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Everything posted by LazyLizard

  1. Bloody hell mate ! How the devil are you ? No probs, be nice for a catch up
  2. Some pics [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Ampeg%20SVT2-PRO/IMG_6982_zps8dd609c9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Ampeg%20SVT2-PRO/IMG_7002_zps57735ecf.jpg[/IMG] Noval sockets replaced to High quality Ceramic and Gold. ( not cheapo plastic !) [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Ampeg%20SVT2-PRO/IMG_6996_zpsb5567029.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Ampeg%20SVT2-PRO/IMG_6999_zps293ed4ef.jpg[/IMG] Rest of pics http://s848.beta.photobucket.com/user/lazylizardlabs/library/Ampeg%20SVT2-PRO Nice one Purp. Can't see that happening tho. Steve
  3. Right chaps, Finally decided to let her go for £600, I can't and wont be knocked down any lower than this. So don't PM me about doing that. I been doing this a long time Fully functional, but have'nt had the spare cash to retube it, as I went back to my Boogies about five years ago. Been sitting in my wardrobe since then, just need a full compliment of tubes for the old girl. Probably cost about £250 for the set. I'm not going to push it any further, but I thought I was doing my bit for the community ! If nothing comes of it, I'll have to bite the bullet, get her retubed and put it on Ebay for a grand. What y'all reckon ? Steve
  4. Joe, it certainly is a G&L ! My blonde L2500. Love them to bits, find them the best of all Leo's work put together in one bass. The wah is a build I done for Daz the guitarist in my band, just playing around with different voicings before handing it over. The growl there is straight from a MB-1, with orig Mullard ecc83's. I was lucky enough a few years ago to have a pile of n.o.s. Mullards given to me. Not every day that happens mind !!
  5. Awesome stuff lads !
  6. Some rig incarnations [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_7877_zpsfde6786a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_6179_zpsb48aa03d.jpg[/IMG] Current rig [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_5834_zps25b9c7cf.jpg[/IMG] Steve
  7. A little bit of fun ! [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_3756_zpsf252ba69.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_3754_zps94b41023.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_3752_zpsfdecac48.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_3750_zps8af0098d.jpg[/IMG] And my giggin one (minus the ass blaster !) [IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/lazylizardlabs/Bass%20Stuff/IMG_3979_zpseb5e0f69.jpg[/IMG] Steve
  8. Nice one for the offer Paddy, but I want more low end out of one cab.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360325707' post='1968593'] And many were called, but few got up. [/quote] I blame the Green, Green Grass of home........
  10. Pt.2 [media]http://youtu.be/8Dh5YW6i4X0[/media] - recording some drum tracks in my new house ( before ripping it to bits !) and if you're really interested, heres our first album on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/i-scream-for-crow/id458788613
  11. Hey Chaps, Anyone got any youtube vids of their playing ? Found a couple of my band n stuff, Studio stuff / rehearsal stuff. Have a look if you want, Pt.1 [media]http://youtu.be/dz_tv-GjT6I[/media] - ruffin' out a bit of a riff.. [media]http://youtu.be/acWeetv53VA[/media] - Some EP recording down my mate Tim's Peace y'all, and have a most excellent low end weekend Best, Steve
  12. Top work Skol !! Just added a ruff track to the BC page. Not so much band stuff, just an outlet for boredom I suppose !!! https://soundcloud.com/mrresistor Bass lines havent been edited, ( some glaringly bad mistakes, but what the hell..)just pretty much live played, in the notion of one day going back to arrange / sort them out tidy............ Have a listen, see what you think.
  13. Have a check at my lot if you get a chance www.facebook.com/iscreamforcrow www.iscreamforcrow.com Currently tracking for our second album ! Steve
  14. Welcome Bottom end brother !!!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360156521' post='1965712'] So you're well flush, then..? Sorry. [/quote] HA ! I wish !! I left myself totally open for that There's loads on here from South Wales 'Eh ? I think it was down to the overload of friggin' widdly guitarists taking over the country back in the late 80's early 90's. The south wales valleys were a little known sanctuary from all of this many fell by the wayside, but many stayed......... Cheers fellas, looking forward to getting into the forum
  16. Mate, if the other buyer falls through, let me know ASAP !
  17. Right then chaps, Got up on the right side today, Been swamped with PM's regarding selling it. So, I decided to put her up for sale instead of a swap. Was offered £700, but they guy wanted to pay over a year. Normally I'd have done it, but I gots to get me some cash for my Eden pre. So first offer of £600 gets it !! And, youll be a right jammy bugger getting one of these for that type of coin !! Best, Steve
  18. Right, hada load of PM's regarding this for sale, and, being as I got up on the right side of the bed, I've decided to let her go for £350. What y'all think ?
  19. Mesa Boogie Bass 400+. Simple as. All others, are just false imitators.......
  20. Anything by Trashdown. and I mean ANYTHING !!!! Effin' rubbish. I've repaired quite a few of them gimmicky little shitbags, To the point now, where I don't even bother wasting time. Shockingly bad.
  21. Hello Chaps, As it says, I'm after a trade for my SWR Goliath Snr 6x10, for your SWR Big Ben 1x18. Going for a total change of tone, more Dubby stuff now The 6x10 comes with a fully fitted flightcase, But most of its life, It's been out of it. Any takers ? Best, Steve
  22. Mark, I'm well up for it. However, I got to get some coin for my SVT first. Serious tho, I'll get u a deposit if u want. Regards, Steve
  23. Cheers fellas ! From the Port Toilet Valleys
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