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Clarky last won the day on November 26 2024

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  1. Hi Geoff, did this sell? If not do you have a precise weight?
  2. Pics from today (bit dark and Mordor like!)
  3. Back up for sale as its just sitting there in bass rack doing nothing, while I am not in a band currently, and I pick up my Wilcock whenever I fancy a noodle. With D'Addario nickel rounds its £800 including post (within UK) or £775 collected from a public space in SW13 London. I can swap the strings for a spendy (cost me £55) and virtually new set of TI short scale flats for an extra £25. My post from November 7 with the Richtone advert has the most comprehensive set of pics (and it's not left the house since I acquired it from them)
  4. My bad, I did some googling and the 1966 to early 70s Mustangs had a 40mm nut width (not a 38mm J width). It was only the CIJ/MIJ reissues that had a J width neck.
  5. The original US Mustangs up until the early 70s and the CIJ/MIJ reissues from the 90s and early 2000s have slimmer necks with a J width nut. From the early/mid 70s the neck profile on US Mustangs became more P like and the JMJ and current US and Mex models emulate the chunkier neck profile.
  6. In case of interest, its easy to darken a rosewood (or similar) board to a more chocolatey colour with this stuff: https://www.montysguitars.com/products/montys-montypresso-relic-wax
  7. It was standard on early 60s Jazz basses. See attached pic
  8. I think this used to be mine, changed hands twice between me and BC'er Jas aka Legion before he sold it in 2014. Wonderful bass which @Lozz196 had a play on once and was smitten, as I recall. GLWYS!
  9. I like the words too, I vote green
  10. Reviving fugly scratchplates, I offer this up from a current eBay ad
  11. Unutterably sad news
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135480626220?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=dh6yuab9sko&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eqlPJw_SSty&var=0&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. If it helps, there are more pics on Walshy's website. Closer to surf green in my eyes as sea foam can often be more blue-tinged green https://www.vintagebassroom.co.uk/basses-1/p/fender-64-jazz-avri-surf-green-1
  14. Oh darn it. Sorry it has started to fall apart. The fact a hard slapper like Lee Rocker plays one made me think its very durable. I just checked website and last price was £6k but also it's "currently unavailable"
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