left leg to have John Patatucci's skills but I can''t think of a 4 measure phase he ever played that was memorable. Victor Wooton -- sorry. He plays some lovely solo stuff but with the band, I don't hear anything particularly interesting. Billy Sheenan -- same thing -- great "tricks" but other than that, he's a rock and roll bass player. Charlie Haden -- he's interesting and musical, but a master? I doubt he could play over the changes of most standards. Steve Swallow -- I think the fact that he's coming from a solid jazz background and decided to go electric and play with a pick makes him unique. He's fine -- just no monster IMO. Cliff Burton -- I like him. And Master of Puppets is a great album. But one of the greats? I think that's a stretch. There are thousands of guys who play as well, they're just not in Metallica ! LOL So a lot of it comes down to WHERE and with WHOM someone plays.
  24. Has anyone mentioned Gary Thain? The song is pure Spinal Tap but Thain is smokin'![media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPOp_Lokm58[/media]
  25. [quote name='soul deluxe' timestamp='1359332834' post='1953301'] another bassist that is imo one of smokin hot gospel bassists that posts on you tube.. unknown, to most people im guessing..? i bet you dale can teach you a little something now with his 2 5 1 chord lesson.. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ThwuJVcyoA[/media] [/quote] Dude's got chops for sure but man he rushes like crazy!
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