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Everything posted by torby

  1. Northern Ireland will now be treated by Thomann as still in the EU.
  2. I think you’re right, I’m sure there was some kind of “waiving” of those fees for samples, repairs and in some cases gifts 😉(yeah right) for items moving back and forward from countries outside the EU in the past, I would think they would now apply to movement to and from the EU now we’re out. I’d imagine at the minute UPS is tarring everything with a big wide brush.
  3. Had a quick look and didn’t see any threads... whats an ideal gift for the musician in your life? And no! I don’t mean a new bass or combo £££££s something that says I really put some thought into this (or read this forum for hints) what would you like? Something you maybe wouldn’t buy yourself, but something if it was given to you as a gift, you’d really enjoy. preferably music ( bass, guitar, drums, keys, vocals) related I’ll start it off, The Markbass “basskeeper” smaller, lighter than your typical stage guitar stand and can fit in your case... only £17 from Richtone music on eBay....cheap as chips but worth its weight in gold. http://markbass.it/product-detail/bass-keeper/
  4. I know there’s ads for Bassplayers wanted/available on the forums, but do any of the Geordie members have any recommendations to build contacts in Newcastle, covering bands, coverbands, bass players, guitar players etc. Ive seen joinmyband and a few groups on Facebook, but there’s that many permutations and proliferation of names on Facebook, I was just hoping for some help on here from guys actually living and gigging there. thanks 🍻👍
  5. What a guy, Steve went above and beyond the call, when I bought a cab from him, all round nice guy, great comms and as a bonus, he’s handy to a Parcelforce depot if you’re getting something shipped. Thanks Steve for a great transaction, it was a pleasure.
  6. Take a look at Dawson’s NEO system, I think they have (Bose copy) the ideal system for about £300 , 10” sub and 3 section array, they also have a version with two 8” sub unit and it all stores in the back of the sub as well https://www.dawsons.co.uk/neo-acoustics-la28-line-array-pa-with-2x8-inch-sub
  7. I’ve had a look, unfortunately I’m not too well versed in forum use, but is there a way to receive a notification if someone posts a particular item for sale in the “for sale” marketplace section. e.g. Can I set an alert if someone posts an advert for “Markbass” hope that wasnt a stupid question.
  8. Hi there, clutching at straws I know....lol... would you consider splitting and selling just the cab? I’d be happy to arrange carriage etc myself if that works for you. Might help the sale if someone only wanted the CMD121p on its own.... no harm in asking...good luck with the sale 👍
  9. In the process of changing gear and money is tight so I have to do it in stages. I sold my Ashdown 2x10 combo plus my Marshall DSL401 so I’ve about £500 at the moment, when I used the Ashdown, if it was a “big” gig I used an additional Ashdown Tone Man cab 8ohm 250 watt 1x15, which I haven’t sold on yet. my question is, if I buy the Markbass Little Mark III, in the meantime can I use that Ashdown cab until I sell it and other gear to be able to purchase a better cab? I know the Little Mark outputs 300 watt into 8 ohm...would it be safe? Not damage the amp? Or blow the speaker. I know if I needed more bass I can DI into the PA just to get a bit of help if needed. sorry to sound like a noob but it’s better to ask people more knowledgeable when in doubt...lol
  10. UPDATE: as recommended, spoke to Ashdown, fantastic response as people said on here, so they stepped up to the mark, main option was to pop into Ashdown, they’d sort it there and then...then take it home...fantastic service but then the problem of location popped up....so me and the guy had a good laugh about that...genuinely nice guy to talk to....hadn’t heard of that type of problem with that model....so next suggestion , get in touch with retailer for exchange. Past experience, some retailers to be truthful don’t have the player at heart but this time (and I’m happy to name them now) PMT stepped up to the mark, said it’s not good an amp should fail on its first outing, arranged for a new model to be delivered and the faulty one uplifted at the same time...THE NEXT DAY! and as I’ve said, there is a stretch of water involved which usually complicates things and adds to cost as well. So new amp working well and I’m really happy. Apologies to other replies on here, I’ve had a hectic week, our “original” band has just released our first single and video to accompany it, and our covers band has been rehearsing non stop and playing at the same time...3 gigs this weekend coming , one a big outdoor show....so again, apologies for delay in replying and a BIG THANKS to those of you who offered advice, even the lend of gear and especially PMT and ASHDOWN for the fantastic service... heres our video by the way, love it if you could like our page and like and share our video. https://www.facebook.com/EndlessDivision/
  11. Hi T-Bay, thanks for your reply, I’m just worried if I say it’s faulty and they can’t get it to fail will I be stuck on Groundhog Day going back and forth with them not able to find the fault. lozz196, that sounds like a plan as well, it must be an older model as it’s not on the Ashdown site, plus it looks like it was delivered to the retailers warehouse over a year ago, on closer inspection, there seems to be bits where the tolex wasn’t glued properly,a wee tear on the base of the unit and a screw had come out of the corner protection, maybe I’m just looking too closely at it now because of what has happened and I’m just disillusioned....or maybe I’m thinking, this isn’t a new unit and this has happened to the previous buyer ( must check the serial numbers on the box) but if I return it, I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else...I’m just getting paranoid now....lol it did sound great and for £299 was good value...but if reliability is a problem. a few friends at the wedding have said maybe it was a bit of false economy and I should look at MarkBass or something....Spose it could’ve happened because I’ve changed from guitar to bass and the gods are against me.
  12. Ok, bit of a dilemma, purchased brand new from a well known music store (quite a distance away so had to be mail order) an Ashdown Combo 2x10 version 300 watt. On first use (a small wedding gig) after an hour it cut out, no sound, no lights no nothing, vu meter not lighting at all. let it sit for 30 minutes during the break then switched on for second half, played one song and it dies again. so here’s the problem, if I return as”faulty” in my experience I can already see a guy in the warehouse banging out an AC DC tune, sounding great and saying “no problem” , but I already know it will take at least a minimum of an hour before (if even that) the amp switches off again. I play every weekend but I can’t afford to wait a week every time it has to be returned because of an “intermittent” fault that might not show until the third return! as there’s a stretch of water involved in the return and the typical problems with returning gear with “intermittent faults”, “sorry mate could find nothing wrong” am I better returning under the distance selling regulations (yes it will cost me to return probably) and I hate to do that because when it worked, I loved the sound?... get a refund? buy a different amp? or go down the “faulty” route? sadly trust pilot for this firm are a bit of a mixed bag, so there’s no real way of determining how good a company they are. in my situation, what would you be inclined to do? Really a bit of a dilemma. if this is the wrong section, can a mod move please?
  13. I’ve just started bass and I need a combo, car transport for everything so I’m looking for opinions on this combo, small but loud enough. the amp section can be purchased AFAIK on its own for not much less than the combo, so I’m thinking the 2x8 combo would be handy for the typical pub gig...bigger stuff perhaps get a 12” or 15” cab to add on for a fuller sound. any opinions on this combo?
  14. Pete.young: good point, probably not unless you want a quieter instrumental act....lol
  15. Deepbass5: my take on it would be similar, I'm happy with 2 members owning the PA outright, but instead of "hired hands" I would still be happy with a 5 way split of all income, even the "kitty" aspect of things, but as I said, if the kitty builds either to buy a bigger PA or van and someone leaves, through ill health, accident and even to better their playing career I'm uneasy about them losing what they paid into basically what is a savings plan. Gareth: nearly choked on my cornflakes...lol....I thought those days had gone, amps are mic'ed, bass DI'd, bass drum and 4 vocal mics, so I suppose yes, the whole band is through the PA. I think the problem might really be not ownership of the PA as such, or even a kitty for incidentals, but if there is a savings plan for major purchases and a member leaves, they lose all they have contributed. "Hired hand" I love that expression also sounds like a good option. I can also add, the member who thinks the kitty/savings plan and if you leave (for whatever reason) you lose everything you put in.....owns nothing, they borrowed their instruments, a close friend ( other band member ) bought them their backline amp, they hadn't even purchased their own mic, stand etc...so basically has put nothing into the band.
  16. 5 piece band, 2 members own all the PA right down to the stands , mics and cables. For contingency purposes a kitty is suggested, this kitty will no doubt grow and grow, perhaps to purchase a bigger rig or van. One band member has said this is a good idea and if however someone leaves the band....they lose everything in the kitty. DISCUSS....GOOD OR BAD IDEA.
  17. As a guitar player of over 40 years, I've decided to take up bass, this is to work with my son who is playing guitar and a this stage doesn't really have the kudos to snap up a good bass player. I gave it a go originally with a Westfield PB with maple neck, actually quite nice....but my stubby fingers and short spread doesn't really cut it. Reading the forums, I noticed reports on the J&D at only £69...,.so I ordered one. Have to say really impressed and surprised how narrow the neck was, but easy to get on with coming from guitar. I'd read reports of sharp fret edges, but I have to say the model I got didn't have that problem, the string height is quite good as well. I had asked on here about dropping the E to a D to play muse (sons choice) and reviews weren't favourable, but it works. That may be due to the fact I attack the strings like a guitar player and never really had to hit the strings hard, so it works for me. Only problem and that may be due to my playing style as a guitar player, there's a lot of string noise/fretting/handling noise, wasn't noticeable on guitar playing, but this is a different beast, may have to use one of my old noise gates til I learn more. Glad to have taken the first step to be joining the fraternity and will now be my "go to " web site for all the best info. Torby
  18. Am I right in thinking that the Speakon output on these heads are +1 and -1 I know I'm going into a bass cab ( peavey 15" Black widow ) where the positive speaker terminal is +1 and the negative is -1 on the Speakon input. Just want to be sure in case it's a 4 pole Speakon or something. Nothing on the official documentation says anything. Thanks guys!
  19. Ok then here's the deal, I want a new bass combo, funds are limited (around £250) I rather fancy one of the tc electronic range but unfortunately I don't live anywhere near a store that supplies them so it has to be mail order. In my price range I can go for the 15" speaker 12 " speaker 2x8" speakers although in my mind I think that's not the best option.... I want to play a bit of Muse, some Zeppelin, maybe some Rush, Police, basically rock & Blues , I only have to compete with a drummer and guitar player, so would anyone like to share their opinions? Thanks.
  20. I'm surprised you're having difficulty finding a band to join or start. If you have your own gear and transport ( not every band is city based) there are people looking for bass players, keyboard players and drummers. The scene in Northern Ireland went bad a few years ago, basically those of us that played in a 5 piece saw our bands get cut down to 2 piece because venues offering decent gigs dried up ( or didn't want to pay the rate ) . Country music is big here, and there's no shortage of bands doing the circuit. If you want to play something heavier, the south offers more. By the way, pop into Harry Bairds on the shore road and ask, they used to have a notice board....lol....but check out the music shops in Belfast.
  21. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1442299419' post='2865772'] Quite often tickets go on sale on their website muse.mu - try registering on there. I managed to get tickets for the Second Law pre-tour on there. [/quote] Hi Norris, thanks for the reply, unfortunately I missed out registering on the forum in time, so its only Muse followers at muse.mu who will get the presale codes....I suppose I should have asked for someone already registered on that forum that wont be using their presale code....Thanks again for the reply.
  22. Bit of a long shot I know, Muse presale this Wednesday but I'm unfortunately not registered on their website, I have been on here reading for a couple of years so I'm not a newbie just joined trying to work a move....lol I'm trying to get tickets to take my son to the gig in the 3arena in Dublin, double bummer....no one in the family has a 3 phone so no advantage there either. I know I need a presale code to try and get in early for the tickets and the muse website is suggesting users login now and take a note of their code before the servers crash.....blimey....must be big demand expected! I'd be delighted if anyone can help me, I'm not sure to be honest how the presale code works or if you need to know the choice of venue in advance....give me a break. I'm 59 and will be 60 at the time of the gig....lol...it's not like the old days when I got my tickets for Zeppelin in knebworth in '79 Anyway, PM me if you can help with the code etc, I would love to get to the gig in the 3Arena in Dublin
  23. wanting to keep costs to a minimum as I already have the cab and hopefully will pick up a Hartke HA3500 Cab: Marshall JCMA 4x10 loaded with 4 celestion gold back 30 watt spkrs (120 watt) and rated at 16 ohm (Worked great for my guitar) Amp: Hartke HA3500 350W into 4 Ohms, 250W into 8 Ohms failing that I may have to go for a new Amp: Hartke HA2500 250 Watts into 4 Ohms, 180 Watts into 8 Ohms Will it be ok to run into that cabinet? Using my old guitar player logic, I think it should be fine and produce substantially less watts...maybe 100 watts. I appreciate there is quite a difference in bass frequencies...but to be honest I'm cost cutting. Thanks
  24. Hi there, I'm not long on the forum, basically joined for hints, tips and advice. I'm a guitar player ( I'll get my coat now ) of 35 years and have played in various types of bands, Country , Rock, Pop, Covers and I want; now Iv'e stopped gigging; to try and pick up some bass...it's intrigued me for years. Anyway...to the point...as a fellow sweater, the method I used involved the drummer I played with...when he finished smoking his cigarette I would get him slowly to stubb it out on the part of the plectrum I would grip. Picks aren't that expensive, especially if they're past their best...so try it out it may be the solution for you...melted tortured plastic is the way to go [b][color=#ff0000]WARNING :[/color][/b] [b]SMOKING CIGARETTES CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH[/b]...but improve your playing.
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