Having played two practices and two gigs with my recently aquired SVT 2 non-pro coupled with an SVT 115 Classic 8 ohm cab and EITHER an Eden David 210 (8 ohm) made at/by Marshall in the UK OR with a Bill Fitzmaurice designed 112 cab (also 8 ohm) containing a high quality driver ( Eminence 3012HO kappalite). Not happy with either combination to be honest. Would I be best to find another SVT115 to match my existing one, or go for either an Ampeg 210, 112 or 212 (if yes, which one?)to give me a better chance of finding my "sound"? Any second cab needs to be an 8 ohm one to run at 4 ohms combined. Ive even run the 210 with the 112 and like that combo even less!! Any advice will be greatfully recieved. Thanks all.