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Everything posted by Lowender
Fool for your Loving - Whitesnake - Help
Lowender replied to steantval's topic in General Discussion
Some advice -- as long as you try to figure out basslines and make and read tabs, you'll struggle for the rest of your life. What you need to do is understand what chords you're playing over and the notes within those chords and how they correspond to each other. In other words -- basic theory. Learn the modes. Play them up and down and backwards and sideways. Play some jazz standards and walk over the changes. Once you get good at that, you can rip through a song like that Whitesnake tune without even thinking. He's just playing basic busy rock runs over the chords. If you know the chords, it's childsplay. If you try to memorize the runs, it's calculus. -
[quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1381704844' post='2242750'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG8R9e8KOs4[/media] [/quote] Come on, that's just someone's dad recording his 14 year son's band, right?
[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381766789' post='2243381'] These are the first one's that sprang to mind: [b]Combo:[/b] Pro: All in one unit that's easy to transport. Pro: Simple to use - plug it in and away you go. Con: If the amp or speaker blows then you're stuck. [b]Amp & Cab[/b] Pro: Easy to beg\borrow one part if something should blow. Pro: Easy to add extra cabs if you play larger venues. Con: Two boxes to carry instead of one. Con: Higher price. Con: Need to be connected to each other prior to use. I don't think you can just do a straight pro v con comparison on this though. You need to decide how big the pros and cons are given your needs. Given your budget, I'd say your best bet is going to be a new combo or a used Amp & Cab - take a look in the Marketplace forums and feel free to ask for opinions here on anything that catches your eye. [/quote] Yeah, but it takes 10 seconds to connect a head to a speaker and heads are so small and light these days that they can go in the same bag as your wires. It also offers more options in regard to liking certain speakers and liking certain heads -- which can also result in a savings, depending on what you get.
Interesting jazzy covers of rock or pop tunes?
Lowender replied to Paul S's topic in General Discussion
You can do any song in a swing style. Just walk over the changes and play ding ding a ding on the ride cymbal. But it will probably sound just as lame as those examples. (Though the Metallica piece is a parody and it's brilliant. That guy has a lot of great videos. ) -
I don't understand why, in 2013, anyone would want a combo. They're, in general, much heavier than getting a speaker and a micro head that can go in a gig bag. I use 2 speakers, each with a 12". In that way if it's a really small gig I just need to take one cab and if there are stairs I can do one cab at a time. That makes more sense than lifting a big cab with a built in head attached to it.
[quote name='Mace' timestamp='1381681354' post='2242227'] Have a listen to [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJweUcdPvOQ&list=PLu3rVqgTQ-atjFJ1feQCfpk3KK93-wn0-"]these[/url], ripped them or a similar version to mp3 and makes a rocking album even more - I'm not the author btw, just found them a few years back and still enjoy them now and then [/quote] Nice. All it needs now is reverb. Funny thing, I never thought of Jason as anything special but here's his track to "One" and he can tell it's played quite well with a good groove and an outstanding tone. What was their problem? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfuHxpnijYM[/media]
[quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1381691947' post='2242483'] So he is to be lauded and used as an example to support your argument even though he did a poor job? [/quote] No. I'm saying he showed that it doesn't take long, he just did it sloppily because that seems to be his personality.
[quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1381688857' post='2242394'] Only if the labrador or chimpanzee can validate its concept! [/quote] He's validating himself. Does that give it more merit ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMIBSIBXRFE
[quote name='plumbob' timestamp='1381672480' post='2242043'] Meet my new hero Dave !!! Dont get the wrong idea about this guy , he does know what he is doing , I just think he sometimes loses the will to live with some of the repairs he has to do , bloody hilarious !!! Check out some of the China ebay repais and fretless conversions ! [media]http://youtu.be/GdhCeD9R5qM[/media] [/quote] Ha! Notice -- when he adjusted the neck, he took a look -- gave it a twist -- took a look again. Neck relief complete. Total time 20- seconds. The fact that he didn't use a tuner to check the intonation is appauling. I don't care how great your ears are, they aren't as perfect as a tuner. (Unless you want to do some stretch tuning -- which I do, but I 'd still start with a tuner). Lengthening the screw to correct the flat G string -- 15 seconds. He checked the height of the strings with a card, though some people like the strings the curve of the board or the A or D string a little more raised. Total time -- 40 seconds -- minus the bitching. And by the way...that D is a little sharp.
[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1381686404' post='2242328'] But if it's subjective, who decides that whatever it is is "Total Crap"? This is the problem, innit? I've heard music that I've sincerely thought is some of the worst I've ever heard but other people rave about. Like it or not, everything subjective DOES have value to someone, however terrible or lacking in substance it may seem to you or I. ...Or a labrador or a chimpanzee with a paintbrush up it's arse let loose on a canvas that experts & academics will decide is the work of a genius. If I was working with a tutor & he said my technical execution needed working on then I'd probably listen to him. If he told me my composition needed working on, and I was perfectly happy with what I was composing, then I would probably ignore him as his thoughts on my compositions would be coloured by his own likes & dislikes. (You'll probably disagree with all this as we obviously have fundamentally different mindsets when it comes to music). [/quote] Great post.
[quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1381684105' post='2242275'] It's Take A Pebble from ELP's first album. Here's the "proper" version. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYsgjn82GA[/media] [/quote] If I may digress -- isn't that a lovely bass tone?
[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381671896' post='2242025'] At 12.58 AM, Lowender posted this: At 01:49 AM, Lowender changed this into: At 04:51 (edited 04:52 AM), Lowender followed up with: This is really all the data we need to have. Our brains can do the rest of the legwork... However, just to humour Lowender just slightly: As written before, initially it would be far from me to criticise that performance. I understand and appreciate the context as well as the attempt. I understand the technical requirements to the player. Had I been in the audience, I would have been smiling from ear to ear, and would applaud this with warmth ("warmth" should be in the dictionary, btw, just like "coldth" and "calmth"). However, the clip was used as an example of a type of greatness that would put VW in the shadow. Now, while I do not specifically appreciate VW, or know his work for that matter, the greatness claim was followed by a claim about this performance's musicality. This is where I disagreed, first politely and calmly, and avoiding a discussion of Lowender's way of behaving on an open forum. Then stuff happened, and I felt the need to up it a notch, still trying to avoid a discussion on Lowender, but it was getting very hard at that point, as Lowender virtually pushes his opponents into certain areas. Then more stuff happened, and I felt the bullying (specifically the claim that xilddx lacks Lowender's exquisite capabilities in the ears department) needed to be met. OK. Now for part 2. I do not think my insecurity is the issue here. Not that I do not have insecurities, but I'm always quite open and simplistic about them. I may be lame and weak and all kinds of other ugly things, but all of that would not change the way Lowender tries to rule this thread. As to me being a musician, for reference and clarity purposes, I told about my musical background in my second post in this thread. Yes, I was once a musician, at a semi-international level and within classical and new classical music. Yes, I did teach in music college. I never claim that I am right because of that background, as I'm far too intelligent to say such a stupid thing, but I am sometimes telling people this so they are aware where my texts may stem from. As a bassist, I'm just a noob who can't manage to play something like "Take a Pebble" or other ELP related stuff. This inability however does not guarantee that I am deaf. You know what? It's now 15:40 PM (yes, I know), and ... so far ... nothing! Looking at the whole thread an how it was developing, I disagree, but I will respect your wish and will try to follow that lead. To do that, I could also edit my previous posts, but since that would put others' reaction in a strange light, I think it's best if the posts are left alone. [/quote] Fine. A bit of change of tone but I'll accept it. Truce.
[quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1381673195' post='2242059'] I wasn't confused at all. I think your pattern of arguing is. You're request for him to prove himself, i feel, then saying so far nothing was childish. Tell you what why don't we just get our cocks out and wave them at each other. We can measure afterwards if you like! [/quote] Yeah, you're confused. Seem a little angry too. Not sure why, it's okay though.
[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1381662875' post='2241887'] Let's try to keep the opinions here focused on musicianship rather than each other, eh? I used to be a music critic. True story. And I couldn't have come close to playing any of the music I commented on. That didn't stop me from having an opinion on it as a listener. But it also meant that my opinion was confined to just that - the perspective of a listener, not of a musician who could improve on what I was hearing. One person's meat is another's poison - and never moreso when discussing music and other arts. We all know that. So let's allow a little room for differences of opinion. Here endeth the sermon. [/quote] Absolutely. That's what I've been trying to get across and getting attacked for it. Thank you for putting it so well.
[quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1381650898' post='2241699'] Ouch!..the bully card!...it's just like Big Brother this! How old are you?......14! [/quote] Funny you should say that. I criticized something recently and a member wanted to hear MY music -- which of course is a no win proposition since taste in music is subjective. This is diffirent. Bass Tractor claimed that the performance showed a lack of musicianship so simply performing the same piece more precisely is a valid request. Sorry you were confused by all that.
Baby Come Back -- great tune, great simple groove. (THe drummer provides most of the feel IMO). The bassist was actually just a hobbyist musician who went on to star in the American soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. .
[quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1381634029' post='2241667'] Somebody may have mentioned him here but Lanar Brantley (Lady Ga Ga) is something else. He does his own band too with not so big gigs. I don't do 'really good bass players' (as good its a matter of taste) but this guy is something else. Even on low volume he sounds like an army... Not really my bag but he (to me) is the most outstanding player I have ever heard... [/quote] He may not be flashy but he's a solid pro with a killer groove.
[quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1381631009' post='2241662'] And I'm sure next time anybody reads anything by a critic they will assume it invalid until the critic can prove his or her ability to achieve something of the same level. [/quote] Not analogous. A critic evaluates. That's his job and you can take that for what it's worth. I assume this gentleman is a musician and is claiming the musician in question is inferior. And doing so imperiously. If one makes that claim, I think they should be able to back it up. I said in a previous post I could copy Victors part in that song. And I didn't say it was crap. Bass Tractor is pulling a pure puss move -- attempting to bully me by accusing me of being a bully -- when all I did was state an opinion and never...NEVER did I attack anyone here. Bass Tractor however feels entitled to call me names. It's lame. It's weak. And I'm not buying it. I think he needs to take a deep look at himself and try to understand what his issues might be that makes him so insecure. At any rate, I'm offering him the chance to back up his big words. So far...nothing.
[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381603616' post='2241339'] No, it is not absurd. In case it's an opinon that you do not share. I'm getting the suspicion that the term "a musical performance" simply is understood by you in a different way than it's understood by some others here. In case: many people, myself included, understand it to be a performance that manages to convey something about the composition that is deeper than just the notes. This conveying is normally achieved by choices in micro-timing, tone length, tone volume and sound. The performance in question hardly contains these chosen elements - and certainly no micro-timing. The timing is not governed by the player's musical choices, but by the fingers' lack of ability to reach the frets and string in time. Thus, this is an example of a non-musical performance in that sense. In the unlikely case that the timing in this performance is the player's choice, then he simply is not a very musically gifted person - or rather: he then is virtually music deaf. If you, after this explanation, still maintain that this performance is musical in that sense, then the sad news is that you are not a very musically gifted person, which is quite OK, mind, but it should in case teach you to not attack people on here (like you did with xilddx) for their inability to hear what you hear. In case it's soooo very much the other way round, and I am indeed sorry to feel forced to write this. No joy here. Just a combination of sadness and the will to not allow you to bully us with your unintelligent and uninformed, sweeping statements. Sadly, this thread is very much not the first time you take exactly the same role: of someone who will do anything to not allow other people to provide some correction on your ill-advised "opinions". [/quote] You're probably right. But that's just YOUR opinion. : ) Tell you what, since you're familiar with the piece and the players execution was so void of musicality, record 16 bars of it yourself and let everyone hear how it REALLY should be done. I'll look forward to that -- as I'm sure everyone else will as well.
[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1381560160' post='2240599'] This is essentially the problem I had with the clip. My other main thought was "does this bring anything new, or improve upon, the original piece of music?" and for me personally the answer is a definite "NO". "Take a Pebble" for instance, is (IMO) a beautiful song with some lovely piano work by Emerson, which in this clip has just been reduced to a horrible clanky rattly bass solo with none of the feeling, expression or harmonic content of the original. If you want stand on stage with your cock out then good luck to you, but please don't beat a really nice piece of music to death with it while you're up there. [/quote] That's a valid point -- in regard to the artistic value. Then again, you can say that about 90% of all remakes. Rarely are they as good as the original, it's just a different take. But I wouldn't regard that as a viable "remake" -- more of a demonstration of skill. I think the billiards example is a good one. Or people who do trick athletic moves that wouldn't necessarily work in an actual athletic event. Sure, I don't think I'd want to hear more than one or two tunes performed in that way for personal entertainment purposes. But to say it's just rubbish or the the guy can't play or it's unmusical -- that's just absurd. Even in my OP, I said that Victor was great, he's just not my thing. And when it cam to what he does, I felt the bloke in the vid surpassed Victor at his own game in some ways. Sorry for the confusion.
[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381526110' post='2240457'] Ahh, that's why you were such a long time [/quote] Nice try.
[quote name='risingson' timestamp='1381529923' post='2240515'] Great, massively entertaining! Although as a wise man once said, music isn't entertainment, it's art... [/quote] All art is entertainment and most good entertainment is art.
[quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1381525823' post='2240445'] I suppose it depends on how you see the bass. For me bass players are at their best when they're anchoring the music, supplying depth and timing to the rest of the band, holding that bottom end together and allowing the other instruments to soar. Doesn't have to be staid or boring, can be incredibly ineventive but it's doing a particular job in the ensemble. The point at which I get bored is when a bass player gets to the solo. Most electric bass solos are (to me) just depressing, how fast can you play, how flash can you look and guess what? as everyone else has gone for a fag break it don't matter what you play. So that was meant to be a riff round the 12th fret and you did on 13? Don't matter, nothing else happening, no discords so who's going to know? There are exceptions, you can get the sheet music for this and check his accuracy, I just stand back and gape [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgZ_-f7pVk4[/media] Steve [/quote] Insanely great.
[quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1381510552' post='2240139'] That was jsut him getting the dirt out of his strings to make them sound new. [/quote] That was nice. Don'tt love the sound of Fodera's though.
[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381515985' post='2240259'] That all you could come up with after such a lengthy dump? [/quote] If the shoe fits...