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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. Colin Greenwood of Radiohead using a 70s Mustang (from his new book of photographs over the course of his career)
  2. You may be right Chris but I am on a downer with music now. Just quit my band and hadn't even used this rig even when gigging
  3. Good lord, £400 collected from car park in front of Barnes Rail Station, SW13 London Was there ever a better deal on BC for an amp with custom made cover, plus parts to convert to standard, DI taming cable, hard case thrown in together with a quality 1x12 cab, with Orange padded cover? Answer: no. Madness
  4. Cut to just £450 collected. Ludicrously bargainaceous
  5. I would alternatively throw in spendy Mono semi-hard gig bag for the same price?
  6. Cut to £675, over a £225 saving on new. Collected only, sorry, as no box
  7. Opening this up for sale again. My neck has deteriorated further and a bass weighing just under 9 pounds definitely does not work for me any more, has to be sub 8 pounds. So up she goes PS, now wearing TI Jazz flats again, as these suit the bass best on my opinion
  8. That's £850, not £8,500. Makes it cheapest Gibson on the forum, lol!
  9. Correction @snorkie635, its down to a multitude of BC legends including the more than 320 lovely folks who donated (yourself included), our friend "Anonymous" who matched donations, the daily reminders from @BassTractor and @SamIAm, Bruce Forsyth obvs, and most of all the Travis family who shared with us all the sheer grit and determination of Iris x
  10. Thank you everyone! Together we raised £8,560 which, with the non JG donation of £35, amounts to a  grand total of £8,595. Most of the funds are already with Andy and the balance will be with him in the next few days.


    Here's to Iris 🥰

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. geoham


      Amazing job!

    3. prowla


      I wouldn't object to Andy buying you a beer from the fund. 🙂

    4. simisker


      Yes - brilliant initiative and work, Clarky, and what a result!  ❤️

  11. Thank you everyone! Together we raised £8,560 which, with the non JG donation of £35, amounts to a grand total of £8,595. Most of the funds are already with Andy and the balance will be with him in the next few days. Here's to Iris 🥰
  12. 2 hours to go, in case anyone wants to lob in a little something to the kitty?
  13. Speak for yourself! I am like Steve Martin at the beginning of The Jerk https://youtu.be/gQRsArUfywc?si=GgnJ2MNhC9ZccuZS
  14. Sorry, hope he gets back ASAP. If he only knew how many people were rooting for Iris ...
  15. I had assumed, given yesterday JG said "1 day left", that the page would close overnight. But it seems it's open until late this evening. So any late donations today will be a Brucey bonus!!!!
  16. A few more pics of Bruce would get us to 32 pages. Albeit they may also cause Andy a new bunch of nightmares!
  17. I just lobbed in a bit more so that, when our Anonymous friend matches, we are at target 😀 ... hope your plumber 'friend' (or AN Other plumber) gets back to you soon Andy so the work can start for Iris Edit: Anonymous has matched ... so £8,500 target achieved woooooo!
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